题意:给你中序后序 求某叶子节点使得从根到该节点权值和最小。若存在多个,输出其权值最小的那个。


技巧:递归传参数,l1,r1,l2,r2, sum,root,


#include "stdio.h"
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1e4+;
string line; int n;
int a[maxn],in_order[maxn],post_order[maxn];
int lch[maxn], rch[maxn];
int mn,best;
bool read_list(int *a) {
if (!getline(cin, line)) return false;
stringstream ss(line);
n = ;
int x;
while (ss >> x)a[n++] = x;
return n > ;
int build(int l1, int r1, int l2, int r2) {//将中序l1,r1 将后序l2,r2 建成一棵树,返回树根
if (l1 > r1)return ;
int root = post_order[r2];
int p = l1;
while (in_order[p] != root)p++;
int cnt = p - l1;
lch[root] = build(l1, p - , l2, l2 + cnt - );
rch[root] = build(p + , r1, l2 + cnt, r2 - );
return root;
void dfs(int u, int sum) {
sum += u;
if (!lch[u] && !rch[u]) if (sum < mn || (sum == mn&&u < best)) {best = u; mn = sum;}
if (lch[u])dfs(lch[u], sum);
if (rch[u])dfs(rch[u], sum);
int main() {
while (read_list(in_order)) {
build(, n - , , n - );
mn = 1e9;
dfs(post_order[n - ], );
cout << best << "\n";
} //system("pause");

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