

package org.springframework.boot.logging;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.boot.ApplicationPid;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.bind.RelaxedPropertyResolver;
import org.springframework.boot.context.event.ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent;
import org.springframework.boot.context.event.ApplicationStartedEvent;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.context.event.ContextClosedEvent;
import org.springframework.context.event.GenericApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.core.Ordered;
import org.springframework.core.ResolvableType;
import org.springframework.core.env.ConfigurableEnvironment;
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment;
import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.ResourceUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; /**
* An {@link ApplicationListener} that configures the {@link LoggingSystem}. If the
* environment contains a {@code logging.config} property a then that will be used to
* initialize the logging system, otherwise a default configuration is used.
* <p>
* By default, log output is only written to the console. If a log file is required the
* {@code logging.path} and {@code logging.file} properties can be used.
* <p>
* Some system properties may be set as side effects, and these can be useful if the
* logging configuration supports placeholders (i.e. log4j or logback):
* <ul>
* <li>{@code LOG_FILE} is set to the value of path of the log file that should be written
* (if any).</li>
* <li>{@code PID} is set to the value of the current process ID if it can be determined.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Dave Syer
* @author Phillip Webb
* @author Andy Wilkinson
* @see LoggingSystem#get(ClassLoader)
public class LoggingApplicationListener implements GenericApplicationListener { /**
* The name of the Spring property that contains a reference to the logging
* configuration to load.
public static final String CONFIG_PROPERTY = "logging.config"; /**
* The name of the Spring property that contains the path where the logging
* configuration can be found.
public static final String PATH_PROPERTY = LogFile.PATH_PROPERTY; /**
* The name of the Spring property that contains the name of the logging configuration
* file.
public static final String FILE_PROPERTY = LogFile.FILE_PROPERTY; /**
* The name of the System property that contains the process ID.
public static final String PID_KEY = "PID"; private static MultiValueMap<LogLevel, String> LOG_LEVEL_LOGGERS;
static {
LOG_LEVEL_LOGGERS = new LinkedMultiValueMap<LogLevel, String>();
LOG_LEVEL_LOGGERS.add(LogLevel.DEBUG, "org.springframework.boot");
LOG_LEVEL_LOGGERS.add(LogLevel.TRACE, "org.springframework");
LOG_LEVEL_LOGGERS.add(LogLevel.TRACE, "org.apache.tomcat");
LOG_LEVEL_LOGGERS.add(LogLevel.TRACE, "org.apache.catalina");
LOG_LEVEL_LOGGERS.add(LogLevel.TRACE, "org.eclipse.jetty");
LOG_LEVEL_LOGGERS.add(LogLevel.TRACE, "org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl");
LOG_LEVEL_LOGGERS.add(LogLevel.DEBUG, "org.hibernate.SQL"
} private static Class<?>[] EVENT_TYPES = { ApplicationStartedEvent.class,
ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent.class, ContextClosedEvent.class }; private static Class<?>[] SOURCE_TYPES = { SpringApplication.class,
ApplicationContext.class }; private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private LoggingSystem loggingSystem; private int order = Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE + 11; private boolean parseArgs = true; private LogLevel springBootLogging = null; @Override
public boolean supportsEventType(ResolvableType resolvableType) {
return isAssignableFrom(resolvableType.getRawClass(), EVENT_TYPES);
} @Override
public boolean supportsSourceType(Class<?> sourceType) {
return isAssignableFrom(sourceType, SOURCE_TYPES);
} private boolean isAssignableFrom(Class<?> type, Class<?>... supportedTypes) {
if (type != null) {
for (Class<?> supportedType : supportedTypes) {
if (supportedType.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return true;
return false;
} @Override
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
if (event instanceof ApplicationStartedEvent) {
onApplicationStartedEvent((ApplicationStartedEvent) event);
else if (event instanceof ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent) {
onApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent((ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent) event);
else if (event instanceof ContextClosedEvent) {
} private void onApplicationStartedEvent(ApplicationStartedEvent event) {
this.loggingSystem = LoggingSystem.get(event.getSpringApplication()
} private void onApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent(
ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent event) {
if (this.loggingSystem == null) {
this.loggingSystem = LoggingSystem.get(event.getSpringApplication()
initialize(event.getEnvironment(), event.getSpringApplication().getClassLoader());
} private void onContextClosedEvent() {
if (this.loggingSystem != null) {
} /**
* Initialize the logging system according to preferences expressed through the
* {@link Environment} and the classpath.
* @param environment the environment
* @param classLoader the classloader
protected void initialize(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, ClassLoader classLoader) {
if (System.getProperty(PID_KEY) == null) {
System.setProperty(PID_KEY, new ApplicationPid().toString());
initializeSystem(environment, this.loggingSystem);
initializeFinalLoggingLevels(environment, this.loggingSystem);
} private void initializeEarlyLoggingLevel(ConfigurableEnvironment environment) {
if (this.parseArgs && this.springBootLogging == null) {
if (environment.containsProperty("debug")) {
this.springBootLogging = LogLevel.DEBUG;
if (environment.containsProperty("trace")) {
this.springBootLogging = LogLevel.TRACE;
} private void initializeSystem(ConfigurableEnvironment environment,
LoggingSystem system) {
LogFile logFile = LogFile.get(environment);
String logConfig = environment.getProperty(CONFIG_PROPERTY);
if (StringUtils.hasLength(logConfig)) {
try {
system.initialize(logConfig, logFile);
catch (Exception ex) {
this.logger.warn("Logging environment value '" + logConfig
+ "' cannot be opened and will be ignored "
+ "(using default location instead)");
system.initialize(null, logFile);
else {
system.initialize(null, logFile);
} private void initializeFinalLoggingLevels(ConfigurableEnvironment environment,
LoggingSystem system) {
if (this.springBootLogging != null) {
initializeLogLevel(system, this.springBootLogging);
setLogLevels(system, environment);
} protected void initializeLogLevel(LoggingSystem system, LogLevel level) {
List<String> loggers = LOG_LEVEL_LOGGERS.get(level);
if (loggers != null) {
for (String logger : loggers) {
system.setLogLevel(logger, level);
} protected void setLogLevels(LoggingSystem system, Environment environment) {
Map<String, Object> levels = new RelaxedPropertyResolver(environment)
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : levels.entrySet()) {
setLogLevel(system, environment, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString());
} private void setLogLevel(LoggingSystem system, Environment environment, String name,
String level) {
try {
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("root")) {
name = null;
level = environment.resolvePlaceholders(level);
system.setLogLevel(name, LogLevel.valueOf(level));
catch (RuntimeException ex) {
this.logger.error("Cannot set level: " + level + " for '" + name + "'");
} public void setOrder(int order) {
this.order = order;
} @Override
public int getOrder() {
return this.order;
} /**
* Sets a custom logging level to be used for Spring Boot and related libraries.
* @param springBootLogging the logging level
public void setSpringBootLogging(LogLevel springBootLogging) {
this.springBootLogging = springBootLogging;
} /**
* Sets if initialization arguments should be parsed for {@literal --debug} and
* {@literal --trace} options. Defaults to {@code true}.
* @param parseArgs if arguments should be parsed
public void setParseArgs(boolean parseArgs) {
this.parseArgs = parseArgs;
} }


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