


  1. 相比mapReduce,聚合管道比较容易理解和使用
  2. 可以直接使用管道表达式操作符,省掉了很多自定义js function,一定程度上提高执行效率
  3. 和mapReduce一样,它也可以作用于分片集合




db.collection.aggregate( [ { <stage> }, ... ] )





Returns an ordered stream of documents based on the proximity to a geospatial point. Incorporates the functionality of $match, $sort, and $limit for geospatial data. The output documents include an additional distance field and can include a location identifier field.


Groups input documents by a specified identifier expression and applies the accumulator expression(s), if specified, to each group. Consumes all input documents and outputs one document per each distinct group. The output documents only contain the identifier field and, if specified, accumulated fields.


Passes the first n documents unmodified to the pipeline where n is the specified limit. For each input document, outputs either one document (for the first n documents) or zero documents (after the first n documents).


Filters the document stream to allow only matching documents to pass unmodified into the next pipeline stage. $match uses standard MongoDB queries. For each input document, outputs either one document (a match) or zero documents (no match).


Writes the resulting documents of the aggregation pipeline to a collection. To use the $out stage, it must be the last stage in the pipeline.


Reshapes each document in the stream, such as by adding new fields or removing existing fields. For each input document, outputs one document.


Reshapes each document in the stream by restricting the content for each document based on information stored in the documents themselves. Incorporates the functionality of $project and $match. Can be used to implement field level redaction. For each input document, outputs either one or zero document.


Skips the first n documents where n is the specified skip number and passes the remaining documents unmodified to the pipeline. For each input document, outputs either zero documents (for the first n documents) or one document (if after the first n documents).


Reorders the document stream by a specified sort key. Only the order changes; the documents remain unmodified. For each input document, outputs one document.


Deconstructs an array field from the input documents to output a document for each element. Each output document replaces the array with an element value. For each input document, outputs n documents where n is the number of array elements and can be zero for an empty array.



 var dataList = [
{ "name" : "Will0", "gender" : "Female", "age" : , "classes": ["MongoDB", "C#", "C++"]},
{ "name" : "Will1", "gender" : "Female", "age" : , "classes": ["Node", "JavaScript"]},
{ "name" : "Will2", "gender" : "Male", "age" : , "classes": ["Java", "WPF", "C#"]},
{ "name" : "Will3", "gender" : "Male", "age" : , "classes": ["WPF", "C",]},
{ "name" : "Will4", "gender" : "Male", "age" : , "classes": ["SQL", "HTML"]},
{ "name" : "Will5", "gender" : "Male", "age" : , "classes": ["DOM", "CSS", "HTML5"]},
{ "name" : "Will6", "gender" : "Female", "age" : , "classes": ["PPT", "Word", "Excel"]},
{ "name" : "Will7", "gender" : "Female", "age" : , "classes": ["HTML5", "C#"]},
{ "name" : "Will8", "gender" : "Male", "age" : , "classes": ["Java", "VB", "BASH"]},
{ "name" : "Will9", "gender" : "Female", "age" : , "classes": ["CSS"]}
] for(var i = ; i < dataList.length; i++){



 > db.runCommand({
... "aggregate": "school.students",
... "pipeline": [
... {"$match": {"age": {"$lte": }}},
... {"$project": {"_id": , "studentName": "$name", "gender": , "birthYear": {"$subtract": [, "$age"]}}},
... {"$sort": {"birthYear":}}
... ]
... })
"result" : [
"gender" : "Female",
"studentName" : "Will0",
"birthYear" :
"gender" : "Male",
"studentName" : "Will4",
"birthYear" :
"gender" : "Male",
"studentName" : "Will8",
"birthYear" :
"gender" : "Female",
"studentName" : "Will1",
"birthYear" :
"gender" : "Male",
"studentName" : "Will5",
"birthYear" :
"gender" : "Female",
"studentName" : "Will6",
"birthYear" :
"ok" :



 > db.runCommand({
... "aggregate": "school.students",
... "pipeline": [
... {"$match": {"age": }},
... {"$project": {"name": , "gender": , "age": , "classes": }},
... {"$unwind": "$classes"}
... ]
... })
"result" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("54805220e31c9e1578ed0ccc"),
"name" : "Will3",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : ,
"classes" : "WPF"
"_id" : ObjectId("54805220e31c9e1578ed0ccc"),
"name" : "Will3",
"gender" : "Male",
"age" : ,
"classes" : "C"
"ok" :





 > db.runCommand({
... "aggregate": "school.students",
... "pipeline": [
... {"$group":{"_id":"$gender", "avg": { "$avg": "$age" } }}
... ]
... })
"result" : [
"_id" : "Male",
"avg" : 21.8
"_id" : "Female",
"avg" :
"ok" :


 > db.runCommand({
... "aggregate": "school.students",
... "pipeline": [
... {"$group": {"_id": "$gender", "max": {"$max": "$age"}}}
... ]
... })
"result" : [
"_id" : "Male",
"max" :
"_id" : "Female",
"max" :
"ok" :



管道操作符作为"键",所对应的"值"叫做管道表达式,例如"{"$group": {"_id": "$gender", "max": {"$max": "$age"}}}"

  • $group是管道操作符
  • {"_id": "$gender", "max": {"$max": "$age"}}是管道表达式
  • $gender在文档中叫做"field path",通过"$"符号来获得特定字段,是管道表达式的一部分
  • $max是表达式操作符,正是因为聚合管道中提供了很多表达式操作符,我们可以省去很多自定义js函数


  • Boolean Expressions
    • $and, $or, $ not
  • Comparison Expressions
    • $cmp, $eq, $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte, $ne
  • Arithmetic Expressions
    • $add, $divide, $mod, $multiply, $subtract
  • String Expressions
    • $concat, $strcasecmp, $substr, $toLower, $toUpper


聚合管道提供了一种mapReduce 的替代方案,mapReduce使用相对来说比较复杂,而聚合管道的拥有固定的接口,一系列可选择的表达式操作符,对于大多数的聚合任务,聚合管道一般来说是首选方法。

Ps: 文章中使用的例子可以通过以下链接查看



  1. MongoDB 聚合(管道与表达式)

    MongoDB中聚合(aggregate)主要用于处理数据(诸如统计平均值,求和等),并返回计算后的数据结果.有点类似sql语句中的 count(*). aggregate() 方法 MongoDB中 ...

  2. MongoDB 聚合管道(Aggregation Pipeline)

    管道概念 POSIX多线程的使用方式中, 有一种很重要的方式-----流水线(亦称为"管道")方式,"数据元素"流串行地被一组线程按顺序执行.它的使用架构可参考 ...

  3. MongoDB聚合管道(Aggregation Pipeline)

    参考聚合管道简介 聚合管道 聚合管道是基于数据处理管道模型的数据聚合框架.文档进入一个拥有多阶段(multi-stage)的管道,并被管道转换成一个聚合结果.最基本的管道阶段提供了跟查询操作类似的过滤 ...

  4. MongoDB基础教程系列--第七篇 MongoDB 聚合管道

    在讲解聚合管道(Aggregation Pipeline)之前,我们先介绍一下 MongoDB 的聚合功能,聚合操作主要用于对数据的批量处理,往往将记录按条件分组以后,然后再进行一系列操作,例如,求最 ...

  5. mongodb聚合管道用法

    基本用法 db.collection.aggregate( [ { <stage> }, ... ] ) stage如下 名称 描述 $addFields 将新的字段添加到文档中,输出的文 ...

  6. MongoDB 聚合管道

     参见:http://www.cnblogs.com/liruihuan/p/6686570.html MongoDB 的聚合功能,聚合操作主要用于对数据的批量处理,往往将记录按条件分组以后,然后再进 ...

  7. MongoDB 聚合管道(aggregate)

    1.aggregate() 方法 我们先插入一些测试数据 { "_id" : ObjectId("5abc960c684781cda6d38027"), &qu ...

  8. 【翻译】MongoDB指南/聚合——聚合管道

    [原文地址]https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/ 聚合 聚合操作处理数据记录并返回计算后的结果.聚合操作将多个文档分组,并能对已分组的数据执行一系列操作而返回单一结果.Mo ...

  9. MongoDB学习笔记——聚合操作之聚合管道(Aggregation Pipeline)

    MongoDB聚合管道 使用聚合管道可以对集合中的文档进行变换和组合. 管道是由一个个功能节点组成的,这些节点用管道操作符来进行表示.聚合管道以一个集合中的所有文档作为开始,然后这些文档从一个操作节点 ...


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