Python简明教程,此资源位于http://woodpecker.org.cn/abyteofpython_cn/chinese/ s=u'中文字符' #u表示unicode,使用u之后能正常显示中文 s='''多行文本 这是第二哈''' #'''表示多行注释。也可以用""" 布尔型:True,False docString:文档字符串。eg:
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
def printMax(x, y):
u'''输出两个数字中大的一个。 两个数字的值必须是整数'''
y=int(y) if x>y:
print x,'is maximum'
print y,'is maximum' printMax(3,5)
print printMax.__doc__
会把中文注释都输出 python使用模块: ·sys模块:
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
import sys
for i in sys.argv:
print i
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
from sys import argv
for i in argv:
print i
在vim中执行w之后, 执行!python % 123 sdfds 那么将输出123 sdfds(分两行输出) ·使用__main__模块:
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
if __name__=='__main__':
print 'This program is being run by itself'
print 'I am being imported from another module'
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
import mymodule mymodule.sayhi()
print 'Version', mymodule.version
# Filename:mymodule.py
# encoding:utf8
def sayhi():
print 'Hi, this is my module.'
version = '0.1'
数据结构部分: 使用列表list:
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
shoplist=['apple','mango', 'carrot', 'banana']
print 'I have', len(shoplist),'items to purchase.' print 'These items are:',
for item in shoplist:
print item, print '\nI alse have to buy rice.'
print 'My shopping list is now', shoplist print 'I will sort my list now'
print 'Sorted shopping list is', shoplist print 'The first item I will buy is', shoplist[0]
del shoplist[0]
print 'I bought the', olditem
print 'My shopping list is now', shoplist
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
print 'Number of animals in the zoo is', len(zoo) new_zoo=('monkey','dolphin',zoo)
print 'Number of animals in the new zoo is', len(new_zoo)
print 'All animals in new zoo are', new_zoo
print 'Animals brought from old zoo are', new_zoo[2]
print 'Last animal brought from old zoo is', new_zoo[2][2]
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
name='Swaroop' print '%s is %d years old' % (name, age)
print 'Why is %s playing with that python' % name
·使用字典(好吧,我表示写过几个不太成功的http post请求的脚本之后,知道什么是字典了。。。)
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
print "Swaroop's address is %s" % ab['Swaroop'] ab['Guido']='guido@python.org'
del ab['Spammer']
print '\nThere are %d contacts in the address-book\n' % len(ab)
for name, address in ab.items():
print 'Contact %s at %s' % (name, address) if 'Guido' in ab:
print "\nGuido's address is %s" % ab['Guido']
·所谓的“索引与切片”,我认为只是玩弄下标的小把戏(包括数组,列表和字符串) ·对象与参考
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
print 'Simple Assignment'
shoplist=['apple','mango', 'carrot', 'banana']
mylist=shoplist del shoplist[0] print 'shoplist is', shoplist
print 'mylist is', mylist print 'Copy by making a full slice'
del mylist[0] print 'shoplist is', shoplist
print 'mylist is', mylist
直接用=赋值,那么两个对象指向同一个存在。(两者是同一事物) 如果使用[:](这应该叫做切片了吧),那么两者为不通的对象 ·几个扩展的字符串方法:
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
name ='Swaroop'
if name.startswith('Swa'):
print 'Yes, the string starts with "Swa"' if 'a' in name:
print 'Yes, it contains the string "a"' if name.find('war') != -1:
print 'Yes, it contains the string "war"' delimiter='_*_'
print delimiter.join(mylist)
【面向对象】 谈python的面向对象了。python就是这么强大。 self关键字: 类的方法区别于普通函数之处:第一个参数一定是self(也可以换为别的关键字但是不建议)。 这个self作用是,当类的一个实例对象调用类的方法的时候,self指的是这个对象本身。 {我认为在类的方法的参数列表中写self没有必要,使用约定俗成的this其实更好} ·类的创建:
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
class Person:
def sayHi(self):
print 'Hello, how are you?' p=Person()
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
class Person:
def __init__(self,name):
def sayHi(self):
print 'Hello, my name is', self.name p=Person("Chris")
·__del__方法:类似于destructor (不过下面这个例子的运行结果让人很晕,明明没有调用__del__,但结果表明它偷偷的执行了)
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
class Person:
'''Represents a person.'''
population = 0 def __init__(self,name):
'''Initializes the preson's data.'''
self.name = name
print '(Initializing %s)'%self.name #When this person is created, he/she
#adds to the population
Person.population += 1 def __del__(self):
'''I am dying.'''
print '%s says bye.'%self.name
Person.population -= 1 if Person.population == 0:
print 'I am the last one.'
print 'There are still %d people left.'%Person.population def sayHi(self):
'''Greeting by the person. Really, that's all it does.'''
print 'Hi, my name is %s.'%self.name def howMany(self):
'''Prints the current population.'''
if Person.population == 1:
print 'I am the only person here.'
print 'We have %d persons here.'%Person.population swaroop=Person('Swaroop')
swaroop.howMany() kalam=Person('Abdul Kalam')
kalam.howMany() swaroop.sayHi()
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
class SchoolMember:
'''Represents any school member.'''
def __init__(self, name, age):
print '(Initialized SchoolMember: %s)'%self.name def tell(self):
'''Tell my details.'''
print 'Name:"%s" Age:"%s"'%(self.name,self.age), class Teacher(SchoolMember):
'''Represents a teacher.'''
def __init__(self,name,age, salary):
print '(Initialized Teacher: %s)'%self.name def tell(self):
print 'Salary: "%d"'%self.salary class Student(SchoolMember):
'''Represents a student.'''
def __init__(self,name, age, marks):
SchoolMember.__init__(self,name, age)
print '(Initialized Student: %s)'%self.name def tell(self):
print 'Marks: "%d"'%self.marks
t=Teacher('Mrs. Shrividya', 40, 30000)
s=Student('Swaroop', 22, 75) print #输出一个空白行 members=[t,s]
for member in members:
【Python中的逗号】 在循环输出一行字符串的时候使用逗号结尾,可以避免多输出空的换行 ·python的文件操作: f=file('file_name',mode) f.write(str) f.close() f.readline() 一个例子:
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
Programming is fun
When the work is done
if you wanna make your work also fun
use Python!
''' f=file('poem.txt','w') #打开文件,写入形式
f.close() f=file('poem.txt')
while True:
if len(line)==0:#长度为0的行,意味着文件结束(EOF)
print line,
·异常处理 一个EOFError的例子:
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
import sys try:
s=raw_input('Enter something --> ')
except EOFError:
print '\nWhy did you do an EOF on me?'
print '\nSome error/exception occurred.' print 'Done'
·列表综合 一个简洁的列表:
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8 listone=[2,3,4]
listtwo=[2*i for i in listone if i>2]
print listtwo
函数接受不定个数参数的时候,使用* eg:
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
def powersum(power, *args):
'''Return the sum of each argument raised to specified power.'''
for i in args:
total += pow(i, power)
return total
print powersum(2,3,4)
print powersum(2,10)
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
def make_repeater(n):
return lambda s:s*n twice=make_repeater(2) print twice('word')
print twice(5)
exec:用来执行存储在字符串中的python表达式 eg:
# Filename : nice.py
# encoding:utf8
eval('print "Hello world"')
repr函数:用来取得对象的规范字符串表示。效果和反引号相同 eg
print `i`
print repr(i)
有一道题目这样描述: “创建一个类来表示一个人的信息。使用字典储存每个人的对象,把他们的名字作为键。 使用cPickle模块永久地把这些对象储存在你的硬盘上。使用字典内建的方法添加、 删除和修改人员信息。 一旦你完成了这个程序,你就可以说是一个Python程序员了。” 在网上找过了,基本上功能好实现(例如http://iris.is-programmer.com/2011/5/16/addressbook.26781.html) 但我想知道保存到硬盘的data文件中的内容(用pickle存储的),在user选择modify的时候,是否能够修改?and what about delete? I' m confuse about it, and many code version doesn't deal with the data file well. Once I re-run the python file, the stored data is empty, because 他们不从data文件中read数据! About GUI in Python: There are several tools we can use. They are: PyQt: works well in Linux. Not free in windows PyGTK: works well in Linux. wxPython:windows下可以用。免费。 TkInter:据说IDLE就是这个开发的 TkInter是标准Python发行版的一部分。在Linux和Windows下都可以用
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