
Centering things in CSS is the poster child of CSS complaining. Why does it have to be so hard? They jeer. I think the issue isn’t that it’s difficult to do, but in that there so many different ways of doing it, depending on the situation, it’s hard to know which to reach for.

So let’s make it a decision tree and hopefully make it easier.



I need to center…




Is it inline or inline-* elements (like text or links)?


You can center inline elements horizontally, within a block-level parent element, with just:


.center-children {
text-align: center;

This will work for inline, inline-block, inline-table, inline-flex, etc.


Is it a block level element?


You can center a block-level element by giving it margin-left and margin-right of auto (and it has a set width, otherwise it would be full width and wouldn’t need centering). That’s often done with shorthand like this:

你可以通过给一个块级元素margin-left 和margin-right样式赋予auto (并且这个块级元素设置了一个宽度,否则这个块级元素会拉伸到占满宽度,也就不需要居中了)来居中它。通常是这么写的:

.center-me {
margin: 0 auto;

This will work no matter what the width of the block level element you’re centering, or the parent.


Note that you can’t float an element to the center. There is a trick though.


Is there more than one block level element?


If you have two or more block-level elements that need to be centered horizontally in a row, chances are you’d be better served making them a different display type. Here’s an example of making them inline-block and an example of flexbox:



Unless you mean you have multiple block level elements stacked on top of each other, in which case the auto margin technique is still fine:

除非你想要把多个块级元素上下堆叠在一起,使用auto magrin的技巧仍然可以得到很好效果。



Vertical centering is a bit trickier in CSS.


Is it inline or inline-* elements (like text or links)?

  是inline或者inline-* 元素(像文本或者超链接)

Is it a single line?


Sometimes inline / text elements can appear vertically centered, just because there is equal padding above and below them.

有时候 行级/文本 元素 看起来是垂直居中的,只是因为上下有同样的padding数值。

.link {
padding-top: 30px;
padding-bottom: 30px;

If padding isn’t an option for some reason, and you’re trying to center some text that you know will not wrap, there is a trick were making the line-height equal to the height will center the text.


.center-text-trick {
height: 100px;
line-height: 100px;
white-space: nowrap;

Is it multiple lines?


Equal padding on top and bottom can give the centered effect for multiple lines of text too, but if that isn’t going to work, perhaps the element the text is in can be a table cell, either literally or made to behave like one with CSS. The vertical-align property handles this, in this case, unlike what it normally does which is handle the alignment of elements aligned on a row. (More on that.)



If something table-like is out, perhaps you could use flexbox? A single flex-child can be made to center in a flex-parent pretty easily.


.flex-center-vertically {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
flex-direction: column;
height: 400px;

Remember that it’s only really relevant if the parent container has a fixed height (px, %, etc), which is why the container here has a height.


If both of these techniques are out, you could employ the “ghost element” technique, in which a full-height pseudo-element is placed inside the container and the text is vertically aligned with that.


.ghost-center {
position: relative;
.ghost-center::before {
content: " ";
display: inline-block;
height: 100%;
width: 1%;
vertical-align: middle;
.ghost-center p {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;

Is it a block-level element?



Do you know the height of the element?


It’s fairly common to not know the height in web page layout, for lots of reasons: if the width changes, text reflow can change the height. Variance in the styling of text can change the height. Variance in the amount of text can change the height. Elements with a fixed aspect ratio, like images, can change height when resized. Etc.


But if you do know the height, you can center vertically like:


.parent {
position: relative;
.child {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
height: 100px;
margin-top: -50px; /* account for padding and border if not using box-sizing: border-box; */

Is the element of unknown height?


It’s still possible to center it by nudging it up half of it’s height after bumping it down halfway:


.parent {
position: relative;
.child {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);

Do you care if the element stretches the height of the container?


If you don’t, you just need the content inside vertically centered, using tables or CSS display to make elements into tables can do the trick.



Can you use flexbox?


No big surprise, this is a lot easier in flexbox.


.parent {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;

You can also get centering in flexbox using margin: auto; on the child element.

在flexbox中你也可以在子元素中使用 margin:auto; 来实现垂直居中

Both Horizontally and Vertically


You can combine the techniques above in any fashion to get perfectly centered elements. But I find this generally falls into three camps:


Is the element of fixed width and height?


Using negative margins equal to half of that width and height, after you’ve absolutely positioned it at 50% / 50% will center it with great cross browser support:

在使用absolute定位元素到50% 50%之后,再对它们自身宽高使用-50%magrin的技巧,会得到非常好的跨浏览器兼容的居中效果。

.parent {
position: relative;
} .child {
width: 300px;
height: 100px;
padding: 20px; position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%; margin: -70px 0 0 -170px;

Is the element of unknown width and height?


If you don’t know the width or height, you can use the transform property and a negative translate of 50% in both directions (it is based on the current width/height of the element) to center:


.parent {
position: relative;
.child {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

Can you use flexbox?


To center in both directions with flexbox, you need to use two centering properties:


.parent {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;

Can you use grid?


This is just a little trick (sent in by Lance Janssen) that will pretty much work for one element:

这个有点取巧(Lance Janssen发来的),它对于单个元素效果非常完美:

body, html {
height: 100%;
display: grid;
span { /* thing to center */
margin: auto;




  You can totally center things in CSS.



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