题目大意: 给定一些正方体的关系,要求一组符合这些关系的正方体坐标,如果不存在符合条件的正方体坐标,IMPOSSIBLE。(Special Judge)


#include <cstdio>
#include <stdlib>
#include <iostream>
#define MAXN 2010
#define MAXR 500000
#define MAX 999999 typedef struct edges{
int v,w,next;
}edge; int N, R;
edge edge_X[MAXR], edge_Y[MAXR], edge_Z[MAXR];
int s_X[MAXN], s_Y[MAXN], s_Z[MAXN];
int index_X[MAXN], index_Y[MAXN], index_Z[MAXN];
int degree_X[MAXN], degree_Y[MAXN], degree_Z[MAXN]; void Add(struct edges e[], int start, int end, int index[], int degree[], int &tot){
e[tot].v = end;
e[tot].next = index[start];
index[start] = tot++;
} bool init(){
int i, totx, toty, totz;
scanf("%d%d", &N, &R);
if (N == 0 && R == 0) return false;
memset(index_X, 255, sizeof(*index_X)*MAXN); //-1 indicates end of link
memset(index_Y, 255, sizeof(*index_Y)*MAXN);
memset(index_Z, 255, sizeof(*index_Z)*MAXN);
memset(degree_X, 0, sizeof(*degree_X)*MAXN);
memset(degree_Y, 0, sizeof(*degree_Y)*MAXN);
memset(degree_Z, 0, sizeof(*degree_Z)*MAXN);
totx = toty = totz = 0; for (i=1; i<=N; i++){
// node 0是超级汇点,最大的点。值为0
Add(edge_X, 0, i, index_X, degree_X, totx); //x1 of n-th Cube
Add(edge_Y, 0, i, index_Y, degree_Y, toty);
Add(edge_Z, 0, i, index_Z, degree_Z, totz);
Add(edge_X, i, i+N, index_X, degree_X, totx);
Add(edge_Y, i, i+N, index_Y, degree_Y, toty);
Add(edge_Z, i, i+N, index_Z, degree_Z, totz);
for (i=1; i<=R; i++){
char t[10];
int A, B;
scanf("%s%d%d", t, &A, &B);
if (t[0] == 'I'){
Add(edge_X, A, B+N, index_X, degree_X, totx); //x1(A) < x1(B)
Add(edge_X, B, A+N, index_X, degree_X, totx); //x2(A) > x1(B) or x1(B) < x2(A)
Add(edge_Y, A, B+N, index_Y, degree_Y, toty);
Add(edge_Y, B, A+N, index_Y, degree_Y, toty);
Add(edge_Z, A, B+N, index_Z, degree_Z, totz);
Add(edge_Z, B, A+N, index_Z, degree_Z, totz);
if (t[0] == 'X')
Add(edge_X, A+N, B, index_X, degree_X, totx); //x2(A) < x1(B)
if (t[0] == 'Y')
Add(edge_Y, A+N, B, index_Y, degree_Y, toty); //y2(A) < y1(B)
if (t[0] == 'Z')
Add(edge_Z, A+N, B, index_Z, degree_Z, totz); //z2(A) < z1(B)
return true;
} bool NonPreFirstTopSort(edge e[], int index[], int degree[], int n, int s[]){
int i, count(0), head(0), tail(1);
int Q[MAXN]; Q[0] = 0; while (head != tail){
s[Q[head]] = count++;
i = index[Q[head]];
while (i != -1){
if (--degree[e[i].v] == 0) Q[tail++] = e[i].v;
i = e[i].next;
} if (count < n) return false;
else return true;
} int main(){
int Cases = 0, i;
while (init() && ++Cases){
bool flag;
flag = NonPreFirstTopSort(edge_X, index_X, degree_X, N*2 + 1, s_X);
if (flag) flag = NonPreFirstTopSort(edge_Y, index_Y, degree_Y, N*2 + 1, s_Y);
if (flag) flag = NonPreFirstTopSort(edge_Z, index_Z, degree_Z, N*2 + 1, s_Z);
if (flag){
printf("Case %d: POSSIBLE\n", Cases);
for (i=1; i<=N; i++)
printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d\n", s_X[i], s_Y[i], s_Z[i], s_X[i+N], s_Y[i+N], s_Z[i+N]);
printf("\n"); }
printf("Case %d: IMPOSSIBLE\n\n", Cases);
return 0;

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