Swift - EasingAnimation绘制圆环动画




// CircleView.swift
// Swift-Animations
// Created by YouXianMing on 16/8/16.
// Copyright © 2016年 YouXianMing. All rights reserved.
// import UIKit // MARK: Public class : CircleView class CircleView: UIView { // MARK: Convenience init. convenience init(frame: CGRect, lineWidth : CGFloat, lineColor : UIColor, clockWise : Bool, startDegree : CGFloat) { self.init(frame : frame)
self.lineWidth = lineWidth
self.lineColor = lineColor
self.clockWise = clockWise
self.startDegree = startDegree
} // MARK: Properties. /// Line width, default is 1.0.
var lineWidth : CGFloat { get { if pLineWidth <= { return } else {return pLineWidth}}
set(newVal) { pLineWidth = newVal}
} /// Line color, default is black color.
var lineColor : UIColor { get { if pLineColor == nil { return UIColor.blackColor()} else {return pLineColor}}
set(newVal) { pLineColor = newVal}
} /// Clock wise or not, default is true.
var clockWise : Bool = true /// Start degrees (0° ~ 360°), default is 0.
var startDegree : CGFloat = // MARK: Methods. /**
Make the config effective, when you set all the properties, you must run this method to make the config effective.
func makeEffective() { let size = bounds.size
let radius = size.width / 2.0 - lineWidth / 2.0 var tmpStartAngle : CGFloat
var tmpEndAngle : CGFloat if clockWise == true { tmpStartAngle = -radianFromDegrees( - startDegree)
tmpEndAngle = radianFromDegrees( + startDegree) } else { tmpStartAngle = radianFromDegrees( - startDegree)
tmpEndAngle = -radianFromDegrees( + startDegree)
} let circlePath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: CGPointMake(size.height / , size.width / ),
radius: radius, startAngle: tmpStartAngle, endAngle: tmpEndAngle, clockwise: clockWise)
pCircleLayer.path = circlePath.CGPath
pCircleLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clearColor().CGColor
pCircleLayer.strokeColor = lineColor.CGColor
pCircleLayer.lineWidth = lineWidth
pCircleLayer.strokeEnd =
} /**
Stroke start animation. - parameter value: StrokeStart value, range is [0, 1].
- parameter easingFunction: Easing function enum value.
- parameter animated: Animated or not.
- parameter duration: The animation's duration.
func strokeStart(value : Double, easingFunction : EasingFunction, animated : Bool, duration : NSTimeInterval) { var strokeStartValue = value if strokeStartValue <= { strokeStartValue = } else if strokeStartValue >= { strokeStartValue =
} if animated == true { let easingValue = EasingValue(withFunction: easingFunction, frameCount: Int(duration * 60.0))
let keyAnimation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "strokeStart")
keyAnimation.duration = duration
keyAnimation.values = easingValue.frameValueWith(fromValue: Double(pCircleLayer.strokeStart), toValue: strokeStartValue) pCircleLayer.strokeStart = CGFloat(strokeStartValue)
pCircleLayer.addAnimation(keyAnimation, forKey: nil) } else { CATransaction.setDisableActions(true)
pCircleLayer.strokeStart = CGFloat(strokeStartValue)
} /**
Stroke end animation. - parameter value: StrokeEnd value, range is [0, 1].
- parameter easingFunction: Easing function enum value.
- parameter animated: Animated or not.
- parameter duration: The animation's duration.
func strokeEnd(value : Double, easingFunction : EasingFunction, animated : Bool, duration : NSTimeInterval) { var strokeStartValue = value if strokeStartValue <= { strokeStartValue = } else if strokeStartValue >= { strokeStartValue =
} if animated == true { let easingValue = EasingValue(withFunction: easingFunction, frameCount: Int(duration * 60.0))
let keyAnimation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
keyAnimation.duration = duration
keyAnimation.values = easingValue.frameValueWith(fromValue: Double(pCircleLayer.strokeEnd), toValue: strokeStartValue) pCircleLayer.strokeEnd = CGFloat(strokeStartValue)
pCircleLayer.addAnimation(keyAnimation, forKey: nil) } else { CATransaction.setDisableActions(true)
pCircleLayer.strokeEnd = CGFloat(strokeStartValue)
} // MARK: Private value & func & system method. override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame)
pCircleLayer = CAShapeLayer()
pCircleLayer.frame = bounds
} required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
} private var pCircleLayer : CAShapeLayer!
private var pLineWidth : CGFloat! =
private var pLineColor : UIColor! = UIColor.blackColor() private func radianFromDegrees(degrees : CGFloat) -> CGFloat { return (CGFloat(M_PI) * degrees) / 180.0

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