thinkphp 3.2 多表查询 group
$res = M('member')
->table('__MEMBER__ as a')
->join('__ORDER__ as b')
->field(',b.order_sn,count( as total')
->where('b.receive_member_id =')
->order('total desc')
->limit($page->firstRow, $page->listRows)
1. $res = M('member') ,$res = M('member a') ,$res = M('member as a') 意思相同
2.$res = M('member')->table('__MEMBER a') , $res = M('member')->table('__MEMBER as a') 相同
$res = M('member_attest')
->table('__MEMBER_ATTEST__ a')
->join('__MEMBER__ b')
->join('__ORDER__ c')
->field(',a.member_id,a.real_name,a.rank,,count( as total')
->where('c.receive_member_id = and = a.member_id')->group('')
->order('total desc')
->limit($page->firstRow, $page->listRows)
$res = M('member_attest')
->table('__MEMBER_ATTEST__ a')
->join('__MEMBER__ b ON = a.member_id')
->join('__ORDER__ c')
->field(',a.member_id,a.real_name,a.rank,,count( as total')
->where('c.receive_member_id =')->group('')
->order('total desc')
->limit($page->firstRow, $page->listRows)
效果一样,join里面也可以不用带 on ,查询条件可以全部放到where里面
$res = M('member_attest')
->table('__MEMBER_ATTEST__ a,__MEMBER__ b')
->where('a.member_id =')
$res = M('member_attest a')
->join('__MEMBER__ b')
->where('a.member_id =')
$res = M('member_attest a')
->join('__MEMBER__ b ON a.member_id =')
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