kaptcha的使用比较方便,只需添加jar包依赖之后简单地配置就可以使用了。kaptcha所有配置都可以通过web.xml来完成,如果你的项目中使用了Spring MVC,那么则有另外的一种方式来实现。
- <!-- kaptcha -->
- <dependency>
- <groupId>com.google.code.kaptcha</groupId>
- <artifactId>kaptcha</artifactId>
- <version>2.3.2</version>
- </dependency>
- <servlet>
- <servlet-name>Kaptcha</servlet-name>
- <servlet-class>com.google.code.kaptcha.servlet.KaptchaServlet</servlet-class>
- </servlet>
- <servlet-mapping>
- <servlet-name>Kaptcha</servlet-name>
- <url-pattern>/kaptcha.jpg</url-pattern>
- </servlet-mapping>
- <servlet>
- <servlet-name>Kaptcha</servlet-name>
- <servlet-class>com.google.code.kaptcha.servlet.KaptchaServlet</servlet-class>
- <init-param>
- <param-name>kaptcha.image.width</param-name>
- <param-value>200</param-value>
- <description>Width in pixels of the kaptcha image.</description>
- </init-param>
- <init-param>
- <param-name>kaptcha.image.height</param-name>
- <param-value>50</param-value>
- <description>Height in pixels of the kaptcha image.</description>
- </init-param>
- <init-param>
- <param-name>kaptcha.textproducer.char.length</param-name>
- <param-value>4</param-value>
- <description>The number of characters to display.</description>
- </init-param>
- <init-param>
- <param-name>kaptcha.noise.impl</param-name>
- <param-value>com.google.code.kaptcha.impl.NoNoise</param-value>
- <description>The noise producer.</description>
- </init-param>
- </servlet>
- <form action="submit.action">
- <input type="text" name="kaptcha" value="" /><img src="kaptcha.jpg" />
- </form>
- //从session中取出servlet生成的验证码text值
- String kaptchaExpected = (String)request.getSession().getAttribute(com.google.code.kaptcha.Constants.KAPTCHA_SESSION_KEY);
- //获取用户页面输入的验证码
- String kaptchaReceived = request.getParameter("kaptcha");
- //校验验证码是否正确
- if (kaptchaReceived == null || !kaptchaReceived.equalsIgnoreCase(kaptchaExpected)){
- setError("kaptcha", "Invalid validation code.");
- }
注:确保JDK设置了 -Djava.awt.headless=true
- <img src="kaptcha.jpg" width="200" id="kaptchaImage" title="看不清,点击换一张" />
- <script type="text/javascript">
- $(function() {
- $('#kaptchaImage').click(function() {$(this).attr('src','kaptcha.jpg?' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100));});
- });
- </script>
- <br /><small>看不清,点击换一张</small>
二、Spring mvc项目中使用kaptcha
1.添加captchaProducer bean定义
- <!-- 配置kaptcha验证码 -->
- <bean id="captchaProducer" class="com.google.code.kaptcha.impl.DefaultKaptcha">
- <property name="config">
- <bean class="com.google.code.kaptcha.util.Config">
- <constructor-arg type="java.util.Properties">
- <props>
- <prop key="kaptcha.image.width">100</prop>
- <prop key="kaptcha.image.height">50</prop>
- <prop key="kaptcha.noise.impl">com.google.code.kaptcha.impl.NoNoise</prop>
- <prop key="kaptcha.textproducer.char.string">0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz</prop>
- <prop key="kaptcha.textproducer.char.length">4</prop>
- </props>
- </constructor-arg>
- </bean>
- </property>
- </bean>
- import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
- import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
- import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
- import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
- import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
- import com.google.code.kaptcha.Constants;
- import com.google.code.kaptcha.Producer;
- /**
- * ClassName: CaptchaImageCreateController <br/>
- * Function: 生成验证码Controller. <br/>
- * date: 2013-12-10 上午11:37:42 <br/>
- *
- * @author chenzhou1025@126.com
- */
- @Controller
- public class CaptchaImageCreateController {
- private Producer captchaProducer = null;
- @Autowired
- public void setCaptchaProducer(Producer captchaProducer){
- this.captchaProducer = captchaProducer;
- }
- @RequestMapping("/kaptcha.jpg")
- public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception{
- // Set to expire far in the past.
- response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);
- // Set standard HTTP/1.1 no-cache headers.
- response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
- // Set IE extended HTTP/1.1 no-cache headers (use addHeader).
- response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "post-check=0, pre-check=0");
- // Set standard HTTP/1.0 no-cache header.
- response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
- // return a jpeg
- response.setContentType("image/jpeg");
- // create the text for the image
- String capText = captchaProducer.createText();
- // store the text in the session
- request.getSession().setAttribute(Constants.KAPTCHA_SESSION_KEY, capText);
- // create the image with the text
- BufferedImage bi = captchaProducer.createImage(capText);
- ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
- // write the data out
- ImageIO.write(bi, "jpg", out);
- try {
- out.flush();
- } finally {
- out.close();
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * ClassName: LoginController <br/>
- * Function: 登录Controller. <br/>
- * date: 2013-12-10 上午11:41:43 <br/>
- *
- * @author chenzhou1025@126.com
- */
- @Controller
- @RequestMapping("/login")
- public class LoginController {
- /**
- * loginCheck:ajax异步校验登录请求. <br/>
- *
- * @author chenzhou1025@126.com
- * @param request
- * @param username 用户名
- * @param password 密码
- * @param kaptchaReceived 验证码
- * @return 校验结果
- * @since 2013-12-10
- */
- @RequestMapping(value = "check", method = RequestMethod.POST)
- @ResponseBody
- public String loginCheck(HttpServletRequest request,
- @RequestParam(value = "username", required = true) String username,
- @RequestParam(value = "password", required = true) String password,
- @RequestParam(value = "kaptcha", required = true) String kaptchaReceived){
- //用户输入的验证码的值
- String kaptchaExpected = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute(
- com.google.code.kaptcha.Constants.KAPTCHA_SESSION_KEY);
- //校验验证码是否正确
- if (kaptchaReceived == null || !kaptchaReceived.equals(kaptchaExpected)) {
- return "kaptcha_error";//返回验证码错误
- }
- //校验用户名密码
- // ……
- // ……
- return "success"; //校验通过返回成功
- }
- }
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kaptcha 是一个非常实用的验证码生成工具.有了它,你可以生成各种样式的验证码,因为它是可配置的.kaptcha工作的原理是调用 com.google.code.kaptcha.servlet.K ...
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