• 如何给javascript对象动态创建动态key

// ES2015
var key = 'DYNAMIC_KEY',
obj = {
[key]: 'ES6!'
}; console.log(obj);
// > { 'DYNAMIC_KEY': 'ES6!' } // NON ES2015
var obj = [];
obj[] = "hello world";
obj["something"] = ; var objJSON = JSON.stringify(obj);
  • 数字化的Date


var now=new Date();
console.log(now);//Wed Nov 25 2015 22:02:17 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间)


var now=+new Date();

javascript Errors: try{}catch(){}的重要性

在JS APP中,对于一些很有可能会出错的代码,强烈建议使用try{}catch(){}的方式来调用,否则会出现一个错误就导致app crash的问题。相信crash并不是你想要的状态,你可能希望出错没有关系啊,下次出错的条件解除了,我们希望程序能够继续运行,这就必须使用try catch的模式来写可能出错的代码,允许出错


try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof EvalError) {
alert(e.name + ': ' + e.message);
} else if (e instanceof RangeError) {
alert(e.name + ': ' + e.message);
} else if (e instanceof InternalError) {
alert(e.name + ': ' + e.message);
}else if (e instanceof ReferenceError) {
alert(e.name + ': ' + e.message);
}else if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
alert(e.name + ': ' + e.message);
}else if (e instanceof TypeError) {
alert(e.name + ': ' + e.message);
}else if (e instanceof URIError) {
alert(e.name + ': ' + e.message);
// ... etc



(0.1+0.2)==0.3 //false!!!!
(0.1+0.2).toFixed(1)==0.3 //true!!!
(0.1+0.2).toFixed(2)===0.3 //flase!!! 原因是toFixed(2)调用后实际上返回的是"0.30"


function tax(price,percent){
return parseFloat((price*percent/100).toFixed(2));
var myprice = 9;
var taxpercent =70;
var total = myprice+tax(myprice,taxpercent);
console.log(total.toFixed(2)); //"15.30"

javascript hoisting

<!DOCTYPE html>
<body> <p id="demo"></p> <script>
var x = 5; // Initialize x elem = document.getElementById("demo"); // Find an element
elem.innerHTML = "x is " + x + " and y is " + y; // Display x and y==> x is 5 and y is undefined,虽然y是declared了(due to hoisting),但是却没有defination未定义 var y = 7; // Initialize y
</script> </body>

modula Pattern

var ARMORY =(function(){
var weaponList = [*list of weapon objects*];
var armorList = [*list of armor objects*]; var removeWeapon = function(){};
var replaceWeapon = function(){};
var removeArmor = function(){};
var replaceArmor = function(){}; return {
makeWeaponRequest: function(){};
makeArmorRequest: function(){};
}; })();

上面这段代码中,使用IIFE调用后返回一个global object ARMORY作为namespace,暴露两个public函数公外部调用,内部的local data都已经被封装起来,

通过ARMORY.makeWeaponRequest()函数调用,来通过private函数removeWeapon又去访问namespace的local variable weapList,删除相应武器数据后,可能返回一个weapon列表对象的copy到ARMORY.makeWeaponRequest的scope中去使用。

Import Globals into IIFE

在上面的module pattern中,如果需要访问一个全局变量,比如我们添加一个指示是否正在战争游戏的flag,在makeWeaponRequest函数中,我们根据这个flag来做特定的动作,那么可行的方法是将wartime这个flag作为IIFE的参数传入:

var wartime = true;
var ARMORY =(function(war){
var weaponList = [*list of weapon objects*];
var armorList = [*list of armor objects*]; var removeWeapon = function(){};
var replaceWeapon = function(){};
var removeArmor = function(){};
var replaceArmor = function(){}; return {
makeWeaponRequest: function(){
if(war) //let civilians have weaponry };
makeArmorRequest: function(){};
}; })(wartime);


当然,如果希望内部和外部完全同步,有一个可行的方法是,将wartime声明为一个object或者array,在IIFE内部通过 object.property,array[index]方式来读或者写就可以实现内外完全同步了!看下面的简单说明:

function replace(ref) {
ref = {}; // this code does _not_ affect the object passed
} function update(ref) {
ref.key = 'newvalue'; // this code _does_ affect the _contents_ of the object
} var a = { key: 'value' };
replace(a); // a still has its original value - it's unmodfied
update(a); // the _contents_ of 'a' are changed


var wordBox = $("#theWords");
var timer; timer = setTimeout(function(){ var argCallee = arguments.callee; var fSpan = $("#theWords span:first"); fSpan.animate({
timer = setTimeout(argCallee,3000);
}); },3000);
<div id="theWords" class="theScrollword"> <span style="margin-top: 0px;">不怕做不到只怕想不到。</span><span style="margin-top: 0px;">学而不思则罔!</span><span style="margin-top: 0px;">思而不学则殆 </span><span style="margin-top: 0px;">我听我忘,我看我会,我做我懂 </span><span style="margin-top: 0px;">做个有价值的人。</span></div>
.theScrollword {
height: 20px;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
margin: 20px 0 0;
padding: 0 0 0 40px;
float: left;
display: inline;
.container .toparea .notice span {
text-align: left;
color: #fffeff;
font-size: 14px;
display: block;


jquery document ready and window load

我们知道javascript在操作一个页面的元素时,必须保证document is "ready"。 jQuery侦测readiness状态。在$(document).ready()函数中的代码只有在页面的Document Object Model(DOM)完全就绪后才会被执行(而对于未定义在ready handler中的javascript代码则基本上会在DOM完全构建完成之前运行!!!)。而在$(window).load(function(){...})中的代码则只有整个page的资源(images,css,iframes)都加载完成(或者timeout failure)后才被运行,而不是DOM一就绪就运行;

DOM就绪发生在HTML Document被浏览器接收(注意对应的JS也被加载运行了!!),并且解析成对应的DOM数后发生!。看看下面的示例代码:

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
$( document ).ready(function() {
console.log( "document loaded" );
}); $( window ).load(function() {
console.log( "window loaded" );
<img src="http://xx.yy.com/build/images/internet.jpg" />
<iframe src="http://techcrunch.com"></iframe>

上面的代码将首先打出“document loaded”,随后在img,iframe全部加载完成后,打印出"window loaded"



(function ()
var keys=Object.keys( window );
for (var i in keys)
if (typeof window[keys[i]] != 'function')
console.log(keys[i], window[keys[i]]);


function add(value) {
var helper = function(next) {
console.log("value is: "+ value + "--line 481" );
value = typeof(value)==="undefined"?next:value+next;
console.log("value is: " +value + "--line 483");
return helper;
helper.valueOf = function() {
console.log("valueOf is called at 488");
return value;
return helper;

value is: 2--line 481
value is: 5--line 483
value is: 5--line 481
value is: 10--line 483
value is: 10--line 481
value is: 17--line 483
jstext.html:495 17
valueOf is called at 488


如何reset input file控件的选择状态以便能够再次选择同一文件?

input file控件在首次选择文件后,如果我们取消remove掉了所选文件,后面突然反悔又希望再次选中同一个文件,由于该控件具有一个内在的逻辑是由于选过,不允许重复选择,因此选择无效,这时,一个简单有效的方法是通过javascript设置该空间的type属性

input.type = ''
input.type = 'file'




array.reverse, array.splice, array.shift, array.unshift, array.sort


array.concat, array.indexOf, array.join, array.lastIndexOf, array.slice

javascript regex正则


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