import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import pickle help_ = '''
Usage: <net.prototxt> <net.binary> <target.caffemodel>
Set variable CAFFE_ROOT as root of caffe before run this demo!
''' if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print help_
prototxt = sys.argv[1]
net_bin = sys.argv[2]
target = sys.argv[3] # os.system("cd $CAFFE_ROOT")
caffe_root = os.environ["CAFFE_ROOT"]
print caffe_root
sys.path.insert(0, caffe_root + 'python')
import caffe caffe.set_mode_cpu()
net = caffe.Net(prototxt, caffe.TEST)
layers = filter(lambda x:'conv' in x or 'fc' in x or 'ip' in x, net.params.keys()) fin = open(net_bin, 'rb') def binary_to_net(weights, spm_stream, ind_stream, codebook, num_nz):
bits = np.log2(codebook.size)
if bits == 4:
slots = 2
elif bits == 8:
slots = 1
print "Not impemented,", bits
code = np.zeros(weights.size, np.uint8) # Recover from binary stream
spm = np.zeros(num_nz, np.uint8)
ind = np.zeros(num_nz, np.uint8)
if slots == 2:
spm[np.arange(0, num_nz, 2)] = spm_stream % (2**4)
spm[np.arange(1, num_nz, 2)] = spm_stream / (2**4)
spm = spm_stream
ind[np.arange(0, num_nz, 2)] = ind_stream% (2**4)
ind[np.arange(1, num_nz, 2)] = ind_stream/ (2**4) # Recover the matrix
ind = np.cumsum(ind+1)-1
code[ind] = spm
data = np.reshape(codebook[code], weights.shape)
np.copyto(weights, data) nz_num = np.fromfile(fin, dtype = np.uint32, count = len(layers))
for idx, layer in enumerate(layers):
print "Reconstruct layer", layer
print "Total Non-zero number:", nz_num[idx]
#eg . Reconstruct layer conv1
#Total Non-zero number: 13902
if 'conv' in layer:
bits = 8 #卷积层使用8bit量化,全连接使用4bit
bits = 4
codebook_size = 2 ** bits #所有码字的总数
codebook = np.fromfile(fin, dtype = np.float32, count = codebook_size)
bias = np.fromfile(fin, dtype = np.float32, count = net.params[layer][1].data.size)
np.copyto(net.params[layer][1].data, bias)   #把fin里的值拷贝进去,原先net.params[layer][1].data全部都是0 spm_stream = np.fromfile(fin, dtype = np.uint8, count = (nz_num[idx]-1) / (8/bits) + 1)
ind_stream = np.fromfile(fin, dtype = np.uint8, count = (nz_num[idx]-1) / 2+1) binary_to_net(net.params[layer][0].data, spm_stream, ind_stream, codebook, nz_num[idx])

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