Unique Paths II

Follow up for "Unique Paths":

Now consider if some obstacles are added to the grids. How many unique paths would there be?

An obstacle and empty space is marked as 1 and 0 respectively in the grid.

For example,

There is one obstacle in the middle of a 3x3 grid as illustrated below.


The total number of unique paths is 2.

Note:m and n will be at most 100.

在Unique Paths 的基础上增加了障碍物。问从起点到终点有多少种走法。


基于上一篇博客,即Unique Paths这道题里的最后一个方法,就是空间复杂度O(min(m,n))的那个解法,接下来的算法的原理就是基于那个的。





  1. 用一个长度为n+1的vector对每一列dp 。
  2. 初始化一个长度为n+1,所有值都为0的vector<int> dp
  3. 最开始的时候初始化最后一行,如果不是障碍物,就将dp的对应位置变成1
  4. 然后分别对倒数第二行,倒数第三行……第一行更新dp[i],dp[i] = (mat[m][i] == 1) ? 0 : dp[i] + dp[i+1];
  5. 最后dp中存储的是第一行的每一个非障碍物点到终点的路径数。
  6. dp[0]就是我们的起点啦!~


class Solution {
int uniquePathsWithObstacles(vector<vector<int> > &obstacleGrid) {
int m = obstacleGrid.size();
int n = obstacleGrid[].size();
vector<int> dp(n+,);
int i = n-;
while(i >= && obstacleGrid[m][i] != ){
dp[i] = ;
while(m-- > ){ //这种循环判断可以将只有一行的情况统一考虑进去
for(i = n-; i >= ; i--){
dp[i] = (obstacleGrid[m][i] == )? : dp[i+] + dp[i];
return dp[];

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