【LeetCode练习题】Multiply Strings
Multiply Strings
Given two numbers represented as strings, return multiplication of the numbers as a string.
Note: The numbers can be arbitrarily large and are non-negative.
string operator+(const string &num1,const string &num2){
int nCarry = ;
string numTemp; int i = num2.size() - ;
int j = num1.size() - ;
for(; i >= || j >= ; i--,j--){
char a,b;
b = num2[i] - '';
b = ;
a = num1[j] - '';
a = ;
char c = a + b + nCarry;
nCarry = c / ;
numTemp.push_back(c% + '');
} if(nCarry != ){
numTemp.push_back(nCarry + '');
} for(i = , j = numTemp.size() - ; i < j; i++,j--){
char cTemp = numTemp[i];
numTemp[i] = numTemp[j];
numTemp[j] = cTemp;
return numTemp;
string operator*(const string &num1,const string &num2){
int nCarry = ;
string numTemp;
string result; int i = num2.size()-;
for(; i >= ; i--){
char a = num2[i] - '';
int j = num1.size() - ;
for(; j >= ; j--){
char b = num1[j] - '';
char c = b * a + nCarry;
nCarry = c/;
numTemp.push_back(c % + '');
if(nCarry != ){
numTemp.push_back(nCarry + '');
nCarry = ;
} //reverse
int n = ;
int m = numTemp.size() - ;
for(; n < m; n++,m--){
char cTemp = numTemp[n];
numTemp[n] = numTemp[m];
numTemp[m] = cTemp;
} for(int t = num2.size() - ; t > i; t--)
} result = result + numTemp;
return result;
} class Solution {
string multiply(string num1, string num2) {
string ret;
string zero = "";
if(!num1.compare(zero) || !num2.compare(zero)){
ret = "";
return ret;
ret = num1 * num2;
return ret;
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