基于SILVACO ATLAS的a-IGZO薄膜晶体管二维器件仿真(02)
go atlas mesh width=180 outf=tftex10_1.str master.out x.m l=0 s=0.25
x.m l=40 s=0.25
y.m l=0 s=0.0005
y.m l=0.06 s=0.0005
y.m l=0.41 s=0.005 region num=1 material=igzo y.min=0 y.max=0.06
region num=2 material=sio2 y.min=0.06 y.max=0.11
region num=3 material=al2o3 y.min=0.11 y.max=0.41 elec num=1 name=gate bottom
elec num=2 name=source y.max=0.0 x.min=0.0 x.max=5.0
elec num=3 name=drain y.max=0.0 x.min=35.0 x.max=40.0
#contact num=1 n.ploy
#contact num=1 all
#contact num=1 workf=4.33
#contact name=gate n.ploy
contact num=2 workf=4.33
contact num=3 workf=4.33 save outf=tft.str
tonyplot tft.str quit
go atlas mesh x.m l=0 s=0.5
x.m l=40 s=0.5
y.m l=0 s=0.001
y.m l=0.06 s=0.001
y.m l=0.36 s=0.01 region num=1 material=igzo y.min=0 y.max=0.06
region num=2 material=sin y.min=0.06 y.max=0.36 elec num=1 name=gate y.min=0.36 y.max=0.36 x.min=0.0 x.max=40.0
elec num=2 name=source y.min=0.0 y.max=0.0 x.min=0.0 x.max=5.0
elec num=3 name=drain y.min=0.0 y.max=0.0 x.min=35.0 x.max=40.0 save outf=tft.str contact name=gate n.poly
interface qf=3e10
contact num=2 workf=4.33
contact num=3 workf=4.33 tonyplot tft.str quit
tftex12.in : Insulator Trap Induced Measurement Sweep Hysterisis
# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2019 go athena
line x loc=0 spac=1
line x loc=6 spac=0.8
line x loc=7 spac=0.05
line x loc=12 spac=0.05
line x loc=13 spac=0.8
line x loc=19 spac=1 line y loc=0 spac=0.5
line y loc=0.1 spac=0.5
init oxide deposit aluminum thick=0.05 div=1
etch aluminum start x=6 y=-0.1
etch cont x=7 y=0
etch cont x=12 y=0
etch done x=13 y=-0.1
electrode name=source x=1
electrode name=drain x=18 deposit material=IGZO thick=0.02 div=15 dy=0.002
etch material=IGZO left p1.x=2
etch material=IGZO right p1.x=17 deposit oxide thick=0.1 div=10 deposit titanium thick=0.1 divisions=1
etch titanium left p1.x=6
etch titanium right p1.x=12.5
etch above p1.y=-0.15
electrode name=gate x=9.5
structure outfile=tftex12_0.str
tonyplot tftex12_0.str -set tftex12_0.set go atlas mesh inf=tftex12_0.str width=140
set measurementtime=0.0001 doping material=IGZO donor concentration=5e17 uniform material material=IGZO nc300=5e18 nv300=5e18 eg300=3.1 mun0=15 mup0=0.1 \
affinity=4.16 permittivity=10 me.tunnel=0.01
material material=oxide permittivity=3.9 models srh fldmob print trap.tunnel ^trap.coulombic mass.tunnel=0.1 bbt.std
contact name=gate n.poly
contact name=source workfunc=4.16+0.17
contact name=drain workfunc=4.16+0.17
#功函数要加一下??? defects material=IGZO tfile=tftex12.dat sigtde=1e-12 sigtdh=1e-12 sigtae=1e-12 \
sigtah=1e-12 wtd=0.12 ntd=1.55e20 nta=2e18 wta=0.085 wgd=0.4 egd=2.9 \
ngd=6.5e16 nga=4e15 ega=1 wga=0.5 siggde=1e-12 siggdh=1e-12 \
siggae=1e-12 siggah=1e-10 inttrap e.level=0.4 acceptor density=1.0e12 s.x degen=4 sign=1.0e-13 \
sigp=1.0e-14 heiman depth=0.004 hpoints=10
method climit=1e-4
output con.band val.band
solve init
solve previous
log outf=tftex12_0.log
solve vdrain=0 vstep=0.1 vfinal=1 name=drain
solve vstep=0.5 vfinal=5 name=drain log outf=tftex12_1.log
solve vfinal=15 vstep=0.2 name=gate timespan=$measurementtime
save outf=tftex12_1.str
extract name="Vth" x.val from curve(v."gate", i."drain") where y.val=1e-5
extract name="Ion" y.val from curve(abs(v."gate"),abs(i."drain")) where x.val=14
log off log outf=tftex12_2.log
solve vfinal=0 vstep=-0.2 name=gate timespan=$measurementtime
log off tonyplot tftex12_1.log -overlay tftex12_2.log -set tftex12_1.set
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