



编程标准(Coding Standard)

FreeRTOS代码遵循MISRA(Motor Industry Software Reliability Association)标准,但也有些区别.具体来说:

  • 为了效率,有两个API函数拥有超过一个的出口点.
  • 使用了标准的C数据类型,而不是用typedef将其重定义.
  • 在创建任务时,代码会直接处理堆栈的栈顶和栈底地址.由于不同平台的总线宽度并不相同,这就需要不可避免地对指针变量进行算数运算.
  • trace宏的定义在默认情况为空,所以不会产生任何代码.因此,MISRA的遵从检查其实是用假的宏定义来运行的.


命名约定(Naming Conventions)


  • 变量名

    • uint32_t 数据类型的变量的变量名以 ul 为前缀.
    • uint16_t 数据类型的变量的变量名以 us 为前缀.
    • uint8_t 数据类型的变量的变量名以 uc 为前缀.
    • 非stdint数据类型的变量的变量名以 x 为前缀.例如,BaseType_t TickType_t.
    • 无符号的非stdint数据类型的变量的变量名再添加一个额外的前缀 u .例如,UBaseType_t(unsigned BaseType_t)数据类型的变量的变量名以 ux x为前缀.
    • size_t 数据类型的变量的变量名也以 x 为前缀.
    • 指针变量拥有一个额外的前缀 p.例如,uint16_t的指针的变量名以 pus为前缀.
    • 按照MISRA的标准,char数据类型只允许储存ASCII字符,以 c 为前缀.char的指针只允许指向ASCII字符串,以 pc 为前缀.
  • 函数名

    - 文件的内部函数以prv为前缀.

    - API函数以返回值类型为前缀,参见前面变量名的命名约定(额外添加了v作为void返回值的前缀).例如,vTaskDelete代表这个函数的返回值类型为void.

    - 函数名以所在文件名为开头.例如,vTaskDelete函数在Task.c中定义.

  • - 宏用所在文件名的一部分以小写作为前缀.例如,configUSE_PRESSMPTIONFreeRTOSConfig.h中定义.

    - 宏的其余部分用大写字母,用下划线分割.



  • 按照MISRA的标准,char数据类型只允许储存ASCII字符.
  • 按照MISRA的标准,char的指针只指向ASCII字符串.


  • TickType_t

  • BaseType_t


  • UBaseType_t

  • StackType_t



  • 缩进

  • 注释


  • 布局

  1. /* Library includes come first… */
  2. #include <stdlib.h>
  3. /* …followed by FreeRTOS includes… */
  4. #include FreeRTOS.h
  5. /* …followed by other includes. */
  6. #include HardwareSpecifics.h
  7. /* #defines comes next, bracketed where possible. */
  8. #define A_DEFINITION ( 1 )
  9. /*
  10. * Static (file private) function prototypes appear next, with comments
  11. * in this style – with each line starting with a ‘*’.
  12. */
  13. static void prvAFunction( uint32_t ulParameter );
  14. /* File scope variables are the last thing before the function definitions.
  15. Comments for variables are in this style (without each line starting with
  16. a ‘*’). */
  17. static BaseType_t xMyVariable;
  18. /* The following separate is used after the closing bracket of each function,
  19. with a blank line following before the start of the next function definition. */
  20. /*———————————————————–*/
  21. void vAFunction( void )
  22. {
  23. /* Function definition goes here – note the separator after the closing
  24. curly bracket. */
  25. }
  26. /*———————————————————–*/
  27. static UBaseType_t prvNextFunction( void )
  28. {
  29. /* Function definition goes here. */
  30. }
  31. /*———————————————————–*/
  32. File Layout
  33. /* Function names are always written on a single line, including the return
  34. type. As always, there is no space before the opening parenthesis. There
  35. is a space after an opening parenthesis. There is a space before a closing
  36. parenthesis. There is a space after each comma. Parameters are given
  37. verbose, descriptive names (unlike this example!). The opening and closing
  38. curly brackets appear on their own lines, lined up underneath each other. */
  39. void vAnExampleFunction( long lParameter1, unsigned short usParameter2 )
  40. {
  41. /* Variable declarations are not indented. */
  42. uint8_t ucByte;
  43. /* Code is indented. Curly brackets are always on their own lines
  44. and lined up underneath each other. */
  45. for( ucByte = 0U; ucByte < fileBUFFER_LENGTH; ucByte++ )
  46. {
  47. /* Indent again. */
  48. }
  49. }
  50. /* For, while, do and if constructs follow a similar pattern. There is no
  51. space before the opening parenthesis. There is a space after an opening
  52. parenthesis. There is a space before a closing parenthesis. There is a
  53. space after each semicolon (if there are any). There are spaces before and
  54. after each operator. No reliance is placed on operator precedence –
  55. parenthesis are always used to make precedence explicit. Magic numbers,
  56. other than zero, are always replaced with a constant or #defined constant.
  57. The opening and closing curly brackets appear on their own lines. */
  58. for( ucByte = 0U; ucByte < fileBUFFER_LENGTH; ucByte++ )
  59. {
  60. }
  61. while( ucByte < fileBUFFER_LENGTH )
  62. {
  63. }
  64. /* There must be no reliance on operator precedence – every condition in a
  65. multi-condition decision must uniquely be bracketed, as must all
  66. sub-expressions. */
  67. if( ( ucByte < fileBUFFER_LENGTH ) && ( ucByte != 0U ) )
  68. {
  69. /* Example of no reliance on operator precedence! */
  70. ulResult = ( ( ulValue1 + ulValue2 ) ulValue3 ) * ulValue4;
  71. }
  72. /* Conditional compilations are laid out and indented as per any
  73. other code. */
  74. #if( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 )
  75. {
  76. /* Add a counter into the TCB for tracing only. */
  77. pxNewTCB->uxTCBNumber = uxTaskNumber;
  78. }
  79. #endif
  80. A space is placed after an opening square bracket, and before a closing
  81. square bracket.
  82. ucBuffer[ 0 ] = 0U;
  83. ucBuffer[ fileBUFFER_LENGTH 1U ] = 0U;
  84. Formatting of C Constructs


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