



play basketball

play cards



play the guitar

listen to music

watch TV

read magazines

work in the garden

go to the movies




visit friends

volunteer  志愿者

What do you/they like to do?

What does he/she like to do?

I/They like to ...

He/She likes to ...

整章节讲了很多like to 的事情,和相关like 的疑问句

Reference 参考资料

Possessive adjectives 物主形容词

Q: What's   my/your/his/her/its/our/your/their  phone number?

A: My/your/His/Her/Its/Our/Your/Their  phone number is 555-3348.

Simple present of have    have的一般现在时

Yes/No 一般疑问句

Do I/you/we/they  have a laundry room?

Does he/she/it  have a laundry room?

don't = do not

doesn't = does not

Simple present of be    be的一般现在时 

Yes/No  一般疑问句

Am I  from Somalia?

Are you/we/they   from Somalia?

Is he/she/it   from Somalia?

I'm = I am

You're = You are

He's = He is

She's = She is

It's = it is

We're = We are

They're = They are

You're = you are

aren't = are not

isn't = is not

Present continuous 现在进行时

What am I / are you / is he / is she/is it /are we/ are you /are they doing?

Simple present of like to + verb    like to 的一般现在时 + 动词

What do I/ do you/does he/does she/does it/do we/do they/do you/do they  like to do?


Do  I/you/we/they  like to swim?

Does he/she/it like to swim?

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