Example there's an given url: http://localhost:4800/account/login




在 Controller 中



In asp.net 4.6 -> Request.Url.Scheme

in .net core -> Context.Request.Scheme (cshtml) , in Controller -> Request.Scheme

获取域名(不带端口号)[Get the host]:

In asp.net 4.6 -> Request.Url.Host

in .net core -> Context.Request.Host.Host (cshtml) , in Controller -> Request.Host.Host

获取域名(带端口号)[Get the host]: localhost:4800

In asp.net 4.6 ->

in .net core -> Context.Request.Host.Value (cshtml) , in Controller -> Request.Host.Value

获取路径(Get the path): /account/login

In asp.net 4.6:

In .net core: @Context.Request.Path (cshtml)

获取端口号(Get port): 4800 (if a url contains port)

In asp.net 4.6: Request.Url.Port

In .net core: @Context.Request.Host.Port (cshtml) , in Controller -> Request.Host.Port

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