ZOJ - 2423-Fractal
A fractal is an object or quantity that displays self-similarity, in a somewhat technical sense, on all scales. The object need not exhibit exactly the same structure at all scales, but the same "type" of structures must appear on all scales.
A box fractal is defined as below :
- A box fractal of degree 1 is simply
- A box fractal of degree 2 is
- If using B(n - 1) to represent the box fractal of degree n - 1, then a box fractal of degree n is defined recursively as following
B(n - 1) B(n - 1) B(n - 1) B(n - 1) B(n - 1)
Your task is to draw a box fractal of degree n.
The input consists of several test cases. Each line of the
input contains a positive integer n which is no greater than 7. The last
line of input is a negative integer -1 indicating the end of input.
For each test case, output the box fractal using the 'X'
notation. Please notice that 'X' is an uppercase letter. Print a line
with only a single dash after each test case. Don't output any trailing
spaces at the end of each line, or you may get an 'Presentation Error'!
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #define ll long long using namespace std; ; ,b; char mp[amn][amn]; char ans[amn][amn]; void solve(int x,int y,int tot) { ) { ans[x][y]='X'; return; } int tes=tot/a; for(int i=x; i<tot+x; i+=tes)///注意这里i=x,j=y,找了好久才发现错误.... { for(int j=y; j<tot+y; j+=tes) { if(mp[(i-x)/tes][(j-y)/tes]=='X') { solve(i,j,tes); } } } } int main() { ) { ; i<; i++) { ; j<; j++) { ||i==)&&(j==||j==))||(i==&&j==))mp[i][j]='X'; else mp[i][j]=' '; } } ;///注意初始化 ; i<b; i++)c*=a; ; i<c; i++) ; j<c; j++) ans[i][j]=' '; solve(,,c); ; i<c; i++) { ; j>=; j--)///这里是从每一行的最后一个元素开始检测 { if(ans[i][j]==' ')///将空格标记,遇到第一个"X"时跳出本次循环 ans[i][j]='*'; else break; } } ; i<c; i++) { ; j<c; j++) { if(ans[i][j]!='*')///如果这个不是被标记的元素则输出 printf("%c",ans[i][j]); else break; } printf("\n"); } printf("-\n"); } }
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