题意:给你n行长度为m的01串(n<15,m<100) 。每次只能走一步,要将所有的1变为零,问最少的步数,注意从左下角开始,每次要将一层清完才能走到上一层,每次只有在第一列或者最后一列才能往上走一层,否则只能左右移动。




using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int maxn = 2e5 + ;
int m, n, len;
int dp[][];//清完i层回到最左0右1 所需的min
int far[][];//每层楼离左0右1 最远的灯
int no[];
int main() {
while (cin >> n >> m) {
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++) {//从顶层开始输入
string s;
cin >> s;
len = s.length();
int j;
int ok = ;
for (j = ; j < len - ; j++) if (s[j] == '') { far[n + - i][] = len - j; break; } for (j = len - ; j > ; j--)if (s[j] == '') { far[n + - i][] = j + ; break; }
for (j = ; j < len; j++) { if (s[j] == '') ok = ; }
if (ok == )far[n + - i][] = , far[n + - i][] = , no[n + - i] = ;
if (no[]) far[][] = ;//floor 1 no lamp
dp[][] = len - ; dp[][] = far[][] * - ;//wa这儿了,忘记考虑只有1层,应该改far
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++) {
for (int j = ; j <= ; j++)dp[i][j] = maxn;
dp[i][] = min(max(, dp[i - ][] + far[i][] * - ), dp[i - ][] + len);
dp[i][] = min(max(, dp[i - ][] + far[i][] * - ), dp[i - ][] + len);
} //1st floor start from left,
int k = n;
while (no[k])k--; int ans = min(dp[k - ][] + far[k][], dp[k - ][] + far[k][]);
if (k == ) {
far[][]--; ans = far[][];
cout << ans << endl;
cin >> n;

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