
你需要将他们合并为一个新的二叉树。合并的规则是如果两个节点重叠,那么将他们的值相加作为节点合并后的新值,否则不为 NULL 的节点将直接作为新二叉树的节点。

struct TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode *left;
TreeNode *right;
TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
}; class Solution {
TreeNode * mergeTrees(TreeNode* t1, TreeNode* t2) {
if (t1 == NULL && t2 == NULL)
return NULL;
if (t1 == NULL)
t2->left = mergeTrees(t1, t2->left);
t2 ->right = mergeTrees(t1, t2->right);
return t2;
else if (t2 == NULL)
t1 ->left = mergeTrees(t1 ->left, t2);
t1 ->right = mergeTrees(t1 ->right, t2);
return t1;
t1->val = t1->val + t2->val;
t1 ->left = mergeTrees(t1->left, t2->left);
t1 ->right = mergeTrees(t1->right, t2->right);
return t1;

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