Papilio Pro Boards
The Papilio is an Open Source FPGA development board based on the Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA (datasheet). It has 48 I/O lines, dual channel USB, integrated JTAG programmer, 4 power supplies, and a power connector. It provides everything needed to start learning Digital Electronics.
- Four independent power rails at 5V, 3.3V, 2.5V, and 1.2V.
- Power supplied by a power connector or USB.
- DC Input Jack.
- Input Voltage (recommended): 6.5-10V
- Two channel USB connection for JTAG and serial communications implemented with FT2232D.
- EEPROM memory to store configuration settings for FT2232 USB chip.
Spartan 3E FPGA
- 32MHz oscillator that can be used by Xilinx's DCM to generate any required clock speed.
- VTQFP-100 footprint that supports Xilinx XC3S100E, XC3S250E, and XC3S500Eparts.
- I/O can be set to support 1.2V, 2.5V, or 3.3V.
SPI Flash
- 4M SPI Flash
- 48 bidirectional I/O lines which can be split up as:
- 1x 32 Bit Wing or
- 3x 16 Bit Wings or
- 6x 8 Bit Wings
- .1" spacing for compatibility with bread boards.
- 2.7"x2.7"
The Papilio Pro is an Open Source FPGA development board based on the Xilinx Spartan 6 LX FPGA. It has 48 I/O lines, dual channel USB, integrated JTAG programmer, 64Mb SDRAM, and an efficient switching power supply.
- Spartan 6 LX9 FPGA (Datasheet)
- High efficiency LTC3419 Step Down Dual Voltage Regulator (Datasheet)
- Dual Channel FTDI FT2232 USB 2.0 Full Speed Interface (Datasheet)
- 64Mbit Micron MT48LC4M16 SDRAM (Datasheet)
- 64Mbit Macronix MX25L6445 SPI Flash (Datasheet)
- 48 I/O pins arranged in a Papilio Wing form factor
- 32Mhz Crystal Oscillator
The Papilio Pro includes a 64Mbit Micron MT48LC4M16SDRAM chip. This additional SDRAM will open up a whole new breed of FPGA applications for the Papilio. The timing requirements and refresh signals of the SDRAM chip do make interfacing it more of a challenge than interfacing regular SRAM, or the internal BRAM. We are working on a SDRAM controller that you can drop into your designs so the SDRAM can be used like regular SRAM.
SDRAM Designs
- Hamster's SDRAM Controller
- Alvie's ZPUino SDRAM controller. (derived from Hamster's SDRAM controller).
- Wishbone wrapper for Alvie's SDRAM controller.
- XAPP 394 Interfacing Mobile SDRAM with CPLD's.
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