Eternity is said not to be an extension of time but an absence of time.


What is enternity?

What kind of traits can be qualified as eternity?

There are few things that can stand the test of time, time will eventually kill us, and all our physical existence would be eliminated by it.

However, if we can have an artistic or philosophical or scientic creation that can withstand the test of time, then we have come as close to eternity as possible.

And by the way, time is the perpetual enemy of eternity, but the experience of time can make it endure a little longer when the time flies.

A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.


From Baltasar Gracian.

Someone has said that the value of a man can be estimated by his enemies as well as his friends, and we could learn a lot through our fights against our enemies.

Just like coding for the actual engineering projects, our programs would be continually challenged by numberous problems, some may be resulted from our algorithms, some from the environmental factors, and some of them may be very difficult to solve.

Sometimes, after experiencing many times of failing trials, we may be at the very point of giving up.

But we know once giving up, we will never have the possibility to work it out and that means all our past endeavors would be in vain.

We can't fail like this.

Just keep on trying, even if there is no perfect solution, we can still work out some temporary measures and ensure the project can be completed on the committed timeline.

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