#ifndef __GAMECONFIG_H__
#define __GAMECONFIG_H__ #include "GameFrameHead.h"
#include "GameParam.h" //生物配置
struct BiontInfo
int nId;
int nType; //生物类型
CCRect rArea; //生物活动区域
int nBulk; //体积
int nWeight; //重量 string strFile; //贴图文件
string strAudio; //声音文件
string strAction; //动作
int nTag; //标签
string strLap;
int nDirect; //方向 enum DirectType
_Normal = ,
_Reverse =,
_Both = ,
}; }; struct MapInfo
int nId;
vector<CCPoint> foundationPos;
vector<CCPoint> path; }; class CGameConfig
~CGameConfig(); static CGameConfig* getInstance();
static void destroy();
void release(); //设置资源路径 一开始就要设定
void setResourcePath(const char* psPath);
string getResourcePath();
public: bool loadBiontInfo(); //生物配置
bool loadMapInfo(); //地图配置 vector<BiontInfo>* getBiontInfo();
BiontInfo* getBiontInfoByType(int nType); map<int, MapInfo>* getMapInfo();
MapInfo* getMapInfoById(int nId); private:
static CGameConfig* g_pGameConfig;
string m_strResourcePath; private: //生物配置标识
vector<BiontInfo> m_vecBiontInfo; //地图配置
map<int, MapInfo> m_mapMapInfo; }; #endif //__GAMECONFIG_H__
#include "GameConfig.h"
#include "XXmlReader.h"
#include "XEncryptAccess.h"
#include "XCommon.h" CGameConfig* CGameConfig::g_pGameConfig = NULL; CGameConfig::CGameConfig()
{ } CGameConfig::~CGameConfig()
{ } CGameConfig* CGameConfig::getInstance()
if (!g_pGameConfig)
g_pGameConfig = new CGameConfig();
return g_pGameConfig;
} void CGameConfig::destroy()
} void CGameConfig::release()
{ } void CGameConfig::setResourcePath( const char* psPath )
m_strResourcePath = psPath;
} string CGameConfig::getResourcePath()
return m_strResourcePath;
} bool CGameConfig::loadBiontInfo()
string strFile = m_strResourcePath;
strFile += "/config/biont.xml"; //读取文档
xmlDocPtr pDoc = NULL;
LOAD_XML_DOC(strFile.c_str(), pDoc); if (NULL == pDoc)
CCLog("can not read %s", strFile.c_str());
return false;
} do
xmlNodePtr pRootNode = xmlDocGetRootElement(pDoc);
if (NULL == pRootNode)
} if( != xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "bionts", pRootNode->name))
xmlNodePtr pCurNode = pRootNode->xmlChildrenNode;
while (NULL != pCurNode)
if ( != xmlStrcmp(pCurNode->name, BAD_CAST "biont"))
pCurNode = pCurNode->next;
} BiontInfo info;
info.nType = CCXmlReader::getXMLNodeAttribInt(&pCurNode, "type");
info.strFile = CCXmlReader::getXMLNodeAttribStrs(&pCurNode, "file");
info.strAudio = CCXmlReader::getXMLNodeAttribStrs(&pCurNode, "audio");
info.nBulk = CCXmlReader::getXMLNodeAttribInt(&pCurNode, "bulk");
string strBuf = CCXmlReader::getXMLNodeAttribStrs(&pCurNode,"area");
int nX, nY, nW, nH;
sscanf(strBuf.c_str(),"%d %d %d %d",&nX, &nY, &nW, &nH);
info.rArea = CCRect(nX,nY,nW,nH);
info.strAction = CCXmlReader::getXMLNodeAttribStrs(&pCurNode, "action");
info.nTag = CCXmlReader::getXMLNodeAttribInt(&pCurNode, "tag");
info.strLap = CCXmlReader::getXMLNodeAttribStrs(&pCurNode, "lap");
info.nDirect = CCXmlReader::getXMLNodeAttribInt(&pCurNode, "direct"); m_vecBiontInfo.push_back(info); pCurNode = pCurNode->next;
} xmlFreeDoc(pDoc);
return true; } while (); xmlFreeDoc(pDoc);
CCLog("read xml error : %s", strFile.c_str());
return false;
} vector<BiontInfo>* CGameConfig::getBiontInfo()
return &m_vecBiontInfo;
} BiontInfo* CGameConfig::getBiontInfoByType( int nType )
for (vector<BiontInfo>::iterator it = m_vecBiontInfo.begin(); it != m_vecBiontInfo.end(); it++)
if (nType == it->nType)
return &(*it);
CCLog("error: CGameConfig::getBiontInfoByType");
return NULL;
} bool CGameConfig::loadMapInfo()
string strFile = m_strResourcePath;
strFile += "/config/map.xml"; //读取文档
xmlDocPtr pDoc = NULL;
LOAD_XML_DOC(strFile.c_str(), pDoc); if (NULL == pDoc)
CCLog("can not read %s", strFile.c_str());
return false;
} do
xmlNodePtr pRootNode = xmlDocGetRootElement(pDoc);
if (NULL == pRootNode)
} if( != xmlStrcmp(BAD_CAST "maps", pRootNode->name))
xmlNodePtr pElement = pRootNode->xmlChildrenNode;
while (NULL != pElement)
if ( == xmlStrcmp(pElement->name, BAD_CAST "map"))
MapInfo mapInfo;
mapInfo.nId = CCXmlReader::getXMLNodeAttribInt(&pElement, "id"); vector<string> vecData;
CXCommon::split(CCXmlReader::getXMLNodeAttribStrs(&pElement, "data"), string(";"), vecData);
for (unsigned int i = ; i < vecData.size(); i++)
vector<string> vecPos;
CXCommon::split(vecData[i], string(","), vecPos);
if (!vecPos.empty())
mapInfo.foundationPos.push_back(CCPoint(atof(vecPos[].c_str()), atof(vecPos[].c_str())));
} vector<string> vecPath;
CXCommon::split(CCXmlReader::getXMLNodeAttribStrs(&pElement, "path"), string(";"), vecPath);
for (unsigned int i = ; i < vecPath.size(); i++)
vector<string> vecPos;
CXCommon::split(vecPath[i], string(","), vecPos);
if (!vecPos.empty())
mapInfo.path.push_back(CCPoint(atof(vecPos[].c_str()), atof(vecPos[].c_str())));
} m_mapMapInfo[mapInfo.nId] = mapInfo;
pElement = pElement->next;
return true;
} while (); xmlFreeDoc(pDoc);
CCLog("read xml error : %s", strFile.c_str());
return false;
} map<int, MapInfo>* CGameConfig::getMapInfo()
return &m_mapMapInfo;
} MapInfo* CGameConfig::getMapInfoById( int nId )
for (map<int, MapInfo>::iterator it = m_mapMapInfo.begin(); it != m_mapMapInfo.end(); it++)
if (nId == it->first)
return &(it->second);
CCLog("error: CGameConfig::getMapInfoById");
return NULL;
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