WeihanLi.Npoi 1.16.0 Release Notes


最近有网友咨询如何设置单元格样式,在之前的版本中是不支持的,之前主要考虑的是数据,对于导出的样式并没有支持,这个 issue 也让我觉得目前还不是足够的灵活,于是进行了一些探索,增加了更多扩展的可能性,一起来看一下吧

Sheet Setting

因为导入导出是针对某一个 Sheet 而言的,所以支持为不同的 Sheet 设置不同的配置,如果所有 Sheet 的配置都是一样的,则只配置默认的 Sheet 配置就可以了,新版本中增加了三个委托,进一步的增强的导出的灵活性

/// <summary>
/// Cell Action on export
/// </summary>
public Action<ICell>? CellAction { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// Row Action on export
/// </summary>
public Action<IRow>? RowAction { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// Sheet Action on export
/// </summary>
public Action<ISheet>? SheetAction { get; set; }

可以不同的 Level 扩展自己想要的功能,这些扩展会在写入数据之后执行,可以借此来设置特殊单元格的样式,如果你想也可以重新设置导出的数据,来看下面的示例:


首先来看一个设置 Header 字体样式的一个示例,完整代码参考:https://github.com/WeihanLi/WeihanLi.Npoi/blob/310d7637e82210f7558b2a60a637b43485c0e562/samples/DotNetCoreSample/Program.cs#L157

var setting = FluentSettings.For<TestEntity>();
// ExcelSetting
.HasTitle("WeihanLi.Npoi test")
.HasDescription("WeihanLi.Npoi test")
.HasSubject("WeihanLi.Npoi test"); setting.HasSheetSetting(config =>
config.StartRowIndex = 1;
config.SheetName = "SystemSettingsList";
config.AutoColumnWidthEnabled = true; config.RowAction = row =>
if (row.RowNum == 0)
var style = row.Sheet.Workbook.CreateCellStyle();
style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
var font = row.Sheet.Workbook.CreateFont();
font.FontName = "JetBrains Mono";
font.IsBold = true;
font.FontHeight = 200;
row.Cells.ForEach(c => c.CellStyle = style);
}); setting.Property(_ => _.SettingId)
.HasColumnIndex(0); setting.Property(_ => _.SettingName)
.HasColumnIndex(1); setting.Property(_ => _.DisplayName)
.HasOutputFormatter((entity, displayName) => $"AAA_{entity?.SettingName}_{displayName}")
.HasInputFormatter((entity, originVal) => originVal?.Split(new[] { '_' })[2])
.HasColumnIndex(2); setting.Property(_ => _.SettingValue)
.HasColumnIndex(3); setting.Property(_ => _.CreatedTime)
.HasColumnFormatter("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); setting.Property(_ => _.CreatedBy)
.HasColumnInputFormatter(x => x += "_test")
.HasColumnTitle("CreatedBy"); setting.Property(x => x.Enabled)
.HasColumnInputFormatter(val => "Enabled".EqualsIgnoreCase(val))
.HasColumnOutputFormatter(v => v ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); setting.Property("HiddenProp")
.HasOutputFormatter((entity, val) => $"HiddenProp_{entity?.PKID}"); setting.Property(_ => _.PKID).Ignored();
setting.Property(_ => _.UpdatedBy).Ignored();
setting.Property(_ => _.UpdatedTime).Ignored();


var entities = new List<TestEntity>()
new TestEntity()
PKID = 1,
SettingId = Guid.NewGuid(),
SettingName = "Setting1",
SettingValue = "Value1",
DisplayName = "dd\"d,1"
new TestEntity()
SettingId = Guid.NewGuid(),
SettingName = "Setting2",
SettingValue = "Value2",
Enabled = true,
CreatedBy = "li\"_"



Another Sample

除了直接导出到 excel 文件之外,还可以支持导出到某一个 sheet 中,我在我的另外一个 DbTool 的项目中也在使用,将原来的一大坨代码做了很大的简化,详细修改可以参考这个 commit: https://github.com/WeihanLi/DbTool/commit/7c7b980714af11e5fec3f8b3babac0904f94cff3#diff-d0ef24afd15ae6aa4ead43fbe31a895c1c051ab9c6e50f4ff4c7544a9592f958R8


var workbook = ExcelHelper.PrepareWorkbook(FileExtension.EndsWith(".xls") ? ExcelFormat.Xls : ExcelFormat.Xlsx);
foreach (var tableEntity in tableInfo)
//Create Sheet
var sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(tableEntity.TableName); //create title
var titleRow = sheet.CreateRow(0);
var titleCell = titleRow.CreateCell(0);
titleCell.SetCellValue(tableEntity.TableDescription); // export list data to excel
return workbook.ToExcelBytes();

相比之前的代码,大大简化了,原来的代码可以参考https://github.com/WeihanLi/DbTool/commit/7c7b980714af11e5fec3f8b3babac0904f94cff3#diff-d0ef24afd15ae6aa4ead43fbe31a895c1c051ab9c6e50f4ff4c7544a9592f958L17-L121, 100 多行代码,太长了不方便截图


var settings = FluentSettings.For<ColumnEntity>();
settings.HasExcelSetting(x =>
x.Author = "DbTool";
.HasSheetSetting(x =>
x.StartRowIndex = 2;
x.AutoColumnWidthEnabled = true;
x.RowAction = row =>
// apply header row style
if (row.RowNum == 1)
var headerStyle = row.Sheet.Workbook.CreateCellStyle();
headerStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
var headerFont = row.Sheet.Workbook.CreateFont();
headerFont.FontHeight = 180;
headerFont.IsBold = true;
headerFont.FontName = "微软雅黑";
row.Cells.ForEach(c => c.CellStyle = headerStyle);
x.SheetAction = sheet =>
// set merged region
sheet.AddMergedRegion(new NPOI.SS.Util.CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, 6));
// apply title style
var titleStyle = sheet.Workbook.CreateCellStyle();
titleStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
var font = sheet.Workbook.CreateFont();
font.FontHeight = 200;
font.FontName = "微软雅黑";
font.IsBold = true;
titleStyle.FillBackgroundColor = IndexedColors.Black.Index;
titleStyle.FillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.SeaGreen.Index;
titleStyle.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;
sheet.GetRow(0).GetCell(0).CellStyle = titleStyle;
// ...

上面的代码通过 RowAction 配置了 Header 行的单元格的样式,通过 SheetAction 配置了 Title 行的单元格合并和 Title 单元格的样式,导出结果如下图所示:


WeihanLi.Npoi 通过 Fluent API 的方式提供了非常灵活的导入导出配置,如果你也有导入导出 Excel 的需求,可以了解一下,如果不能满足的地方或者使用过程中有遇到任何问题欢迎给我提 issue https://github.com/WeihanLi/WeihanLi.Npoi/issues/new/choose




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