Folderpairs - Edit folderpair - Sync options - Instant sync 

Select this for instant sync on change.

Only detects changes on local device.

Use with care!

Settings - Sync options - Instant sync : 

Also watch subfolders(may cause instability if large number of folders)

This feature is experimental and can be enabled for a folderpair.
When enabled, local file changes will be detected in the device folder,
and a immediate partial sync will be attempted.

It is recommended that a scheduled sync is still configured,
as some change events are not detected properly - fx. on some custom ROMs etc.

How do I use Tasker to run a sync in FolderSync?
First of all the full version is required.
The full version works as a Tasker plugin - when you configure a new task in Tasker
you are presented with a number of Action categories, one of these being "Plugin".
Select this and then select "FolderSync" plugin action.
Then press edit and select the folderpair you wish to start syncing with this task is executed by Tasker.
Then save the task as you normally would in Tasker. 
Use "file modified" context but rather than select the file, long click the foler you wish to monitor.
Any changes in the fiolder will trigger your task.
文件夹的文件删除,创建,重命名都将触发 File Modified Event.

I'm trying to create a task with a toggle widget where a specific folder's name will be changed

add a period in front, making it invisible.

Toggling the task again would make the folder visible.

However I'm not finding a way in tasker to change folder or directory names, just specific files.


in Linux (android) a directory is handled like a file.

If you move a directory from, say,

storage/sdcard/temp to storage/sdcard/.temp

it will effectively rename the directory from temp to .temp

So use the File > Move File action in Tasker.


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