


Given positive integers B and N, find an integer A such that AN is as close as possible to B. (The result A is an approximation to the Nth root of B.) Note that AN may be less than, equal to, or greater than B.

Input: The input consists of one or more pairs of values for B and N. Each pair appears on a single line, delimited by a single space. A line specifying the value zero for both B and N marks the end of the input. The value of B will be in the range 1 to 1,000,000 (inclusive), and the value of N will be in the range 1 to 9 (inclusive).

Output: For each pair B and N in the input, output A as defined above on a line by itself.

4 3
5 3
27 3
750 5
1000 5
2000 5
3000 5
1000000 5
0 0


 /*问题 输入正整数b和n,找到一个正整数a满足a^n最靠近b
解题思路 a^n=b,那么a等于b的算数n次方根,即b的1/n次方等于a, 比较a^n和(a+1)^n谁更接近b */
int main()
double b,n;
int a;
while(scanf("%lf%lf",&b,&n),b+n != )
if(b-pow(a,n) < pow(a+,n)-b)
return ;

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