The keyword format is either of the following:
__attribute__((attribute1, attribute2, ...))
__attribute__((__attribute1__, __attribute2__, ...))
For example:
void * Function_Attributes_malloc_0(int b) __attribute__((malloc));
static int b __attribute__((__unused__));
The following table summarizes the available function attributes.

Table 9-3 Function attributes that the compiler supports, and their equivalents

Function attribute Non-attribute equivalent
__attribute__((alias)) -
__attribute__((always_inline)) __forceinline
__attribute__((const)) __pure
__attribute__((constructor[(priority)])) -
__attribute__((deprecated)) -
__attribute__((destructor[(priority)])) -
__attribute__((format_arg(string-index))) -
__attribute__((malloc)) -
__attribute__((noinline)) __declspec(noinline)
__attribute__((no_instrument_function)) -
__attribute__((nomerge)) -
__attribute__((nonnull)) -
__attribute__((noreturn)) __declspec(noreturn))
__attribute__((notailcall)) -
__attribute__((pcs("calling_convention"))) -
__attribute__((pure)) -
__attribute__((section("name"))) -
__attribute__((unused)) -
__attribute__((used)) -
__attribute__((visibility("visibility_type"))) -
__attribute__((weak)) __weak
__attribute__((weakref("target"))) -


You can set these function attributes in the declaration, the definition, or both. For example:
void AddGlobals(void) __attribute__((always_inline));
__attribute__((always_inline)) void AddGlobals(void) {...}
When function attributes conflict, the compiler uses the safer or stronger one. For example, __attribute__((used)) is safer than __attribute__((unused)), and __attribute__((noinline)) is safer than __attribute__((always_inline)).

1. __attribute__((alias))



#include <stdio.h>
void foo(void)
printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
void bar(void) __attribute__((alias("foo")));
void gazonk(void)
bar(); // calls foo

2. __attribute__((always_inline))




static int max(int x, int y) __attribute__((always_inline));
static int max(int x, int y)
return x > y ? x : y; // always inline if possible

3. __attribute__((const))



int Function_Attributes_const_0(int b) __attribute__((const));
int Function_Attributes_const_0(int b)
int aLocal=;
aLocal += Function_Attributes_const_0(b);
aLocal += Function_Attributes_const_0(b);
return aLocal;



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