the simmon effect(in psychology) :build the function of subject_information(modify the experiment programme),before we begin the experiment
#the real experiment for simon effect
#load the library which is our need
import pygame
import sys
import random
from pygame.locals import * #creat the subject information function
def sub_info():
sub_ID = input("please input your number: ")
sub_name = input("please input your name: ")
sub_male = input("please input your male: ")
sub_age = input("please input your age: ")
return sub_ID, sub_name,sub_male,sub_age
#the variable result will be a tuple
result = sub_info()
#turn the tuple to a list
result = list(result) pygame.init()
win = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600),DOUBLEBUF|HWSURFACE)
left = (200,300)
right = (600,300)
red =(255,0,0)
blue = (0,0,255)
black = (0,0,0) #wait for the pressed key def wait4key(duration,key_list):
"""the function is to wait for subject to press the right key , and the experient will continue untill the\
subject press the key
duration : the time which is the subject wait to press the key ,if the time is too long ,the experiment will\
continue automaticly.
key_list: the key which the subject need to press to continue the experiment, and the key_list must \
be a list such as [K_A,K_/]""" fake_bool =False
time_out = False #empty the event before
pygame.event.clear() #use for count the time
start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() #if the subject does not press the right key, he will in the while loop all the time untill the duration is exhausted
while not (fake_bool or time_out):
end_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()
#if the duration is too long , the experiment will continue
if end_time - start_time > duration:
time_out = True
#if subject press the right key ,the experimet will continue
for i in pygame.event.get():
if i.type ==KEYDOWN:
if i.key in key_list:
#prepare for the result of the function
response_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()
key_name =
#if has the right key ,the loop will quit
fake_bool = True
#in the end, if subject press the key ,we will collect the time , and the name of the key
if fake_bool:
return start_time, response_time, key_name
#the purpose of the next line is stay the same with the result
return start_time, None, None #experiment for 10 times #creat the list
#L mean left ,R mean right , RE mean the color red, BL mean the color blue
lis = [ ["L","RE","Z"],
["R","BL","/"]] #creat a function to ran one trial
def one_trial_list(pars):
#the parameters must be a list which contains the location, color ,right response of the stimuli and the the sequence of the element of parameters should not change"""
global left
global right
global red
global blue
global black
if loc =="L":
pos = left
if loc =="R":
pos = right
if col =="BL":
color = red
if col == "RE":
color = blue win.fill(black),color,pos,20,0)
result1 = wait4key(2000,[K_z,K_SLASH])
#turn the result1 which is the result of the wait4key function to a list
result1 = list(result1)
print(result + result1) #random our lis which contains four trails
lis1 = lis*2
random.shuffle(lis1) #run four trials
for i in lis1:
one_trial_list(i) #when one trail end ,fill the window black again
the function sub_info is the function which is added based on the last experiment programme
the result is
we also change the print result
what we need to pay attention is that:
we turn the result such as result1,result to a list and then compile them to a single list ,then print it
the simmon effect(in psychology) :build the function of subject_information(modify the experiment programme),before we begin the experiment的更多相关文章
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