June 13. 2018 Week 24th. Wednesday
Life is too short to miss out anything; try to take it slowly.
From Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Just because life is too short, just because I don't intend to miss anything, I have to increase my pace, otherwise I would be left further and further behind by my peers.
I can't slow down, I can't take it slowly to enjoy life, to spend much more time with my family members.
Faced with ever-accelerating pace of work and rhythm of life, and more and more rigorous market competition, and the hightly efficient and fast-paced lifesytle, I have to spend more and more time on my work.
But the result always turned to be disappointing, I haven't got enough money, I haven't got enough storage of individual knowledge and skill to deal with possible chanllenges in the future.
How can I get through my thirties?
I am so anxious about my future, maybe I shouldn't lose hope, maybe good days will come if I can keep trying despite all those odds.
Nurture passes nature.
Have you ever wondered why, despite our best efforts, certain situations cause us to act like our parents?
While we often think of this as a learned behavioural mechanism, some experiments suggest that it is possible some information is biologically inherited through chemical, changes that occur in DNA.
But there is no time for fatalism, and I am not a fatalist.
I believe I can do something to change the destiny through my hard working.
And the destiny can be changed, and we are the Savior who can change our destiny.
Sit down, and focus on our dreams, try to complete those small but serious work perfectly.
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