POJ1015 DP
Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 65536K | |||
Total Submissions: 28927 | Accepted: 7676 | Special Judge |
Based on the grades of the two parties, the judge selects the jury. In order to ensure a fair trial, the tendencies of the jury to favour either defence or prosecution should be as balanced as possible. The jury therefore has to be chosen in a way that is satisfactory to both parties.
We will now make this more precise: given a pool of n potential jurors and two values di (the defence's value) and pi (the prosecution's value) for each potential juror i, you are to select a jury of m persons. If J is a subset of {1,..., n} with m elements, then D(J ) = sum(dk) k belong to J
and P(J) = sum(pk) k belong to J are the total values of this jury for defence and prosecution.
For an optimal jury J , the value |D(J) - P(J)| must be minimal. If there are several jurys with minimal |D(J) - P(J)|, one which maximizes D(J) + P(J) should be selected since the jury should be as ideal as possible for both parties.
You are to write a program that implements this jury selection process and chooses an optimal jury given a set of candidates.
These values will satisfy 1<=n<=200, 1<=m<=20 and of course m<=n. The following n lines contain the two integers pi and di for i = 1,...,n. A blank line separates each round from the next.
The file ends with a round that has n = m = 0.
On the next line print the values D(J ) and P (J ) of your jury as shown below and on another line print the numbers of the m chosen candidates in ascending order. Output a blank before each individual candidate number.
Output an empty line after each test case.
Sample Input
- 4 2
- 1 2
- 2 3
- 4 1
- 6 2
- 0 0
Sample Output
- Jury #1
- Best jury has value 6 for prosecution and value 4 for defence:
- 2 3
- /*
- 为叙述问题方便,现将任一选择方案中,辩方总分和控方总分之差简称为“辩控差”,
- 辩方总分和控方总分之和称为“辩控和”。第i 个候选人的辩方总分和控方总分之差
- 记为V(i),辩方总分和控方总分之和记为S(i)。现用dp(j, k)表示,取j 个候选人,
- 使其辩控差为k 的所有方案中,辩控和最大的那个方案(该方案称为“方案dp(j, k)”)
- 的辩控和。并且,我们还规定,如果没法选j 个人,使其辩控差为k,那么dp(j, k)的
- 值就为-1,也称方案dp(j, k)不可行。本题是要求选出m 个人,那么,如果对k 的
- 所有可能的取值,求出了所有的dp(m, k) (-20×m≤ k ≤ 20×m),那么陪审团方案自然
- 就很容易找到了。
- 问题的关键是建立递推关系。需要从哪些已知条件出发,才能求出dp(j, k)呢?
- 显然,方案dp(j, k)是由某个可行的方案dp(j-1, x)( -20×m ≤ x ≤ 20×m)演化而来的。
- 可行方案dp(j-1, x)能演化成方案dp(j, k)的必要条件是:存在某个候选人i,i
- 在方案dp(j-1, x)中没有被选上,且x+V(i) = k。在所有满足该必要条件的dp(j-1, x)中
- ,选出 dp(j-1, x) + S(i) 的值最大的那个,那么方案dp(j-1, x)再加上候选人i,就
- 演变成了方案 dp(j, k)。这中间需要将一个方案都选了哪些人都记录下来。不妨将方案
- dp(j, k)中最后选的那个候选人的编号,记在二维数组的元素path[j][k]中。那么方案
- dp(j, k)的倒数第二个人选的编号,就是path[j-1][k-V[path[j][k]]]。假定最后算出
- 了解方案的辩控差是k,那么从path[m][k]出发,就能顺藤摸瓜一步步回溯求出所有被选中的候选人。
- 初始条件,只能确定dp(0, 0) = 0,其他均为-1。由此出发,一步步自底向上递推,就
- 能求出所有的可行方案dp(m, k)( -20×m ≤ k ≤ 20×m)。实际解题的时候,会用一个二维
- 数组dp 来存放dp(j, k)的值。而且,由于题目中辩控差的值k 可以为负数,而程序中数
- 租下标不能为负数,所以,在程序中不妨将辩控差的值都加上修正值fix=400,以免下标
- 为负数导致出错。
- 为什么fix=400?这是很显然的,m上限为20人,当20人的d均为0,p均为20时,会出现辨
- 控差为-400。修正后回避下标负数问题,区间整体平移,从[-400,400]映射到[0,800]。
- 此时初始条件修正为dp(0, fix) = 0,其他均为-1。
- DP后,从第m行的dp(m, fix)开始往两边搜索最小|D-P| 即可,第一个不为dp[m][k]!=-1的
- 位置k就是最小|D-P|的所在。
- 最后就是求m个人的D和P,由于D+P = dp(m, |D-P| ) ,|D-P|已知。
- 那么D= (D+P + |D-P| )/2 , P=(D+P-|D-P| ) / 2
- 计算D和P时注意修正值fix
- */
- #include<iostream>
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<cstring>
- #include<algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- int d[],p[],c[],h[],f[][],path[][];
- int main()
- {
- int n,m,cas=;
- while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)&&(n+m)){
- for(int i=;i<=n;i++){
- scanf("%d%d",&d[i],&p[i]);
- c[i]=d[i]-p[i];
- h[i]=d[i]+p[i];
- }
- memset(f,-,sizeof(f));
- memset(path,,sizeof(path));
- int M=m*;
- f[][M]=;
- for(int i=;i<m;i++){
- for(int j=;j<=M*;j++){
- if(f[i][j]==-) continue;
- for(int k=;k<=n;k++){
- if(f[i][j]+h[k]>f[i+][j+c[k]]){
- int t1=i,t2=j;
- while(t1>&&path[t1][t2]!=k){
- t2-=c[path[t1][t2]];
- t1--;
- }
- if(t1==){
- f[i+][j+c[k]]=f[i][j]+h[k];
- path[i+][j+c[k]]=k;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int i;
- for(i=;;i++){
- if(f[m][M+i]!=-) break;
- if(f[m][M-i]!=-) break;
- }
- int ans1,ans2,t1=m,t2;
- if(f[m][M+i]>f[m][M-i]){
- ans1=(i+f[m][M+i])/;
- ans2=f[m][M+i]-ans1;
- t2=M+i;
- }
- else{
- ans1=(-i+f[m][M-i])/;
- ans2=f[m][M-i]-ans1;
- t2=M-i;
- }
- printf("Jury #%d\n",++cas);
- printf("Best jury has value %d for prosecution and value %d for defence:\n",ans1,ans2);
- int tmp[],cnt=;
- while(t1){
- tmp[cnt++]=path[t1][t2];
- t2-=c[path[t1][t2]];
- t1--;
- }
- sort(tmp,tmp+cnt);
- for(int j=;j<cnt;j++) printf(" %d",tmp[j]);
- printf("\n\n");
- }
- return ;
- }
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