' InkHin_ZhiZhuo
' Date :2019.2.18
' E-mail lqx@tyningling.Top 'This function and Module is written because of the need to use Gdiplus.
' My English is limited. I hope youall don't laugh at me.
' The ARGB attribute obtained by inverse calculation.
' Em...... And... I love China.... emmm, yes, I like it very much.
' All right, Be is it. ' 装不下去了哈哈哈哈,本来想当一把外国友人过把瘾的。。 Option Explicit Public Type ARGB
Alpha As String
Red As String
Green As String
Blue As String
End Type Private ARGB_a As ARGB Public Sub IFunction_Name_A(Color As String) If ARGB_FormColor(Color, ARGB_a) Then With ARGB_a
MsgBox _
"A: " & .Alpha & " " & "Ten:" & Val("&H" & .Alpha) & vbCrLf _
& "R: " & .Red & " " & "Ten:" & Val("&H" & .Red) & vbCrLf _
& "G: " & .Green & " " & "Ten:" & Val("&H" & .Green) & vbCrLf _
& "B: " & .Blue & " " & "Ten:" & Val("&H" & .Blue), vbOKOnly, "InkHin_Yes"
End With Else
MsgBox "出现错误。", vbOKOnly, "InkHin_Error" End If
End Sub Public Sub IFunction_Name_B(ByRef ARGB_a As ARGB)
'ARGB from Attribute Computing
Dim Color As Long With ARGB_a
.Alpha =
.Green =
End With If ARGB_FormValue(ARGB_a, Color) Then MsgBox Color, vbOKOnly, "InkHin_Yes" Else MsgBox "出现错误。", vbOKOnly, "InkHin_Error" End If
End Sub Function ARGB_FormColor(ByVal ArgbColor As String, ByRef ARGB As ARGB) As Boolean ' ArgbColor belongs to decimal If Not IsNumeric(ArgbColor) Then Exit Function ' End Dim String_DecimalSystem As String ' var DecimalSystem String_DecimalSystem = Hex(CDbl(ArgbColor)) 'Coercive transformation 'Mid(string,start[,length]) With ARGB
.Alpha = Mid(String_DecimalSystem, , )
.Red = Mid(String_DecimalSystem, , )
.Green = Mid(String_DecimalSystem, , )
.Blue = Mid(String_DecimalSystem, , )
End With ARGB_FormColor = True
End Function Public Function ARGB_FormValue(ByRef ARGB As ARGB, ByRef Color As Long) As Boolean
'ARGB(alpha,red,green,blue) With ARGB If Val(.Alpha) > Or Val(.Red) > Or Val(.Green) > Or Val(.Blue) > Then Exit Function 'End If Val(.Alpha) < Or Val(.Red) < Or Val(.Green) < Or Val(.Blue) < Then Exit Function 'End Dim S_a As String, S_r As String, S_g As String, S_b As String, S_16 As String ' var add...... S_a = Hex(Val(.Alpha)): S_r = Hex(Val(.Red)): S_g = Hex(Val(.Green)): S_b = Hex(Val(.Blue)) 'Hex(var DecimalSystem = ) End With 'Because......十六进制ARGB is 两位为一个值的。
'if this 字数= 1 so 加0
' 完了,我自己都看不下去了 If Len(S_a) < Then S_a = "" & S_a
If Len(S_r) < Then S_r = "" & S_r
If Len(S_g) < Then S_g = "" & S_g
If Len(S_b) < Then S_b = "" & S_b S_16 = "&H" & S_a & S_r & S_g & S_b Color = Val(S_16) ARGB_FormValue = True
End Function



'by 方程&Error404
Public Function argb(ByVal a As byte, ByVal r As byte, ByVal g As byte, ByVal b As byte) As Long
Dim Color As Long
If a = And r = And g = And b = Then r =
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Color) + , a,
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Color) + , r,
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Color) + , g,
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Color), b,
argb = Color
End Function


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