描述:扔n个骰子,向上面的数字之和为 S 。给定 Given n,请列出所有可能的 S 值及其相应的概率。

样例:给定n=1,返回 [ [1, 0.17], [2, 0.17], [3, 0.17], [4, 0.17], [5, 0.17], [6, 0.17]]


 public class Solution {
* @param n an integer
* @return a list of Map.Entry<sum, probability>
public List<Map.Entry<Integer, Double>> dicesSum(int n) {
// Write your code here
// Ps. new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, Double>(sum, pro)
// to create the pair
List<Map.Entry<Integer, Double>> list = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Integer,Double>>(5 * n + 1);
Double pro = 0.0;
double total = Math.pow(6, n);
double conditions = 0;
HashMap<String,Double> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
for(int i = n;i <= 6 * n;i++){
pro = 0.0;
conditions = findCombs(i, n,hashMap);
pro = conditions / total;
list.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer, Double>(i,pro));
return list;
} public static double findCombs(int num,int n,HashMap<String, Double>hashMap){
double total = 0;
String key = String.valueOf(num) + "," + String.valueOf(n);
return hashMap.get(key);
} if(num <= 0){
if(n >= 1)
total = 0;
total = 1;//0 个骰子得到0 是可以的
//num >0
if(n < 1){
total = 0;
else if(n == 1){
if(num > 6)
total = 0;
total = 1;
int ceil = num <= 6 ? num : 6;
for(int i = 1;i <= ceil;i++){
total += findCombs(num-i, n-1,hashMap);
hashMap.put(key, total);
return total;


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