一、20 Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools Of 2018


#1The Android Network Hacking Toolkit

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

In the last Defcon conference, a new tool has been released by a security researcher and the tool is called “The Android network toolkit”. This tool has been developed for penetration tester and ethical hackers to test any network and vulnerabilities by using their mobile phones. This toolkit contains different apps that will help any hacker to find vulnerabilities and possibly exploit it. The company behind the app is an Israeli security firm called Zimperium.

#2 Nmap for Android

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

Nmap (network mapper) is one the best among different network scanner (port finder) tool, Nmap was initially developed for Unix OS but now it is available on Windows and Android as well. Nmap for Android is a Nmap app for your phone! Once your scan finishes, you can e-mail the results. This application is not an official app but it looks good.

Also Read: 25+ Amazing Things You Can Do After Rooting Your Android

#3 FaceNiff 2.4 Final- Session Hijacker for Android

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

Your Facebook account is at risk, just like a Firesheep (for Firefox hacking) there is a FaceNiff for hijacking the session of famous social networking websites includes facebook and twitter. FaceNiff is developed by Bartosz Ponurkiewicz who created Firesheep before but faceniff is for Android OS.

#4 AnDOSid- DOS Tool for Android

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

DOS or denial of service attack is the very dangerous attack because it takes down the server (computer). AnDOSid allows security professionals to simulate a DOS attack (An HTTP post-flood attack to be exact) and of course a DDoS on a web server, from mobile phones. AnDOSid is designed for security professionals only!

#5 SSHDroid- Android Secure Shell

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

Secure Shell or SSH is the best protocol that provides an extra layer of security while you are connecting to your remote machine. SSHDroid is an SSH server implementation for Android. This application will let you connect to your device from a PC and execute commands (like “terminal” and “ADB shell”).

Also Read: Top 10 Best Secure Android Browsers To Browse Web Securely

#6 Hack code

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

It is the best Hacker’s Toolbox is an application for penetration tester, Ethical hackers, IT administrator and Cyber security professional to perform different tasks like reconnaissance, scanning performing exploits etc. This app contains different tools like Google Hacking, Google Dorks, Whois, Scanning etc.

#7 AndroRAT

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

AndroRAT – Remote Administration Tool for Android is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server. The goal of the application is to give the control of the Android system remotely and retrieve information from it.

Also Read: How To Secure Your Computer By Automatically Blocking Dangerous IP’s

#8 SpoofApp

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

This app simply allows users to Spoof (Place) calls with any called ID number. You can manipulate what number shows up on the person’s phone when you call. This is the app used for fun. It also includes several other features like voice changer and calls recorder too.

#9 WhatsApp Sniffer

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

WhatsApp Sniffer Android app allows Android users to receive the text messages from WhatsApp application from phones that uses the same WiFi with you (WhatsApp is totally different from WhatsApp Sniffer). It is easily detected by antivirus so better is to disable it before using this app.

#10 APK Inspector

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

It is the perfect GUI tool for analysts to analyze the Android applications. You can use this app to get the source code of any Android app and can edit it to remove license and credits. This app will help you a lot if you need to learn and understand the coding behind apps.

Also Read: How To Secure Your Android Smartphone From Being Hacked

#11 Evil Operator

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

As it, names suggest it is an app which has lots of evil powers. The main purpose of this app to connect two people in a phone call making them feel that they called each other. The best part is it can record and save the entire conversation.

#12 WifiKill

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

With this app, you can disable internet connection for a device on the same network. So if someone (anyone) is abusing the internet wasting precious bandwidths, you could just kill their connection and stay happy with a full bandwidth just for yourself.

#13 DroidSheep

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

Droidsheep is developed as a tool for testing the security of your accounts. DroidSheep is an Android app for Security analysis in wireless networks and capturing facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and other accounts.

#14 Burp Suite

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

Burp Suite is an integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications. Its various tools work seamlessly together to support the entire testing process, from initial mapping and analysis of an application’s attack surface, through to finding and exploiting security vulnerabilities.

Also Read: How To Secure Rooted Android From Security Threats

#15 dSploit

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

dSploit is an Android network analysis and penetration suite which aims to offer to IT security experts/geeks the most complete and advanced professional toolkit to perform network security assessments on a mobile device.

#16 zANTI

15+ Best Android Hacking Apps And Tools

zANTI is a mobile penetration testing toolkit that lets security managers assess the risk level of a network with the push of a button. This easy to use mobile toolkit enables IT Security Administrators to simulate an advanced attacker to identify the malicious techniques they use in the wild to compromise the corporate network.

Also Read: Best Android Hacking Tools of 2018

#17 cSploit


cSploit is one of the advanced security tools which you can have on your Android operating system. cSploit is basically a complete collection of IT security tools that can be used on Android platform. With this app, you can find vulnerabilities, exploits and crack WiFi passwords etc.

#18 Shark for Root

Shark for Root

This is another most used Android app for security experts and Hackers. Shark for Root basically works as a traffic snipper and also works on WiFi. FroYo, 3G tethered mode. With Shark for Root you can also use tcpdump command on rooted Android devices.

#19 DroidBox


This is another app which offers dynamic analysis of Android apps. If you need to find out the hashes for the APK package, DroidBox is the perfect app for you. You can also get results regarding network traffic, SMS and Phone calls, information leaks and more using DroidBox.

#20 SSHDroid


学习网络安全渗透 通过下面的hacking 路径学习   :

二、Main Aspects the Your Heard in Hacking is Listed Below:

  • Linux
  • BackTrack (Kali Linux)
  • AirCrack
  • SQLi
  • Pishing
  • Zero Day Exploit
  • Information Gathering
  • DDOS Attack
  • Social Engg.
  • Black Hat and White Hat Hackers.
  • Wireless Hacking
  • IP Spoofing
  • Packet Sniffing
  • Logic Bomb
  • Anonymous
  • XSS – Cross Site Scripting
  • Passive Wiretapping


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