Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages

by Christoph GohlkeLaboratory for Fluorescence DynamicsUniversity of California, Irvine.

This page provides 32- and 64-bit Windows binaries of many scientific open-source extension packages for the official CPython distribution of the Python programming language.

The files are unofficial (meaning: informal, unrecognized, personal, unsupported) and made available for testing and evaluation purposes. Consider using the Python(x,y)ActiveState, orEnthought distributions if you are new to Python or need support.

If downloads fail: reload this page, enable JavaScript, disable download managers, disable proxies, and use Firefox. Please only download files as needed.

Most binaries are built from source code found on PyPI or in the projects public revision control systems. Source code changes, if any, have been submitted to the project maintainers or are included in the packages.

The binaries are built with Microsoft Visual Studio (2008 Pro, 2010 Pro, or .NET 2003), Intel Compiler Suite 11, Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK, MinGW, MinGW-w64, and the current official Python versions (with patch for issue 7833).

Many binaries depend on Numpy-MKL 1.6 and the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (64 bit32 bit) or Visual C++ 2010 (64 bit32 bit) redistributable packages, which may need to be installed separately.

The files are provided "as is" without warranty or support of any kind. The entire risk as to the quality and performance is with you.

  1. Index by date:
  2. pyephem
  3. pycifrw
  4. psychopy
  5. lmfit
  6. noise
  7. blist
  8. line_profiler
  9. regex
  10. blosc
  11. aspell_python
  12. ctypes
  13. cffi
  14. scipy
  15. pydbg
  16. psutil
  17. pyfits
  18. numpy
  19. basemap
  20. vlfd
  21. lxml
  22. nose
  23. imread
  24. django
  25. bitarray
  26. ndimage
  27. spyder
  28. matplotlib
  29. simplejson
  30. pysfml
  31. mercurial
  32. pandas
  33. distribute
  34. nipy
  35. pytables
  36. liblinear
  37. pygments
  38. vpython
  39. scikits-image
  40. mahotas
  41. pyglet
  42. faulthandler
  43. bsdiff4
  44. delny
  45. cx_freeze
  46. veusz
  47. pgmagick
  48. pyexiv2
  49. nltk
  50. networkx
  51. opencv
  52. pil
  53. pyreadline
  54. ilastik
  55. nipype
  56. statsmodels
  57. twainmodule
  58. tornado
  59. pyopengl
  60. pyopengl-accelerate
  61. pymvpa
  62. ipython
  63. scitools
  64. assimulo
  65. nibabel
  66. shapely
  67. pygame
  68. pyspharm
  69. vtk
  70. biopython
  71. casuarius
  72. pyodbc
  73. virtualenv
  74. greenlet
  75. nitime
  76. pycuda
  77. pyopencl
  78. base
  79. vigra
  80. pylibtiff
  81. python-igraph
  82. kivy
  83. sqlalchemy
  84. mmtk
  85. boost.python
  86. openexr
  87. mpi4py
  88. gmpy
  89. pyicu
  90. twisted
  91. pycairo
  92. pysqlite
  93. pyzmq
  94. bottleneck
  95. curses
  96. videocapture
  97. bazaar
  98. sfepy
  99. pyside
  100. nlopt
  101. zope.interface
  102. gdal
  103. pyproj
  104. ets
  105. scikits.audiolab
  106. jcc
  107. netcdf4
  108. slycot
  109. scikit-learn
  110. pymc
  111. mod_wsgi
  112. pymol
  113. scientificpython
  114. pylzma
  115. trfit
  116. mxbase
  117. visvis
  118. cython
  119. libsbml
  120. gevent
  121. libsvm
  122. pyamg
  123. oursql
  124. cvxopt
  125. psycopg
  126. fipy
  127. python-ldap
  128. quantlib
  129. sphinx
  130. cellprofiler
  131. pymssql
  132. orange
  133. theano
  134. libtfr
  135. py2exe
  136. pip
  137. pywin32
  138. simpleitk
  139. scikits.odes
  140. liblas
  141. meshpy
  142. cgal-python
  143. pymedia
  144. milk
  145. cellcognition
  146. h5py
  147. pycurl
  148. numexpr
  149. ffnet
  150. pywcs
  151. guiqwt
  152. pyfftw
  153. libxml-python
  154. pyfltk
  155. thrift
  156. pymex
  157. pymatlab
  158. zodb3
  159. mmlib
  160. pygtk
  161. pywavelets
  162. pyserial
  163. mdp
  164. sympy
  165. babel
  166. pyqwt
  167. qimage2ndarray
  168. pyqt
  169. scikits.scattpy
  170. cgkit
  171. pymix
  172. scikits.vectorplot
  173. scikits.ann
  174. scikits.delaunay
  175. natgrid
  176. numeric
  177. pulp
  178. nmoldyn
  179. pymutt
  180. pyminuit
  181. iocbio
  182. python-sundials
  183. pythonmagick
  184. smc.freeimage
  185. jpype
  186. wxpython
  187. pybox2d
  188. pyhdf
  189. scikits.umfpack
  190. dipy
  191. pycogent
  192. pyyaml
  193. pysparse
  194. mmseg
  195. pynifti
  196. scikits.samplerate
  197. scikits.timeseries
  198. vitables
  199. quickfix
  200. pyode
  201. numscons
  202. pyaudio
  203. mysql-python
  204. reportlab
  205. visionegg

Packages not currently available on this page for legal or technical reasons

  • Alglib is a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library.
  • BALLView is a molecular modeling and visualization application.
  • Bento is a pythonic packaging solution for Python software.
  • BioImageXD is software for analysis and visualization of multidimensional biomedical images.
  • CasADi implements automatic differentiation in forward and adjoint modes.
  • CGAL-bindings are bindings for the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library.
  • GHMM, the General Hidden Markov Model library.
  • ITK, the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit, is a software system for image analysis.
  • M2Crypto is a complete wrapper for OpenSSL. Requires OpenSSL binaries.
  • Mantid is a framework that supports high-performance computing and visualisation of scientific data.
  • MathGL is a library for scientific data visualization.
  • Ncrypt is yet another OpenSSL wrapper.
  • OpenGLContext is a testing and learning environment for PyOpenGL.
  • OpenImageIO is a library for reading and writing images.
  • OpenKinect provides access to the Xbox Kinect device. Requires LibUSB 1.2.6.
  • Panda3D is a framework for 3D rendering and game development.
  • Py-bcrypt is a wrapper of OpenBSD's Blowfish password hashing code.
  • PyAudiere is a high-level audio interface using the Audiere sound library.
  • PyCrypto is a package containing various cryptographic modules.
  • PyDSTool is a dynamical systems modeling, simulation and analysis environment.
  • Pyffmpeg is a wrapper for FFmpeg, a solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
  • PyGreSQL interfaces to a PostgreSQL database.
  • Pygrib is a module for reading GRIB meterological files.
  • PyGSL provides an interface for the GNU Scientific Library (gsl).
  • PyGst, bindings for the GStreamer multimedia framework.
  • pyOpenSSL is an interface to the OpenSSL library. Requires OpenSSL binaries.
  • Pysam is a module for reading and manipulating SAM nucleotide sequence alignment files.
  • PySUNDIALS provides bindings for the SUNDIALS suite of solvers.
  • PySVN interfaces the Subversion version control system.
  • Python-Ogre is an interface to the Ogre 3D graphics library.
  • PythonOCC is a 3D CAD/CAE/PLM development framework.
  • Rpy2 provides simple and efficient access to R.
  • STScI_python provides a general astronomical data analysis infrastructure.

Christoph GohlkeLaboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics

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