给定图中的两个结点的指针DirectedGraphNode* a, DirectedGraphNode* b(请不要在意数据类型,图是有向图),请返回一个bool,代表两点之间是否存在一条路径(a到b或b到a)。
package com.yzh.hehe; import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Stack; public class DirGraCheckPath { public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub } public boolean checkPath(UndirectedGraphNode a, UndirectedGraphNode b) {
return checkSingle(a, b)||checkSingle(b, a);
} private boolean checkSingle(UndirectedGraphNode a, UndirectedGraphNode b) {
if (a.label==b.label) {
return true;
Stack<UndirectedGraphNode> stack= new Stack<UndirectedGraphNode>();
ArrayList<UndirectedGraphNode> list=new ArrayList<UndirectedGraphNode>();
UndirectedGraphNode temp = null;
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
temp = stack.pop();
if (temp.label==b.label) {
return true;
for (UndirectedGraphNode undirectedGraphNode : temp.neighbors) {
if (!stack.contains(undirectedGraphNode)&&!list.contains(undirectedGraphNode)) {
return false;
} }
class UndirectedGraphNode {
int label = 0;
UndirectedGraphNode left = null;
UndirectedGraphNode right = null;
ArrayList<UndirectedGraphNode> neighbors = new ArrayList<UndirectedGraphNode>(); public UndirectedGraphNode(int label) {
this.label = label;
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