
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2611816 bytes)

去百度了一下,原来是php.ini中的内存分配的问题,默认php代码能够申请到的最大内存字节数就是134217728 bytes,如果代码执行的时候再需要更多的内存,就会报错了,于是就将php.ini文件中的配置改了一下:


memory_limit = 128M;//将128M改成了256M


究其原因,是我在在编码时,仅仅对变量赋值,却从来没有 unset ($var) 过。导致了内存占用越来越多,所以以后一个变量不再使用之后,一定要记得unset掉它。

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
//ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');
$answerService = new AnswerService();
$taskService = new TaskService();
$taskStudentService = new TaskStudentService();
$statService = new StatService();
$stuService = new StudentService(); $unMarkedStudents = $taskService->findUnMarkedStudent();
foreach($unMarkedStudents as $taskStuInfo) {
$unMarkedQuestions = $taskService->findUnMarkedQuestion($taskStuInfo['taskId'],$taskStuInfo['studentId']);
foreach($unMarkedQuestions as $v){
$taskStudentInfo = $taskStudentService->get($taskStuInfo['id']);
$taskStudentInfo->updateTime = new \DateTime();
$taskStudentInfo->status = 'MARKED';
$taskStudentService->update($taskStudentInfo,true); unset($taskStudentInfo);
$stuInfo = $stuService->get($taskStuInfo['studentId']);
$statService->calTaskPolyFit($stuInfo, $taskStuInfo['subject']);
} else {
return false;


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