








    Object-specific allocators
_____ ______ ______ ________
[ int ] [ dict ] [ list ] ... [ string ] Python core |
+3 | <----- Object-specific memory -----> | <-- Non-object memory --> |
_______________________________ | |
[ Python's object allocator ] | |
+2 | ####### Object memory ####### | <------ Internal buffers ------> |
______________________________________________________________ |
[ Python's raw memory allocator (PyMem_ API) ] |
+1 | <----- Python memory (under PyMem manager's control) ------> | |
[ Underlying general-purpose allocator (ex: C library malloc) ]
0 | <------ Virtual memory allocated for the python process -------> | =========================================================================
[ OS-specific Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) ]
-1 | <--- Kernel dynamic storage allocation & management (page-based) ---> |
__________________________________ __________________________________
[ ] [ ]
-2 | <-- Physical memory: ROM/RAM --> | | <-- Secondary storage (swap) --> |



1层时python基于0层的包装,为Python提供一层统一的 raw memory 管理接口:


PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_Malloc(size_t);
PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_Realloc(void *, size_t);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyMem_Free(void *); [object.c] void *
PyMem_Malloc(size_t nbytes)
return PyMem_MALLOC(nbytes);
} void *
PyMem_Realloc(void *p, size_t nbytes)
return PyMem_REALLOC(p, nbytes);
} void
PyMem_Free(void *p)



#define PyMem_MALLOC(n)        ((size_t)(n) > (size_t)PY_SSIZE_T_MAX ? NULL \
: malloc((n) ? (n) : ))
#define PyMem_REALLOC(p, n) ((size_t)(n) > (size_t)PY_SSIZE_T_MAX ? NULL \
: realloc((p), (n) ? (n) : ))
#define PyMem_FREE free




#define PyMem_New(type, n) \
( ((size_t)(n) > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX / sizeof(type)) ? NULL : \
( (type *) PyMem_Malloc((n) * sizeof(type)) ) )
#define PyMem_NEW(type, n) \
( ((size_t)(n) > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX / sizeof(type)) ? NULL : \
( (type *) PyMem_MALLOC((n) * sizeof(type)) ) ) #define PyMem_Resize(p, type, n) \
( (p) = ((size_t)(n) > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX / sizeof(type)) ? NULL : \
(type *) PyMem_Realloc((p), (n) * sizeof(type)) )
#define PyMem_RESIZE(p, type, n) \
( (p) = ((size_t)(n) > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX / sizeof(type)) ? NULL : \
(type *) PyMem_REALLOC((p), (n) * sizeof(type)) ) #define PyMem_Del PyMem_Free
#define PyMem_DEL PyMem_FREE







最底层有一个确定大小的内存块block。不同的block有不同的内存大小(size class),并且是8字节对齐:


#define ALIGNMENT               8               /* must be 2^N */






 * Request in bytes     Size of allocated block      Size class idx
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* 1-8 8 0
* 9-16 16 1
* 17-24 24 2
* 25-32 32 3
* 33-40 40 4
* 41-48 48 5
* 49-56 56 6
* 57-64 64 7
* 65-72 72 8
* ... ... ...
* 241-248 248 30
* 249-256 256 31
* 0, 257 and up: routed to the underlying allocator.

size class index 到 size class 的转换:


/* Return the number of bytes in size class I, as a uint. */
#define INDEX2SIZE(I) (((uint)(I) + 1) << ALIGNMENT_SHIFT)





#define SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE        (4 * 1024)



/* When you say memory, my mind reasons in terms of (pointers to) blocks */
typedef uchar block; /* Pool for small blocks. */
struct pool_header {
union { block *_padding;
uint count; } ref; /* number of allocated blocks */
block *freeblock; /* pool's free list head */
struct pool_header *nextpool; /* next pool of this size class */
struct pool_header *prevpool; /* previous pool "" */
uint arenaindex; /* index into arenas of base adr */
uint szidx; /* block size class index */
uint nextoffset; /* bytes to virgin block */
uint maxnextoffset; /* largest valid nextoffset */


一个pool管理着一堆同样大小的block,由szidx(size class index)决定。



if (pool != pool->nextpool) {
* There is a used pool for this size class.
* Pick up the head block of its free list.
bp = pool->freeblock;
assert(bp != NULL);
if ((pool->freeblock = *(block **)bp) != NULL) {
return (void *)bp;
* Reached the end of the free list, try to extend it.
if (pool->nextoffset <= pool->maxnextoffset) {
/* There is room for another block. */
pool->freeblock = (block*)pool +
pool->nextoffset += INDEX2SIZE(size);
*(block **)(pool->freeblock) = NULL;
return (void *)bp;
/* Pool is full, unlink from used pools. */
next = pool->nextpool;
pool = pool->prevpool;
next->prevpool = pool;
pool->nextpool = next;
return (void *)bp;


PyObject_Free(void *p)
poolp pool;
block *lastfree;
poolp next, prev;
uint size;
uint arenaindex_temp;
#endif if (p == NULL) /* free(NULL) has no effect */
return; #ifdef WITH_VALGRIND
if (UNLIKELY(running_on_valgrind > ))
goto redirect;
#endif pool = POOL_ADDR(p);
if (Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE(p, pool)) {
/* We allocated this address. */
/* Link p to the start of the pool's freeblock list. Since
* the pool had at least the p block outstanding, the pool
* wasn't empty (so it's already in a usedpools[] list, or
* was full and is in no list -- it's not in the freeblocks
* list in any case).
assert(pool->ref.count > ); /* else it was empty */
*(block **)p = lastfree = pool->freeblock;
pool->freeblock = (block *)p;
if (lastfree) {
struct arena_object* ao;
uint nf; /* ao->nfreepools */ /* freeblock wasn't NULL, so the pool wasn't full,
* and the pool is in a usedpools[] list.
if (--pool->ref.count != ) {
/* pool isn't empty: leave it in usedpools */
/* Pool is now empty: unlink from usedpools, and
* link to the front of freepools. This ensures that
* previously freed pools will be allocated later
* (being not referenced, they are perhaps paged out).
next = pool->nextpool;
prev = pool->prevpool;
next->prevpool = prev;
prev->nextpool = next; /* Link the pool to freepools. This is a singly-linked
* list, and pool->prevpool isn't used there.
ao = &arenas[pool->arenaindex];
pool->nextpool = ao->freepools;
ao->freepools = pool;
nf = ++ao->nfreepools; /* All the rest is arena management. We just freed
* a pool, and there are 4 cases for arena mgmt:
* 1. If all the pools are free, return the arena to
* the system free().
* 2. If this is the only free pool in the arena,
* add the arena back to the `usable_arenas` list.
* 3. If the "next" arena has a smaller count of free
* pools, we have to "slide this arena right" to
* restore that usable_arenas is sorted in order of
* nfreepools.
* 4. Else there's nothing more to do.
if (nf == ao->ntotalpools) {
/* Case 1. First unlink ao from usable_arenas.
assert(ao->prevarena == NULL ||
ao->prevarena->address != );
assert(ao ->nextarena == NULL ||
ao->nextarena->address != ); /* Fix the pointer in the prevarena, or the
* usable_arenas pointer.
if (ao->prevarena == NULL) {
usable_arenas = ao->nextarena;
assert(usable_arenas == NULL ||
usable_arenas->address != );
else {
assert(ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao);
ao->prevarena->nextarena =
/* Fix the pointer in the nextarena. */
if (ao->nextarena != NULL) {
assert(ao->nextarena->prevarena == ao);
ao->nextarena->prevarena =
/* Record that this arena_object slot is
* available to be reused.
ao->nextarena = unused_arena_objects;
unused_arena_objects = ao; /* Free the entire arena. */
free((void *)ao->address);
ao->address = ; /* mark unassociated */
--narenas_currently_allocated; UNLOCK();
if (nf == ) {
/* Case 2. Put ao at the head of
* usable_arenas. Note that because
* ao->nfreepools was 0 before, ao isn't
* currently on the usable_arenas list.
ao->nextarena = usable_arenas;
ao->prevarena = NULL;
if (usable_arenas)
usable_arenas->prevarena = ao;
usable_arenas = ao;
assert(usable_arenas->address != ); UNLOCK();
/* If this arena is now out of order, we need to keep
* the list sorted. The list is kept sorted so that
* the "most full" arenas are used first, which allows
* the nearly empty arenas to be completely freed. In
* a few un-scientific tests, it seems like this
* approach allowed a lot more memory to be freed.
if (ao->nextarena == NULL ||
nf <= ao->nextarena->nfreepools) {
/* Case 4. Nothing to do. */
/* Case 3: We have to move the arena towards the end
* of the list, because it has more free pools than
* the arena to its right.
* First unlink ao from usable_arenas.
if (ao->prevarena != NULL) {
/* ao isn't at the head of the list */
assert(ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao);
ao->prevarena->nextarena = ao->nextarena;
else {
/* ao is at the head of the list */
assert(usable_arenas == ao);
usable_arenas = ao->nextarena;
ao->nextarena->prevarena = ao->prevarena; /* Locate the new insertion point by iterating over
* the list, using our nextarena pointer.
while (ao->nextarena != NULL &&
nf > ao->nextarena->nfreepools) {
ao->prevarena = ao->nextarena;
ao->nextarena = ao->nextarena->nextarena;
} /* Insert ao at this point. */
assert(ao->nextarena == NULL ||
ao->prevarena == ao->nextarena->prevarena);
assert(ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao->nextarena); ao->prevarena->nextarena = ao;
if (ao->nextarena != NULL)
ao->nextarena->prevarena = ao; /* Verify that the swaps worked. */
assert(ao->nextarena == NULL ||
nf <= ao->nextarena->nfreepools);
assert(ao->prevarena == NULL ||
nf > ao->prevarena->nfreepools);
assert(ao->nextarena == NULL ||
ao->nextarena->prevarena == ao);
assert((usable_arenas == ao &&
ao->prevarena == NULL) ||
ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao); UNLOCK();
/* Pool was full, so doesn't currently live in any list:
* link it to the front of the appropriate usedpools[] list.
* This mimics LRU pool usage for new allocations and
* targets optimal filling when several pools contain
* blocks of the same size class.
assert(pool->ref.count > ); /* else the pool is empty */
size = pool->szidx;
next = usedpools[size + size];
prev = next->prevpool;
/* insert pool before next: prev <-> pool <-> next */
pool->nextpool = next;
pool->prevpool = prev;
next->prevpool = pool;
prev->nextpool = pool;
/* We didn't allocate this address. */



[obmalloc.c]-[allocate block]
if (pool != pool->nextpool) {
* There is a used pool for this size class.
* Pick up the head block of its free list.
bp = pool->freeblock;
assert(bp != NULL);
if ((pool->freeblock = *(block **)bp) != NULL) {
return (void *)bp;
if (pool->nextoffset <= pool->maxnextoffset) {




#define ARENA_SIZE (256 << 10) /* 256KB */



typedef uchar block;

/* Record keeping for arenas. */
struct arena_object {
/* The address of the arena, as returned by malloc. Note that 0
* will never be returned by a successful malloc, and is used
* here to mark an arena_object that doesn't correspond to an
* allocated arena.
uptr address; /* Pool-aligned pointer to the next pool to be carved off. */
block* pool_address; /* The number of available pools in the arena: free pools + never-
* allocated pools.
uint nfreepools; /* The total number of pools in the arena, whether or not available. */
uint ntotalpools; /* Singly-linked list of available pools. */
struct pool_header* freepools; /* Whenever this arena_object is not associated with an allocated
* arena, the nextarena member is used to link all unassociated
* arena_objects in the singly-linked `unused_arena_objects` list.
* The prevarena member is unused in this case.
* When this arena_object is associated with an allocated arena
* with at least one available pool, both members are used in the
* doubly-linked `usable_arenas` list, which is maintained in
* increasing order of `nfreepools` values.
* Else this arena_object is associated with an allocated arena
* all of whose pools are in use. `nextarena` and `prevarena`
* are both meaningless in this case.
struct arena_object* nextarena;
struct arena_object* prevarena;

一个完整的arena是 一个arena_object和其管理的pool集合;

一个完整的pool时一个 pool_header 和其管理的block集合。






/* Array of objects used to track chunks of memory (arenas). */
static struct arena_object* arenas = NULL;
/* Number of slots currently allocated in the `arenas` vector. */
static uint maxarenas = ; /* The head of the singly-linked, NULL-terminated list of available
* arena_objects.
static struct arena_object* unused_arena_objects = NULL; /* The head of the doubly-linked, NULL-terminated at each end, list of
* arena_objects associated with arenas that have pools available.
static struct arena_object* usable_arenas = NULL; /* How many arena_objects do we initially allocate?
* 16 = can allocate 16 arenas = 16 * ARENA_SIZE = 4MB before growing the
* `arenas` vector.
#define INITIAL_ARENA_OBJECTS 16 /* Number of arenas allocated that haven't been free()'d. */
static size_t narenas_currently_allocated = ; #ifdef PYMALLOC_DEBUG
/* Total number of times malloc() called to allocate an arena. */
static size_t ntimes_arena_allocated = ;
/* High water mark (max value ever seen) for narenas_currently_allocated. */
static size_t narenas_highwater = ;
#endif /* Allocate a new arena. If we run out of memory, return NULL. Else
* allocate a new arena, and return the address of an arena_object
* describing the new arena. It's expected that the caller will set
* `usable_arenas` to the return value.
static struct arena_object*
struct arena_object* arenaobj;
uint excess; /* number of bytes above pool alignment */ #ifdef PYMALLOC_DEBUG
if (unused_arena_objects == NULL) {
uint i;
uint numarenas;
size_t nbytes; /* Double the number of arena objects on each allocation.
* Note that it's possible for `numarenas` to overflow.
numarenas = maxarenas ? maxarenas << : INITIAL_ARENA_OBJECTS;
if (numarenas <= maxarenas)
return NULL; /* overflow */
if (numarenas > PY_SIZE_MAX / sizeof(*arenas))
return NULL; /* overflow */
nbytes = numarenas * sizeof(*arenas);
arenaobj = (struct arena_object *)realloc(arenas, nbytes);
if (arenaobj == NULL)
return NULL;
arenas = arenaobj; /* We might need to fix pointers that were copied. However,
* new_arena only gets called when all the pages in the
* previous arenas are full. Thus, there are *no* pointers
* into the old array. Thus, we don't have to worry about
* invalid pointers. Just to be sure, some asserts:
assert(usable_arenas == NULL);
assert(unused_arena_objects == NULL); /* Put the new arenas on the unused_arena_objects list. */
for (i = maxarenas; i < numarenas; ++i) {
arenas[i].address = ; /* mark as unassociated */
arenas[i].nextarena = i < numarenas - ?
&arenas[i+] : NULL;
} /* Update globals. */
unused_arena_objects = &arenas[maxarenas];
maxarenas = numarenas;
} /* Take the next available arena object off the head of the list. */
assert(unused_arena_objects != NULL);
arenaobj = unused_arena_objects;
unused_arena_objects = arenaobj->nextarena;
assert(arenaobj->address == );
arenaobj->address = (uptr)malloc(ARENA_SIZE);
if (arenaobj->address == ) {
/* The allocation failed: return NULL after putting the
* arenaobj back.
arenaobj->nextarena = unused_arena_objects;
unused_arena_objects = arenaobj;
return NULL;
} ++narenas_currently_allocated;
if (narenas_currently_allocated > narenas_highwater)
narenas_highwater = narenas_currently_allocated;
arenaobj->freepools = NULL;
/* pool_address <- first pool-aligned address in the arena
nfreepools <- number of whole pools that fit after alignment */
arenaobj->pool_address = (block*)arenaobj->address;
arenaobj->nfreepools = ARENA_SIZE / POOL_SIZE;
assert(POOL_SIZE * arenaobj->nfreepools == ARENA_SIZE);
excess = (uint)(arenaobj->address & POOL_SIZE_MASK);
if (excess != ) {
arenaobj->pool_address += POOL_SIZE - excess;
arenaobj->ntotalpools = arenaobj->nfreepools; return arenaobj;






* Maximum amount of memory managed by the allocator for small requests.
#define SMALL_MEMORY_LIMIT (64 * 1024 * 1024) /* 64 MB -- more? */
#endif /*
* The allocator sub-allocates <Big> blocks of memory (called arenas) aligned
* on a page boundary. This is a reserved virtual address space for the
* current process (obtained through a malloc call). In no way this means
* that the memory arenas will be used entirely. A malloc(<Big>) is usually
* an address range reservation for <Big> bytes, unless all pages within this
* space are referenced subsequently. So malloc'ing big blocks and not using
* them does not mean "wasting memory". It's an addressable range wastage...
* Therefore, allocating arenas with malloc is not optimal, because there is
* some address space wastage, but this is the most portable way to request
* memory from the system across various platforms.
#define ARENA_SIZE (256 << 10) /* 256KB */ #ifdef WITH_MEMORY_LIMITS

虽然arena是Python小块内存池的最上层结构,但申请内存时不与它打交道,而是直接以pool作为基本操作单元。同一个arena里面可能管理着 管理不同大小block的pool。



typedef uchar block; #define PTA(x) ((poolp )((uchar *)&(usedpools[2*(x)]) - 2*sizeof(block *)))
#define PT(x) PTA(x), PTA(x) static poolp usedpools[ * ((NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES + ) / ) * ] = {
PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT()
, PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT()
, PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT()
, PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT()
, PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT()
, PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT()
, PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT()
, PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT(), PT()
#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 56 */
#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 48 */
#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 40 */
#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 32 */
#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 24 */
#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 16 */
#endif /* NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES > 8 */

其中 NB_SMALL_SIZE_CLASSES 指明一共有多少个size class:





#undef PyObject_Malloc
void *
PyObject_Malloc(size_t nbytes)
block *bp;
poolp pool;
poolp next;
uint size; #ifdef WITH_VALGRIND
if (UNLIKELY(running_on_valgrind == -))
running_on_valgrind = RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND;
if (UNLIKELY(running_on_valgrind))
goto redirect;
#endif /*
* Limit ourselves to PY_SSIZE_T_MAX bytes to prevent security holes.
* Most python internals blindly use a signed Py_ssize_t to track
* things without checking for overflows or negatives.
* As size_t is unsigned, checking for nbytes < 0 is not required.
if (nbytes > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX)
return NULL; /*
* This implicitly redirects malloc(0).
if ((nbytes - ) < SMALL_REQUEST_THRESHOLD) {
* Most frequent paths first
size = (uint)(nbytes - ) >> ALIGNMENT_SHIFT;
pool = usedpools[size + size];
if (pool != pool->nextpool) {
* There is a used pool for this size class.
* Pick up the head block of its free list.
bp = pool->freeblock;
assert(bp != NULL);
if ((pool->freeblock = *(block **)bp) != NULL) {
return (void *)bp;
* Reached the end of the free list, try to extend it.
if (pool->nextoffset <= pool->maxnextoffset) {
/* There is room for another block. */
pool->freeblock = (block*)pool +
pool->nextoffset += INDEX2SIZE(size);
*(block **)(pool->freeblock) = NULL;
return (void *)bp;
/* Pool is full, unlink from used pools. */
next = pool->nextpool;
pool = pool->prevpool;
next->prevpool = pool;
pool->nextpool = next;
return (void *)bp;
} /* There isn't a pool of the right size class immediately
* available: use a free pool.
if (usable_arenas == NULL) {
/* No arena has a free pool: allocate a new arena. */
if (narenas_currently_allocated >= MAX_ARENAS) {
goto redirect;
usable_arenas = new_arena();
if (usable_arenas == NULL) {
goto redirect;
usable_arenas->nextarena =
usable_arenas->prevarena = NULL;
assert(usable_arenas->address != ); /* Try to get a cached free pool. */
pool = usable_arenas->freepools;
if (pool != NULL) {
/* Unlink from cached pools. */
usable_arenas->freepools = pool->nextpool; /* This arena already had the smallest nfreepools
* value, so decreasing nfreepools doesn't change
* that, and we don't need to rearrange the
* usable_arenas list. However, if the arena has
* become wholly allocated, we need to remove its
* arena_object from usable_arenas.
if (usable_arenas->nfreepools == ) {
/* Wholly allocated: remove. */
assert(usable_arenas->freepools == NULL);
assert(usable_arenas->nextarena == NULL ||
usable_arenas->nextarena->prevarena ==
usable_arenas); usable_arenas = usable_arenas->nextarena;
if (usable_arenas != NULL) {
usable_arenas->prevarena = NULL;
assert(usable_arenas->address != );
else {
/* nfreepools > 0: it must be that freepools
* isn't NULL, or that we haven't yet carved
* off all the arena's pools for the first
* time.
assert(usable_arenas->freepools != NULL ||
usable_arenas->pool_address <=
(block*)usable_arenas->address +
/* Frontlink to used pools. */
next = usedpools[size + size]; /* == prev */
pool->nextpool = next;
pool->prevpool = next;
next->nextpool = pool;
next->prevpool = pool;
pool->ref.count = ;
if (pool->szidx == size) {
/* Luckily, this pool last contained blocks
* of the same size class, so its header
* and free list are already initialized.
bp = pool->freeblock;
pool->freeblock = *(block **)bp;
return (void *)bp;
* Initialize the pool header, set up the free list to
* contain just the second block, and return the first
* block.
pool->szidx = size;
size = INDEX2SIZE(size);
bp = (block *)pool + POOL_OVERHEAD;
pool->nextoffset = POOL_OVERHEAD + (size << );
pool->maxnextoffset = POOL_SIZE - size;
pool->freeblock = bp + size;
*(block **)(pool->freeblock) = NULL;
return (void *)bp;
} /* Carve off a new pool. */
assert(usable_arenas->nfreepools > );
assert(usable_arenas->freepools == NULL);
pool = (poolp)usable_arenas->pool_address;
assert((block*)pool <= (block*)usable_arenas->address +
pool->arenaindex = usable_arenas - arenas;
assert(&arenas[pool->arenaindex] == usable_arenas);
pool->szidx = DUMMY_SIZE_IDX;
usable_arenas->pool_address += POOL_SIZE;
--usable_arenas->nfreepools; if (usable_arenas->nfreepools == ) {
assert(usable_arenas->nextarena == NULL ||
usable_arenas->nextarena->prevarena ==
/* Unlink the arena: it is completely allocated. */
usable_arenas = usable_arenas->nextarena;
if (usable_arenas != NULL) {
usable_arenas->prevarena = NULL;
assert(usable_arenas->address != );
} goto init_pool;
} /* The small block allocator ends here. */ redirect:
/* Redirect the original request to the underlying (libc) allocator.
* We jump here on bigger requests, on error in the code above (as a
* last chance to serve the request) or when the max memory limit
* has been reached.
if (nbytes == )
nbytes = ;
return (void *)malloc(nbytes);




#undef PyObject_Free
PyObject_Free(void *p)
poolp pool;
block *lastfree;
poolp next, prev;
uint size;
uint arenaindex_temp;
#endif if (p == NULL) /* free(NULL) has no effect */
return; #ifdef WITH_VALGRIND
if (UNLIKELY(running_on_valgrind > ))
goto redirect;
#endif pool = POOL_ADDR(p);
if (Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANGE(p, pool)) {
/* We allocated this address. */
/* Link p to the start of the pool's freeblock list. Since
* the pool had at least the p block outstanding, the pool
* wasn't empty (so it's already in a usedpools[] list, or
* was full and is in no list -- it's not in the freeblocks
* list in any case).
assert(pool->ref.count > ); /* else it was empty */
*(block **)p = lastfree = pool->freeblock;
pool->freeblock = (block *)p;
if (lastfree) {
struct arena_object* ao;
uint nf; /* ao->nfreepools */ /* freeblock wasn't NULL, so the pool wasn't full,
* and the pool is in a usedpools[] list.
if (--pool->ref.count != ) {
/* pool isn't empty: leave it in usedpools */
/* Pool is now empty: unlink from usedpools, and
* link to the front of freepools. This ensures that
* previously freed pools will be allocated later
* (being not referenced, they are perhaps paged out).
next = pool->nextpool;
prev = pool->prevpool;
next->prevpool = prev;
prev->nextpool = next; /* Link the pool to freepools. This is a singly-linked
* list, and pool->prevpool isn't used there.
ao = &arenas[pool->arenaindex];
pool->nextpool = ao->freepools;
ao->freepools = pool;
nf = ++ao->nfreepools; /* All the rest is arena management. We just freed
* a pool, and there are 4 cases for arena mgmt:
* 1. If all the pools are free, return the arena to
* the system free().
* 2. If this is the only free pool in the arena,
* add the arena back to the `usable_arenas` list.
* 3. If the "next" arena has a smaller count of free
* pools, we have to "slide this arena right" to
* restore that usable_arenas is sorted in order of
* nfreepools.
* 4. Else there's nothing more to do.
if (nf == ao->ntotalpools) {
/* Case 1. First unlink ao from usable_arenas.
assert(ao->prevarena == NULL ||
ao->prevarena->address != );
assert(ao ->nextarena == NULL ||
ao->nextarena->address != ); /* Fix the pointer in the prevarena, or the
* usable_arenas pointer.
if (ao->prevarena == NULL) {
usable_arenas = ao->nextarena;
assert(usable_arenas == NULL ||
usable_arenas->address != );
else {
assert(ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao);
ao->prevarena->nextarena =
/* Fix the pointer in the nextarena. */
if (ao->nextarena != NULL) {
assert(ao->nextarena->prevarena == ao);
ao->nextarena->prevarena =
/* Record that this arena_object slot is
* available to be reused.
ao->nextarena = unused_arena_objects;
unused_arena_objects = ao; /* Free the entire arena. */
free((void *)ao->address);
ao->address = ; /* mark unassociated */
--narenas_currently_allocated; UNLOCK();
if (nf == ) {
/* Case 2. Put ao at the head of
* usable_arenas. Note that because
* ao->nfreepools was 0 before, ao isn't
* currently on the usable_arenas list.
ao->nextarena = usable_arenas;
ao->prevarena = NULL;
if (usable_arenas)
usable_arenas->prevarena = ao;
usable_arenas = ao;
assert(usable_arenas->address != ); UNLOCK();
/* If this arena is now out of order, we need to keep
* the list sorted. The list is kept sorted so that
* the "most full" arenas are used first, which allows
* the nearly empty arenas to be completely freed. In
* a few un-scientific tests, it seems like this
* approach allowed a lot more memory to be freed.
if (ao->nextarena == NULL ||
nf <= ao->nextarena->nfreepools) {
/* Case 4. Nothing to do. */
/* Case 3: We have to move the arena towards the end
* of the list, because it has more free pools than
* the arena to its right.
* First unlink ao from usable_arenas.
if (ao->prevarena != NULL) {
/* ao isn't at the head of the list */
assert(ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao);
ao->prevarena->nextarena = ao->nextarena;
else {
/* ao is at the head of the list */
assert(usable_arenas == ao);
usable_arenas = ao->nextarena;
ao->nextarena->prevarena = ao->prevarena; /* Locate the new insertion point by iterating over
* the list, using our nextarena pointer.
while (ao->nextarena != NULL &&
nf > ao->nextarena->nfreepools) {
ao->prevarena = ao->nextarena;
ao->nextarena = ao->nextarena->nextarena;
} /* Insert ao at this point. */
assert(ao->nextarena == NULL ||
ao->prevarena == ao->nextarena->prevarena);
assert(ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao->nextarena); ao->prevarena->nextarena = ao;
if (ao->nextarena != NULL)
ao->nextarena->prevarena = ao; /* Verify that the swaps worked. */
assert(ao->nextarena == NULL ||
nf <= ao->nextarena->nfreepools);
assert(ao->prevarena == NULL ||
nf > ao->prevarena->nfreepools);
assert(ao->nextarena == NULL ||
ao->nextarena->prevarena == ao);
assert((usable_arenas == ao &&
ao->prevarena == NULL) ||
ao->prevarena->nextarena == ao); UNLOCK();
/* Pool was full, so doesn't currently live in any list:
* link it to the front of the appropriate usedpools[] list.
* This mimics LRU pool usage for new allocations and
* targets optimal filling when several pools contain
* blocks of the same size class.
assert(pool->ref.count > ); /* else the pool is empty */
size = pool->szidx;
next = usedpools[size + size];
prev = next->prevpool;
/* insert pool before next: prev <-> pool <-> next */
pool->nextpool = next;
pool->prevpool = prev;
next->prevpool = pool;
prev->nextpool = pool;
/* We didn't allocate this address. */



3、usable_arenas时一个有序链表,nfreepools个数递增,保证一个arena empty pool个数越多被使用机会越少。从而保证多余内存被释放并归还系统;












/* GC information is stored BEFORE the object structure. */
typedef union _gc_head {
struct {
union _gc_head *gc_next;
union _gc_head *gc_prev;
Py_ssize_t gc_refs;
} gc;
long double dummy; /* force worst-case alignment */
} PyGC_Head;



PyObject *
_PyObject_GC_New(PyTypeObject *tp)
PyObject *op = _PyObject_GC_Malloc(_PyObject_SIZE(tp));
if (op != NULL)
op = PyObject_INIT(op, tp);
return op;
PyObject *
_PyObject_GC_Malloc(size_t basicsize)
PyObject *op;
PyGC_Head *g;
if (basicsize > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX - sizeof(PyGC_Head))
return PyErr_NoMemory();
g = (PyGC_Head *)PyObject_MALLOC(
sizeof(PyGC_Head) + basicsize);
if (g == NULL)
return PyErr_NoMemory();
g->gc.gc_refs = GC_UNTRACKED;
generations[].count++; /* number of allocated GC objects */
if (generations[].count > generations[].threshold &&
enabled &&
generations[].threshold &&
!collecting &&
!PyErr_Occurred()) {
collecting = ;
collecting = ;
op = FROM_GC(g);
return op;




/* Get an object's GC head */
#define AS_GC(o) ((PyGC_Head *)(o)-1) /* Get the object given the GC head */
#define FROM_GC(g) ((PyObject *)(((PyGC_Head *)g)+1)) [objimpl.h] #define _Py_AS_GC(o) ((PyGC_Head *)(o)-1)



/* Tell the GC to track this object.  NB: While the object is tracked the
* collector it must be safe to call the ob_traverse method. */
#define _PyObject_GC_TRACK(o) do { \
PyGC_Head *g = _Py_AS_GC(o); \
if (g->gc.gc_refs != _PyGC_REFS_UNTRACKED) \
Py_FatalError("GC object already tracked"); \
g->gc.gc_refs = _PyGC_REFS_REACHABLE; \
g->gc.gc_next = _PyGC_generation0; \
g->gc.gc_prev = _PyGC_generation0->gc.gc_prev; \
g->gc.gc_prev->gc.gc_next = g; \
_PyGC_generation0->gc.gc_prev = g; \
} while ();



/* Tell the GC to stop tracking this object.
* gc_next doesn't need to be set to NULL, but doing so is a good
* way to provoke memory errors if calling code is confused.
#define _PyObject_GC_UNTRACK(o) do { \
PyGC_Head *g = _Py_AS_GC(o); \
assert(g->gc.gc_refs != _PyGC_REFS_UNTRACKED); \
g->gc.gc_refs = _PyGC_REFS_UNTRACKED; \
g->gc.gc_prev->gc.gc_next = g->gc.gc_next; \
g->gc.gc_next->gc.gc_prev = g->gc.gc_prev; \
g->gc.gc_next = NULL; \
} while ();




struct gc_generation {
PyGC_Head head;
int threshold; /* collection threshold */
int count; /* count of allocations or collections of younger
generations */

python中维护 了三个gc_generation结构的数组,通过这数组控制三条可收集对象链表,即三个“代”:


#define GEN_HEAD(n) (&generations[n].head) /* linked lists of container objects */
static struct gc_generation generations[NUM_GENERATIONS] = {
/* PyGC_Head, threshold, count */
{{{GEN_HEAD(), GEN_HEAD(), }}, , },
{{{GEN_HEAD(), GEN_HEAD(), }}, , },
{{{GEN_HEAD(), GEN_HEAD(), }}, , },
}; PyGC_Head *_PyGC_generation0 = GEN_HEAD();



static Py_ssize_t
int i;
Py_ssize_t n = ; /* Find the oldest generation (highest numbered) where the count
* exceeds the threshold. Objects in the that generation and
* generations younger than it will be collected. */
for (i = NUM_GENERATIONS-; i >= ; i--) {
if (generations[i].count > generations[i].threshold) {
/* Avoid quadratic performance degradation in number
of tracked objects. See comments at the beginning
of this file, and issue #4074.
&& long_lived_pending < long_lived_total / )
n = collect(i);
return n;




static void
gc_list_init(PyGC_Head *list)
list->gc.gc_prev = list;
list->gc.gc_next = list;
} /* append list `from` onto list `to`; `from` becomes an empty list */
static void
gc_list_merge(PyGC_Head *from, PyGC_Head *to)
PyGC_Head *tail;
assert(from != to);
if (!gc_list_is_empty(from)) {
tail = to->gc.gc_prev;
tail->gc.gc_next = from->gc.gc_next;
tail->gc.gc_next->gc.gc_prev = tail;
to->gc.gc_prev = from->gc.gc_prev;
to->gc.gc_prev->gc.gc_next = to;



static void
update_refs(PyGC_Head *containers)
PyGC_Head *gc = containers->gc.gc_next;
for (; gc != containers; gc = gc->gc.gc_next) {
assert(gc->gc.gc_refs == GC_REACHABLE);
gc->gc.gc_refs = Py_REFCNT(FROM_GC(gc));
/* Python's cyclic gc should never see an incoming refcount
* of 0: if something decref'ed to 0, it should have been
* deallocated immediately at that time.
* Possible cause (if the assert triggers): a tp_dealloc
* routine left a gc-aware object tracked during its teardown
* phase, and did something-- or allowed something to happen --
* that called back into Python. gc can trigger then, and may
* see the still-tracked dying object. Before this assert
* was added, such mistakes went on to allow gc to try to
* delete the object again. In a debug build, that caused
* a mysterious segfault, when _Py_ForgetReference tried
* to remove the object from the doubly-linked list of all
* objects a second time. In a release build, an actual
* double deallocation occurred, which leads to corruption
* of the allocator's internal bookkeeping pointers. That's
* so serious that maybe this should be a release-build
* check instead of an assert?
assert(gc->gc.gc_refs != );



static void
subtract_refs(PyGC_Head *containers)
traverseproc traverse;
PyGC_Head *gc = containers->gc.gc_next;
for (; gc != containers; gc=gc->gc.gc_next) {
traverse = Py_TYPE(FROM_GC(gc))->tp_traverse;
(void) traverse(FROM_GC(gc),

traverse与特定的container对象相关,用于遍历container对象中的每一个引用,对引用作某种动作,在subtract_refs中动作就是visit_dec_ref。完成后摘除了container对象间的环引用,得出root object(用于开始标记--清除算法)集合。

得出root object集合后,开始标记垃圾,用move_unreachable将可回收对象从root object链表中移到unreachable链表中:


static void
move_unreachable(PyGC_Head *young, PyGC_Head *unreachable)
PyGC_Head *gc = young->gc.gc_next; /* Invariants: all objects "to the left" of us in young have gc_refs
* = GC_REACHABLE, and are indeed reachable (directly or indirectly)
* from outside the young list as it was at entry. All other objects
* from the original young "to the left" of us are in unreachable now,
* and have gc_refs = GC_TENTATIVELY_UNREACHABLE. All objects to the
* left of us in 'young' now have been scanned, and no objects here
* or to the right have been scanned yet.
*/ while (gc != young) {
PyGC_Head *next; if (gc->gc.gc_refs) {
/* gc is definitely reachable from outside the
* original 'young'. Mark it as such, and traverse
* its pointers to find any other objects that may
* be directly reachable from it. Note that the
* call to tp_traverse may append objects to young,
* so we have to wait until it returns to determine
* the next object to visit.
PyObject *op = FROM_GC(gc);
traverseproc traverse = Py_TYPE(op)->tp_traverse;
assert(gc->gc.gc_refs > );
gc->gc.gc_refs = GC_REACHABLE;
(void) traverse(op,
(void *)young);
next = gc->gc.gc_next;
if (PyTuple_CheckExact(op)) {
else {
/* This *may* be unreachable. To make progress,
* assume it is. gc isn't directly reachable from
* any object we've already traversed, but may be
* reachable from an object we haven't gotten to yet.
* visit_reachable will eventually move gc back into
* young if that's so, and we'll see it again.
next = gc->gc.gc_next;
gc_list_move(gc, unreachable);
gc = next;
} static int
visit_reachable(PyObject *op, PyGC_Head *reachable)
if (PyObject_IS_GC(op)) {
PyGC_Head *gc = AS_GC(op);
const Py_ssize_t gc_refs = gc->gc.gc_refs; if (gc_refs == ) {
/* This is in move_unreachable's 'young' list, but
* the traversal hasn't yet gotten to it. All
* we need to do is tell move_unreachable that it's
* reachable.
gc->gc.gc_refs = ;
else if (gc_refs == GC_TENTATIVELY_UNREACHABLE) {
/* This had gc_refs = 0 when move_unreachable got
* to it, but turns out it's reachable after all.
* Move it back to move_unreachable's 'young' list,
* and move_unreachable will eventually get to it
* again.
gc_list_move(gc, reachable);
gc->gc.gc_refs = ;
/* Else there's nothing to do.
* If gc_refs > 0, it must be in move_unreachable's 'young'
* list, and move_unreachable will eventually get to it.
* If gc_refs == GC_REACHABLE, it's either in some other
* generation so we don't care about it, or move_unreachable
* already dealt with it.
* If gc_refs == GC_UNTRACKED, it must be ignored.
else {
assert(gc_refs >
|| gc_refs == GC_REACHABLE
|| gc_refs == GC_UNTRACKED);
return ;






static int
gc_list_is_empty(PyGC_Head *list)
return (list->gc.gc_next == list);
} /* Break reference cycles by clearing the containers involved. This is
* tricky business as the lists can be changing and we don't know which
* objects may be freed. It is possible I screwed something up here.
static void
delete_garbage(PyGC_Head *collectable, PyGC_Head *old)
inquiry clear; while (!gc_list_is_empty(collectable)) {
PyGC_Head *gc = collectable->gc.gc_next;
PyObject *op = FROM_GC(gc); assert(IS_TENTATIVELY_UNREACHABLE(op));
if (debug & DEBUG_SAVEALL) {
PyList_Append(garbage, op);
else {
if ((clear = Py_TYPE(op)->tp_clear) != NULL) {
if (collectable->gc.gc_next == gc) {
/* object is still alive, move it, it may die later */
gc_list_move(gc, old);
gc->gc.gc_refs = GC_REACHABLE;




/* This is the main function.  Read this to understand how the
* collection process works. */
static Py_ssize_t
collect(int generation)
int i;
Py_ssize_t m = ; /* # objects collected */
Py_ssize_t n = ; /* # unreachable objects that couldn't be collected */
PyGC_Head *young; /* the generation we are examining */
PyGC_Head *old; /* next older generation */
PyGC_Head unreachable; /* non-problematic unreachable trash */
PyGC_Head finalizers; /* objects with, & reachable from, __del__ */
PyGC_Head *gc;
double t1 = 0.0; if (delstr == NULL) {
delstr = PyString_InternFromString("__del__");
if (delstr == NULL)
Py_FatalError("gc couldn't allocate \"__del__\"");
} if (debug & DEBUG_STATS) {
PySys_WriteStderr("gc: collecting generation %d...\n",
PySys_WriteStderr("gc: objects in each generation:");
for (i = ; i < NUM_GENERATIONS; i++)
PySys_WriteStderr(" %" PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T "d",
t1 = get_time();
} /* update collection and allocation counters */
if (generation+ < NUM_GENERATIONS)
generations[generation+].count += ;
for (i = ; i <= generation; i++)
generations[i].count = ; /* merge younger generations with one we are currently collecting */
for (i = ; i < generation; i++) {
gc_list_merge(GEN_HEAD(i), GEN_HEAD(generation));
} /* handy references */
young = GEN_HEAD(generation);
if (generation < NUM_GENERATIONS-)
old = GEN_HEAD(generation+);
old = young; /* Using ob_refcnt and gc_refs, calculate which objects in the
* container set are reachable from outside the set (i.e., have a
* refcount greater than 0 when all the references within the
* set are taken into account).
subtract_refs(young); /* Leave everything reachable from outside young in young, and move
* everything else (in young) to unreachable.
* NOTE: This used to move the reachable objects into a reachable
* set instead. But most things usually turn out to be reachable,
* so it's more efficient to move the unreachable things.
move_unreachable(young, &unreachable); /* Move reachable objects to next generation. */
if (young != old) {
if (generation == NUM_GENERATIONS - ) {
long_lived_pending += gc_list_size(young);
gc_list_merge(young, old);
else {
/* We only untrack dicts in full collections, to avoid quadratic
dict build-up. See issue #14775. */
long_lived_pending = ;
long_lived_total = gc_list_size(young);
} /* All objects in unreachable are trash, but objects reachable from
* finalizers can't safely be deleted. Python programmers should take
* care not to create such things. For Python, finalizers means
* instance objects with __del__ methods. Weakrefs with callbacks
* can also call arbitrary Python code but they will be dealt with by
* handle_weakrefs().
move_finalizers(&unreachable, &finalizers);
/* finalizers contains the unreachable objects with a finalizer;
* unreachable objects reachable *from* those are also uncollectable,
* and we move those into the finalizers list too.
move_finalizer_reachable(&finalizers); /* Collect statistics on collectable objects found and print
* debugging information.
for (gc = unreachable.gc.gc_next; gc != &unreachable;
gc = gc->gc.gc_next) {
if (debug & DEBUG_COLLECTABLE) {
debug_cycle("collectable", FROM_GC(gc));
} /* Clear weakrefs and invoke callbacks as necessary. */
m += handle_weakrefs(&unreachable, old); /* Call tp_clear on objects in the unreachable set. This will cause
* the reference cycles to be broken. It may also cause some objects
* in finalizers to be freed.
delete_garbage(&unreachable, old); /* Collect statistics on uncollectable objects found and print
* debugging information. */
for (gc = finalizers.gc.gc_next;
gc != &finalizers;
gc = gc->gc.gc_next) {
debug_cycle("uncollectable", FROM_GC(gc));
if (debug & DEBUG_STATS) {
double t2 = get_time();
if (m == && n == )
PySys_WriteStderr("gc: done");
"gc: done, "
"%" PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T "d unreachable, "
"%" PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T "d uncollectable",
n+m, n);
if (t1 && t2) {
PySys_WriteStderr(", %.4fs elapsed", t2-t1);
} /* Append instances in the uncollectable set to a Python
* reachable list of garbage. The programmer has to deal with
* this if they insist on creating this type of structure.
(void)handle_finalizers(&finalizers, old); /* Clear free list only during the collection of the highest
* generation */
if (generation == NUM_GENERATIONS-) {
} if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
if (gc_str == NULL)
gc_str = PyString_FromString("garbage collection");
Py_FatalError("unexpected exception during garbage collection");
return n+m;




4.5、python 中 的gc模块



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    GET和POST是Http请求中最常用的两种请求方法 首先介绍GET与POST的差异: (1)GET请求资源数据,POST向服务器传递需要处理的数据 (2)GET传递数据大小不超过2kb,POST没有 ...

  9. android自动化のadb常用命令(不定期更新)

    1. adb devices 执行结果是adb为每一个设备输出以下状态信息:序列号(serialNumber) — 由adb创建的使用控制台端口号的用于唯一标识一个模拟器或手机设备的字符串,格式是 & ...

  10. es6笔记4^_^function

    一.function默认参数 现在可以在定义函数的时候指定参数的默认值了,而不用像以前那样通过逻辑或操作符来达到目的了. es5 function sayHello(name){ //传统的指定默认参 ...