








QCC_SetDebugLevel("ALL", 7);
QCC_SetDebugLevel("ICE", 1);
QCC_SetDebugLevel("IPNS", 1);
QCC_SetDebugLevel("TIMER", 1);



JoinSession() timeout的日志:

09-06 15:26:26.608: W/TCP(12712): 1.910 HL_DBG TCP JoinS-1 ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:2715 | TCPTransport::Connect(): Interface UP with addresss fe80::50cc:f8ff:feac:498f
09-06 15:26:26.608: W/TCP(12712): 1.910 HL_DBG TCP JoinS-1 ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:2713 | TCPTransport::Connect(): Checking interface wlan0
09-06 15:26:26.608: W/TCP(12712): 1.910 HL_DBG TCP JoinS-1 ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:2715 | TCPTransport::Connect(): Interface UP with addresss
09-06 15:26:26.608: W/TCP(12712): 1.910 HL_DBG TCP JoinS-1 ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:2713 | TCPTransport::Connect(): Checking interface wlan0
09-06 15:26:26.608: W/TCP(12712): 1.910 HL_DBG TCP JoinS-1 ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:2715 | TCPTransport::Connect(): Interface UP with addresss fe80::52cc:f8ff:feac:498f
09-06 15:26:26.608: D/NETWORK(12712): 1.910 TRACE NETWORK JoinS-1 common/os/posix/Socket.cc:171 | Socket(addrFamily = 2, type = 1, sockfd = <>)
09-06 15:26:26.608: D/NETWORK(12712): 1.910 TRACE NETWORK JoinS-1 common/os/posix/Socket.cc:195 | Connect(sockfd = 122, remoteAddr =, remotePort = 9955)
09-06 15:26:26.623: I/THREAD(12712): 1.925 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:220 | Thread function exited: lepDisp --> 0x0
09-06 15:26:26.623: D/THREAD(12712): 1.925 TRACE THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:368 | Thread::Join() [lepDisp - 5aba2b88 : running]
09-06 15:26:26.623: I/THREAD(12712): 1.926 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:372 | [lepDisp - 5aba2b88] Joining thread [lepDisp - 5aba2b88]
09-06 15:26:26.623: I/THREAD(12712): 1.926 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:435 | Joined thread lepDisp
09-06 15:26:26.638: W/THREAD(12712): 1.943 HL_DBG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:170 | Thread::~Thread() destroying lepDisp - 0
09-06 15:26:26.638: I/THREAD(12712): 1.943 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:319 | Thread::Stop() thread is dead [lepDisp]
09-06 15:26:26.638: D/THREAD(12712): 1.943 TRACE THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:368 | Thread::Join() [lepDisp - 0 : not running]
09-06 15:26:26.638: I/THREAD(12712): 1.943 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:372 | [lepDisp - 5a798120] Joining thread [lepDisp - 0]
09-06 15:26:26.638: I/THREAD(12712): 1.943 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:378 | Thread::Join() thread is dead [lepDisp]
09-06 15:26:26.638: W/THREAD(12712): 1.943 HL_DBG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:182 | Thread::~Thread() destroyed lepDisp - 0 -- started:29 running:24 joined:5
09-06 15:26:26.743: D/NETWORK(12712): 2.047 TRACE NETWORK IpNameServiceImpl common/os/posix/Socket.cc:557 | RecvFrom(sockfd = 115, remoteAddr = <invalid IP address>, remotePort = 9956, buf = <>, len = 1454, received = <>)
09-06 15:26:26.743: I/NETWORK(12712): 2.047 DEBUG NETWORK IpNameServiceImpl common/os/posix/Socket.cc:569 | Received 119 bytes, remoteAddr =, remotePort = 9956
09-06 15:26:26.743: W/IPNS(12712): 2.047 HL_DBG IPNS IpNameServiceImpl .../IpNameServiceImpl.cc:3599 | IpNameServiceImpl::Run(): Got IPNS message from ""
09-06 15:26:26.743: I/NS(12712): 2.048 DEBUG NS IpNameServiceImpl ...on/ns/IpNsProtocol.cc:1576 | Header::Deserialize(): IsAt::Deserialize() answer 0
09-06 15:26:26.743: I/NS(12712): 2.048 DEBUG NS IpNameServiceImpl ...mon/ns/IpNsProtocol.cc:686 | IsAt::Deserialize()
09-06 15:26:26.743: I/NS(12712): 2.048 DEBUG NS IpNameServiceImpl ...mon/ns/IpNsProtocol.cc:733 | IsAt::Deserialize(): G flag 1
09-06 15:26:26.743: I/NS(12712): 2.049 DEBUG NS IpNameServiceImpl ...mon/ns/IpNsProtocol.cc:736 | IsAt::Deserialize(): C flag 1
09-06 15:26:26.743: I/NS(12712): 2.049 DEBUG NS IpNameServiceImpl ...mon/ns/IpNsProtocol.cc:739 | IsAt::Deserialize(): T flag 1


09-06 15:27:46.413: I/NS(12712): 81.719 DEBUG NS IpNameServiceImpl ...on/ns/IpNsProtocol.cc:1034 | IsAt::Deserialize(): StringData::Deserialize() name 0
09-06 15:27:46.413: I/NS(12712): 81.719 DEBUG NS IpNameServiceImpl ...emon/ns/IpNsProtocol.cc:81 | StringData::Deserialize()
09-06 15:27:46.418: I/NS(12712): 81.720 DEBUG NS IpNameServiceImpl ...mon/ns/IpNsProtocol.cc:108 | StringData::Deserialize(): com.samsung.contextware.share.acbbc6b64c8cdf53448fbaccdd46441931326180362 from buffer
09-06 15:27:46.418: I/TCP(12712): 81.720 DEBUG TCP IpNameServiceImpl ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:3714 | TCPTransport::FoundCallback::Found(): busAddr = "r4addr=,r4port=9955"
09-06 15:27:46.418: I/TCP(12712): 81.720 DEBUG TCP IpNameServiceImpl ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:3792 | TCPTransport::FoundCallback::Found(): newBusAddr = "tcp:r4addr=,r4port=9955".
09-06 15:27:46.418: I/TCP(12712): 81.720 DEBUG TCP IpNameServiceImpl ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:3798 | TCPTransport::FoundCallback::Found(): FoundNames(): tcp:r4addr=,r4port=9955
09-06 15:27:46.418: D/ALLJOYN_OBJ(12712): 81.721 TRACE ALLJOYN_OBJ IpNameServiceImpl .../daemon/AllJoynObj.cc:3495 | AllJoynObj::FoundNames(busAddr = "tcp:r4addr=,r4port=9955", guid = "7e08ad9db1299e3a505206188e09b165", names = com.samsung.contextware.share.acbbc6b64c8cdf53448fbaccdd46441931326180362, ttl = 120)
09-06 15:27:46.418: D/THREAD(12712): 81.721 TRACE THREAD IpNameServiceImpl common/os/posix/Thread.cc:333 | Thread::Alert() [NameReaper: running]
09-06 15:27:52.183: I/IFCONFIG(12712): 87.489 DEBUG IFCONFIG IpNameServiceImpl ...posix/IfConfigLinux.cc:563 | IfConfig(): The Linux way
09-06 15:27:52.193: D/NETWORK(12712): 87.495 TRACE NETWORK IpNameServiceImpl common/os/posix/Socket.cc:171 | Socket(addrFamily = 2, type = 2, sockfd = <>)
09-06 15:27:52.193: D/NETWORK(12712): 87.496 TRACE NETWORK IpNameServiceImpl common/os/posix/Socket.cc:272 | Bind(sockfd = 115, localAddr =, localPort = 9956)
09-06 15:27:52.198: D/NETWORK(12712): 87.500 TRACE NETWORK IpNameServiceImpl common/os/posix/Socket.cc:171 | Socket(addrFamily = 10, type = 2, sockfd = <>)
09-06 15:27:52.198: D/NETWORK(12712): 87.501 TRACE NETWORK IpNameServiceImpl common/os/posix/Socket.cc:272 | Bind(sockfd = 116, localAddr = ::, localPort = 9956)
09-06 15:27:56.683: I/LOCAL_TRANSPORT(12712): 91.986 DEBUG LOCAL_TRANSPORT replyTimer .../src/LocalTransport.cc:841 | Timed out waiting for METHOD_REPLY with serial 5
09-06 15:27:56.683: W/ALLJOYN(12712): 91.987 HL_DBG ALLJOYN replyTimer ...ore/src/Message_Gen.cc:988 | MarshalMessage: 80+0 ERROR[5] org.alljoyn.Bus.Timeout
09-06 15:27:56.683: D/THREAD(12712): 91.987 TRACE THREAD replyTimer common/os/posix/Thread.cc:333 | Thread::Alert() [lepDisp: running]
09-06 15:27:56.688: W/THREAD(12712): 91.991 HL_DBG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:164 | Thread::Thread() created lepDisp - 0 -- started:29 running:24 joined:5
09-06 15:27:56.688: D/THREAD(12712): 91.993 TRACE THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:301 | Thread::Start() [lepDisp] pid = 5cbd8918
09-06 15:27:56.688: I/LOCAL_TRANSPORT(12712): 91.993 DEBUG LOCAL_TRANSPORT lepDisp .../src/LocalTransport.cc:465 | Pushing ERROR[5] org.alljoyn.Bus.Timeout into local endpoint
09-06 15:27:56.688: I/LOCAL_TRANSPORT(12712): 91.993 DEBUG LOCAL_TRANSPORT lepDisp .../src/LocalTransport.cc:703 | LocalEndpoint::RemoveReplyHandler for serial=5
09-06 15:27:56.688: I/LOCAL_TRANSPORT(12712): 91.993 DEBUG LOCAL_TRANSPORT lepDisp ...src/LocalTransport.cc:1018 | Matched reply for serial #5
09-06 15:27:56.688: I/THREAD(12712): 91.993 DEBUG THREAD external common/os/posix/Thread.cc:205 | Thread::RunInternal: lepDisp (pid=5cbd8918)
09-06 15:27:56.688: I/THREAD(12712): 91.994 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:216 | Starting thread: lepDisp
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): 91.994 DEBUG ALLJOYN lepDisp ...e/src/Message_Parse.cc:647 | Unmarshaled
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): <message endianness="LITTLE" type="ERROR" version="1" body_len="0" serial="6">
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): <header_fields>
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): <header field="ERROR_NAME">
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): <string>org.alljoyn.Bus.Timeout</string>
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): </header>
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): <header field="REPLY_SERIAL">
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): <uint32>5</uint32>
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): </header>
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): <header field="SENDER">
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): <string>:_Eds_BwS.2</string>
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): </header>
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): </header_fields>
09-06 15:27:56.693: I/ALLJOYN(12712): </message>
09-06 15:27:56.693: E/ALLJOYN(12712): 91.996 ****** ERROR ALLJOYN lepDisp .../src/BusAttachment.cc:1477 | org.alljoyn.Bus.JoinSession returned ERROR_MESSAGE (error=org.alljoyn.Bus.Timeout): ER_BUS_REPLY_IS_ERROR_MESSAGE
09-06 15:27:56.693: D/THREAD(12712): 91.996 TRACE THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:333 | Thread::Alert() [lepDisp: running]
09-06 15:27:56.693: V/JACK(12712): [ContextSharing]AllJoyn::_join_session(): join session:com.samsung.contextware.share.acbbc6b64c8cdf53448fbaccdd46441931326180362 failed.ER_BUS_REPLY_IS_ERROR_MESSAGE


09-06 15:29:31.303: I/RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_CONNECTION(12712): 186.606 DEBUG RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_CONNECTION DiscoveryManager ...tion.cc:72 | RendezvousServerConnection::~RendezvousServerConnection()
09-06 15:29:31.303: I/ICE_DISCOVERY_MANAGER(12712): 186.606 DEBUG ICE_DISCOVERY_MANAGER DiscoveryManager ...ryManager.cc:1158 | Run: Server connect return status = ER_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_RENDEZVOUS_SERVER
09-06 15:29:31.303: D/PROXIMITY_SCAN_ENGINE(12712): 186.607 TRACE PROXIMITY_SCAN_ENGINE DiscoveryManager ...ScanEngine.cc:320 | ProximityScanEngine::StopScan() called
09-06 15:29:31.303: I/PROXIMITY_SCAN_ENGINE(12712): 186.607 DEBUG PROXIMITY_SCAN_ENGINE DiscoveryManager ...ScanEngine.cc:336 | ProximityScanEngine::StopScan() completed
09-06 15:29:31.303: I/ICE_DISCOVERY_MANAGER(12712): 186.607 DEBUG ICE_DISCOVERY_MANAGER DiscoveryManager ...ryManager.cc:3267 | DiscoveryManager::GetWaitTimeOut()
09-06 15:29:31.303: I/ICE_DISCOVERY_MANAGER(12712): 186.607 DEBUG ICE_DISCOVERY_MANAGER DiscoveryManager ...ryManager.cc:3273 | DiscoveryManager::GetWaitTimeOut(): timeout= 0xffffffff tNow = 0x2d8ef
09-06 15:29:31.303: I/ICE_DISCOVERY_MANAGER(12712): 186.607 DEBUG ICE_DISCOVERY_MANAGER DiscoveryManager ...ryManager.cc:3305 | DiscoveryManager::GetWaitTimeOut(): timeout = -1
09-06 15:29:36.218: E/NETWORK(12712): 191.520 ****** ERROR NETWORK JoinS-1 common/os/posix/Socket.cc:214 | Connecting (sockfd = 122) to 9955: 110 - Connection timed out: ER_OS_ERROR
09-06 15:29:36.218: E/TCP(12712): 191.520 ****** ERROR TCP JoinS-1 ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:2760 | TCPTransport::Connect(): Failed: ER_OS_ERROR
09-06 15:29:36.218: I/ALLJOYN(12712): 191.521 DEBUG ALLJOYN JoinS-1 ...core/src/BusEndpoint.cc:45 | Invalidating endpoint type=0

JoinSesssion() 成功的日志:

09-06 17:03:39.428: W/TCP(7411): 1.731 HL_DBG TCP JoinS-1 ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:2715 | TCPTransport::Connect(): Interface UP with addresss fe80::50cc:f8ff:feac:498f
09-06 17:03:39.428: W/TCP(7411): 1.731 HL_DBG TCP JoinS-1 ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:2713 | TCPTransport::Connect(): Checking interface wlan0
09-06 17:03:39.428: W/TCP(7411): 1.732 HL_DBG TCP JoinS-1 ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:2715 | TCPTransport::Connect(): Interface UP with addresss
09-06 17:03:39.428: W/TCP(7411): 1.732 HL_DBG TCP JoinS-1 ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:2713 | TCPTransport::Connect(): Checking interface wlan0
09-06 17:03:39.428: W/TCP(7411): 1.732 HL_DBG TCP JoinS-1 ...aemon/TCPTransport.cc:2715 | TCPTransport::Connect(): Interface UP with addresss fe80::52cc:f8ff:feac:498f
09-06 17:03:39.428: D/NETWORK(7411): 1.732 TRACE NETWORK JoinS-1 common/os/posix/Socket.cc:171 | Socket(addrFamily = 2, type = 1, sockfd = <>)
09-06 17:03:39.428: D/NETWORK(7411): 1.733 TRACE NETWORK JoinS-1 common/os/posix/Socket.cc:195 | Connect(sockfd = 120, remoteAddr =, remotePort = 9955)
09-06 17:03:39.438: I/THREAD(7411): 1.742 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:220 | Thread function exited: lepDisp --> 0x0
09-06 17:03:39.438: D/THREAD(7411): 1.742 TRACE THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:368 | Thread::Join() [lepDisp - 5cbd2f38 : running]
09-06 17:03:39.438: I/THREAD(7411): 1.743 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:372 | [lepDisp - 5cbd2f38] Joining thread [lepDisp - 5cbd2f38]
09-06 17:03:39.438: I/THREAD(7411): 1.743 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:435 | Joined thread lepDisp
09-06 17:03:39.448: W/THREAD(7411): 1.754 HL_DBG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:170 | Thread::~Thread() destroying lepDisp - 0
09-06 17:03:39.448: I/THREAD(7411): 1.754 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:319 | Thread::Stop() thread is dead [lepDisp]
09-06 17:03:39.448: D/THREAD(7411): 1.754 TRACE THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:368 | Thread::Join() [lepDisp - 0 : not running]
09-06 17:03:39.448: I/THREAD(7411): 1.754 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:372 | [lepDisp - 5aba3450] Joining thread [lepDisp - 0]
09-06 17:03:39.448: I/THREAD(7411): 1.754 DEBUG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:378 | Thread::Join() thread is dead [lepDisp]
09-06 17:03:39.448: W/THREAD(7411): 1.754 HL_DBG THREAD lepDisp common/os/posix/Thread.cc:182 | Thread::~Thread() destroyed lepDisp - 0 -- started:28 running:24 joined:4
09-06 17:03:39.498: D/NETWORK(7411): 1.802 TRACE NETWORK JoinS-1 common/os/posix/Socket.cc:467 | Send(sockfd = 120, *buf = <>, len = 1, sent = <>)
09-06 17:03:39.498: W/THREAD(7411): 1.802 HL_DBG THREAD JoinS-1 common/os/posix/Thread.cc:164 | Thread::Thread() created auth - 0 -- started:28 running:24 joined:4
09-06 17:03:39.498: I/ALLJOYN(7411): 1.802 DEBUG ALLJOYN JoinS-1 ...re/src/EndpointAuth.cc:370 | EndpointAuth::Establish authMechanisms="ANONYMOUS"
09-06 17:03:39.498: I/ALLJOYN_AUTH(7411): 1.802 DEBUG ALLJOYN_AUTH JoinS-1 ...core/src/SASLEngine.cc:699 | SASL Responder mechanisms ANONYMOUS
09-06 17:03:39.498: I/ALLJOYN_AUTH(7411): 1.803 DEBUG ALLJOYN_AUTH JoinS-1 ...core/src/SASLEngine.cc:275 | Responder starting auth conversation ANONYMOUS
09-06 17:03:39.498: I/ALLJOYN_AUTH(7411): 1.803 DEBUG ALLJOYN_AUTH JoinS-1 ...core/src/SASLEngine.cc:294 | Current authSet ANONYMOUS
09-06 17:03:39.498: I/ALLJOYN_AUTH(7411): 1.803 DEBUG ALLJOYN_AUTH JoinS-1 ...core/src/SASLEngine.cc:220 | Initialized authMechanism ANONYMOUS
09-06 17:03:39.498: I/ALLJOYN_AUTH(7411): 1.803 DEBUG ALLJOYN_AUTH JoinS-1 ...core/src/SASLEngine.cc:224 | New Responder state WAIT_FOR_DATA
09-06 17:03:39.498: I/ALLJOYN_AUTH(7411): 1.803 DEBUG ALLJOYN_AUTH JoinS-1 ...core/src/SASLEngine.cc:452 | Responder sending AUTH ANONYMOUS
09-06 17:03:39.498: D/NETWORK(7411): 1.803 TRACE NETWORK JoinS-1 common/os/posix/Socket.cc:467 | Send(sockfd = 120, *buf = <>, len = 16, sent = <>)
09-06 17:03:39.498: I/ALLJOYN(7411): 1.803 DEBUG ALLJOYN JoinS-1 ...re/src/EndpointAuth.cc:433 | Sent AUTH ANONYMOUS
09-06 17:03:39.498: D/NETWORK(7411): 1.803 TRACE NETWORK JoinS-1 common/os/posix/Socket.cc:527 | Recv(sockfd = 120, buf = <>, len = 1, received = <>)
09-06 17:03:39.568: D/NETWORK(7411): 1.869 TRACE NETWORK JoinS-1 common/os/posix/Socket.cc:527 | Recv(sockfd = 120, buf = <>, len = 1, received = <>)
09-06 17:03:39.568: D/NETWORK(7411): 1.870 TRACE NETWORK JoinS-1 common/os/posix/Socket.cc:527 | Recv(sockfd = 120, buf = <>, len = 1, received = <>)
09-06 17:03:39.568: D/NETWORK(7411): 1.870 TRACE NETWORK JoinS-1 common/os/posix/Socket.cc:527 | Recv(sockfd = 120, buf = <>, len = 1, received = <>)


QStatus TCPTransport::Connect(const char* connectSpec, const SessionOpts& opts, BusEndpoint& newEp)
QCC_DbgHLPrintf(("TCPTransport::Connect(): %s", connectSpec));

QStatus status;
bool isConnected = false;


SocketFd sockFd = -1;
status = Socket(QCC_AF_INET, QCC_SOCK_STREAM, sockFd);
if (status == ER_OK) {
/* Turn off Nagle */
status = SetNagle(sockFd, false);

if (status == ER_OK) {
* We got a socket, now tell TCP to connect to the remote address and
* port.
status = qcc::Connect(sockFd, ipAddr, port);
if (status == ER_OK) {
* We now have a TCP connection established, but DBus (the wire
* protocol which we are using) requires that every connection,
* irrespective of transport, start with a single zero byte. This
* is so that the Unix-domain socket transport used by DBus can pass
* SCM_RIGHTS out-of-band when that byte is sent.
uint8_t nul = 0;
size_t sent;

status = Send(sockFd, &nul, 1, sent);
if (status != ER_OK) {
QCC_LogError(status, ("TCPTransport::Connect(): Failed to send initial NUL byte"));
isConnected = true;
} else {
QCC_LogError(status, ("TCPTransport::Connect(): Failed"));
} else {
QCC_LogError(status, ("TCPTransport::Connect(): qcc::Socket() failed"));


QStatus Connect(SocketFd sockfd, const IPAddress& remoteAddr, uint16_t remotePort)
QStatus status = ER_OK;
int ret;
struct sockaddr_storage addr;
socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(addr);

QCC_DbgTrace(("Connect(sockfd = %d, remoteAddr = %s, remotePort = %hu)",
sockfd, remoteAddr.ToString().c_str(), remotePort));

status = MakeSockAddr(remoteAddr, remotePort, &addr, addrLen);
if (status != ER_OK) {
return status;

ret = connect(static_cast<int>(sockfd), reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr*>(&addr), addrLen);
if (ret == -1) {
if ((errno == EINPROGRESS) || (errno == EALREADY)) {
} else if (errno == EISCONN) {
status = ER_OK;
} else if (errno == ECONNREFUSED) {
} else {
status = ER_OS_ERROR;
QCC_LogError(status, ("Connecting (sockfd = %u) to %s %d: %d - %s", sockfd,
remoteAddr.ToString().c_str(), remotePort,
errno, strerror(errno)));
} else {
int flags = fcntl(sockfd, F_GETFL, 0);
ret = fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);

if (ret == -1) {
status = ER_OS_ERROR;
QCC_LogError(status, ("Connect fcntl (sockfd = %u) to O_NONBLOCK: %d - %s", sockfd, errno, strerror(errno)));
/* Higher level code is responsible for closing the socket */

return status;


时间(s) JoinSession() timeout JoinSession()成功
Connect(sockfd = 122, remoteAddr =, remotePort = 9955)

Connect(sockfd = 120, remoteAddr =, remotePort = 9955)
Send(sockfd = 120, *buf = <>, len = 1, sent = <>)
Recv(sockfd = 120, buf = <>, len = 1, received = <>)
JoinSession() timeout
LocalTransport.cc:841 | Timed out waiting for METHOD_REPLY with serial 5
BusAttachment.cc:1477 | org.alljoyn.Bus.JoinSession returned ERROR_MESSAGE
(error=org.alljoyn.Bus.Timeout): ER_BUS_REPLY_IS_ERROR_MESSAGE

190 tcp connect() timeout
Connecting (sockfd = 122) to 9955: 110 - Connection timed out: ER_OS_ERROR

通过上面对比,可以发现JoinSession() timeout的根源在于tcp的系统调用connect阻塞超时了,即如下代码:

ret = connect(static_cast<int>(sockfd), reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr*>(&addr), addrLen);




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  5. IO复用_select函数

    select函数: #include <sys/select.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #includ ...

  6. [python]爬代理ip v2.0(未完待续)

    爬代理ip 所有的代码都放到了我的github上面, HTTP代理常识 HTTP代理按匿名度可分为透明代理.匿名代理和高度匿名代理. 特别感谢:勤奋的小孩 在评论中指出我文章中的错误. REMOTE_ ...

  7. I/O复用-select模型

    IO复用: I/O复用使得程序可以同时监听多个文件描述符,这对提高程序的性能至关重要.例如TCP服务器要同时处理监听socket和连接socket,客户端要同时处理用户输入和网络连接. Linux下实 ...

  8. 异步的 SQL 数据库封装

    引言 我一直在寻找一种简单有效的库,它能在简化数据库相关的编程的同时提供一种异步的方法来预防死锁. 我找到的大部分库要么太繁琐,要么灵活性不足,所以我决定自己写个. 使用这个库,你可以轻松地连接到任何 ...

  9. 实战nginx 基础知识总结(一)1.1

    squid Squid是一个缓存Internet数据的软件,其接收用户的下载申请,并自动处理所下载的数据.当一个用户想要下载一个主页时,可以向Squid发出一个申请,要Squid代替其进行下载,然后S ...


  1. T-SQL备忘(6):常用内置函数

    日期和时间函数: 1.获取当前时间:GETDATE() select GETDATE() 返回: 2015-04-27 20:52:06.700 2.返回时间的部分(日.月.年) a.获取日: sel ...

  2. 一:Ionic Framework初体验

    因项目关系,需要开发一个平板使用的应用程序,刚开始以为需要使用Andriod,后来经理提供了一个解决方案,Ionic Framework https://ionicframework.com/ 第一步 ...

  3. Ionic-wechat项目边开发边学(三):自定义样式,指令,服务

    摘要 上一篇文章主要介绍了一个ionic项目的标准目录结构,header标签的使用,以及页面之间的切换.这篇文章实现的功能有: 消息数据的获取, 消息列表的展示, 消息标为已读/未读, 主要涉及的到的 ...

  4. 关于php的session.serialize_handler的问题

    前言 php的session信息是储存在文件中的 session.save_path="" 指定储存的路径 session.save_handler="" 指定 ...

  5. Python进阶:@property 动态属性

    Python进阶:@property 动态属性 Python 动态属性的概念可能会被面试问到,在项目当中也非常实用,但是在一般的编程教程中不会提到,可以进修一下. 先看一个简单的例子.创建一个 Stu ...

  6. 从Linux下载文件到Windows没有换行问题

    这是一个小问题,一般用txt打开文件才会遇到,word打开也是正常(估计其他编程软件打开也正常). 顺便提一下pscp从Linux上下载文件到Windows. C:\Users\xuefei>p ...

  7. Check if a user is in a group

    groups or groups user

  8. eclipse汉化 adt汉化

    韩梦飞沙  韩亚飞  313134555@qq.com  yue31313  han_meng_fei_sha

  9. POJ 1830 开关问题(Gauss 消元)

    开关问题 Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 7726   Accepted: 3032 Description ...

  10. 【DFS】【打表】Lattice Animals

    [ZOJ2669]Lattice Animals Time Limit: 5 Seconds      Memory Limit: 32768 KB Lattice animal is a set o ...