vulcanjs schemas&& collections
从上图我们可以方便的看出schmea 能做的事情
- Generate a GraphQL equivalent of your schema to control your GraphQL API.(生成 graphql api)
- Control permissions for accessing and modifying data.(访问控制)
- Generate forms on the client.(client 以及表单生成)
- Validate form contents on submission.(数据校验)
- Auto-generate paginated, searchable datatables.(自动生成分页,查询)
- Auto-generate smart cards for displaying individual documents.(智能卡生成)
- Add callbacks on document insert or edit.(数据添加,编辑时候的回掉)
- schema
类似graphql-yogo 以及graphql-js 的schema 定义
const schema = {
// default properties
_id: {
type: String,
optional: true,
canRead: ["guests"]
createdAt: {
type: Date,
optional: true,
canRead: ["guests"],
onCreate: ({ newDocument, currentUser }) => {
return new Date();
userId: {
type: String,
optional: true,
canRead: ["guests"],
resolveAs: {
fieldName: "user",
type: "User",
resolver: (movie, args, context) => {
return context.Users.findOne(
{ _id: movie.userId },
fields: context.Users.getViewableFields(
addOriginalField: true
// custom properties
name: {
label: "Name",
type: String,
optional: true,
canRead: ["guests"],
canCreate: ["members"],
canUpdate: ["members"]
year: {
label: "Year",
type: String,
optional: true,
canRead: ["guests"],
canCreate: ["members"],
canUpdate: ["members"]
review: {
label: "Review",
type: String,
optional: true,
control: "textarea",
canRead: ["guests"],
canCreate: ["members"],
canUpdate: ["members"]
- 创建collection
实际上上就是graphql api schema 定义以及解析处理
const Movies = createCollection({
typeName: "Movie",
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