•        Python : 3.7.0
  •          OS : Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
  •         IDE : PyCharm 2018.2.4
  •       Conda : 4.5.11
  •    typesetting : Markdown


  1. coder@Ubuntu:~$ source activate py37
  2. (py37) coder@Ubuntu:~$ ipython
  3. Python 3.6.5 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Apr 29 2018, 16:14:56)
  4. Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
  5. IPython 6.4.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
  6. In [1]: import os
  7. In [2]: os.getcwd()
  8. Out[2]: '/home/coder'
  9. In [3]: cd /home/coder/
  10. /home/coder
  11. In [4]: ls -a
  12. ./ Documents/ .mozilla/ .python_history
  13. ../ Downloads/ .mplayer/ .shutter/
  14. anaconda3/ examples.desktop Music/ snap/
  15. .bash_history .gconf/ .pam_environment .sogouinput/
  16. .bash_logout get-fonts.sh* Pictures/ .sudo_as_admin_successful
  17. .bashrc get-fonts.sh.zip .pki/ Templates/
  18. .byobu/ .gnome2/ .presage/ .thumbnails/
  19. .cache/ .gnupg/ .profile .thunderbird/
  20. .conda/ .ICEauthority Public/ ubuntu_software/
  21. .config/ .ipython/ .PyCharm2018.2/ Videos/
  22. .dbus/ .java/ pycharm-2018.2.4/ .vscode/
  23. Desktop/ .local/ PycharmProjects/ .xinputrc
  24. In [5]: os.listdir(os.curdir)
  25. Out[5]:
  26. ['.presage',
  27. '.sogouinput',
  28. 'snap',
  29. '.ipython',
  30. '.PyCharm2018.2',
  31. '.vscode',
  32. 'Pictures',
  33. '.dbus',
  34. '.xinputrc',
  35. 'Downloads',
  36. '.conda',
  37. 'get-fonts.sh.zip',
  38. 'Videos',
  39. '.local',
  40. 'ubuntu_software',
  41. '.mplayer',
  42. '.thunderbird',
  43. '.mozilla',
  44. 'examples.desktop',
  45. '.bash_logout',
  46. '.gconf',
  47. 'Music',
  48. '.byobu',
  49. '.gnupg',
  50. 'Desktop',
  51. 'pycharm-2018.2.4',
  52. '.bash_history',
  53. '.sudo_as_admin_successful',
  54. '.config',
  55. 'Templates',
  56. '.bashrc',
  57. 'get-fonts.sh',
  58. '.python_history',
  59. 'PycharmProjects',
  60. 'Public',
  61. '.pam_environment',
  62. '.profile',
  63. '.shutter',
  64. '.thumbnails',
  65. '.cache',
  66. 'Documents',
  67. '.pki',
  68. '.java',
  69. 'anaconda3',
  70. '.gnome2',
  71. '.ICEauthority']
  72. In [6]: os.listdir(os.pardir) # 上一级工作目录有啥
  73. Out[6]: ['lost+found', 'coder']
  74. In [7]: exit
  75. (py37) coder@Ubuntu:~$ source deactivate
  76. coder@Ubuntu:~$

more knowledge

  • 在执行os.listdir(os.pardir)后,看到['lost+found', 'coder'],有疑惑了。lost+found是啥?
  • lost+found目录的文件通常是未链接的文件(名字以及被删除),这些文件还被一些进程使用(数据没有删除),在系统突然关机时(内核panic或突然断电)出现。这些文件系统会删除的,你不需要担心[1]



  • [1] blog.csdn.net/hu_wen/article/details/70084267
  • [2] www.ttlsa.com/linux/lostfound-description


  • [文档] docs.python.org/3
  • [规范] www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008
  • [规范] zh-google-styleguide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/google-python-styleguide/python_language_rules
  • [源码] www.python.org/downloads/source
  • [ PEP ] www.python.org/dev/peps
  • [平台] www.cnblogs.com
  • [平台] gitee.com





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