Register Combinational Logic Outputs

If you use the output from combinational logic as a clock signal or as an asynchronous reset signal, you can expect to see glitches in your design. In a synchronous design, glitches on data inputs of registers are normal events that have no consequences. However, a glitch or a spike on the clock input (or an asynchronous input) to a register can have significant consequences.

Narrow glitches can violate the register’s minimum pulse width requirements. Setup and hold requirements might also be violated if the data input of the register changes when a glitch reaches the clock input. Even if the design does not violate timing requirements, the register output can change value unexpectedly and cause functional hazards elsewhere in the design.

To avoid these problems, you should always register the output of combinational logic before you use it as a clock signal.

Figure 1. Recommended Clock-Generation Technique

Registering the output of combinational logic ensures that glitches generated by the combinational logic are blocked at the data input of the register.

Use Synchronous Clock Enables

To turn off a clock domain in a synchronous manner, use a synchronous clock enable signal. FPGAs efficiently support clock enable signals because there is a dedicated clock enable signal available on all device registers.

This scheme does not reduce power consumption as much as gating the clock at the source because the clock network keeps toggling, and performs the same function as a gated clock by disabling a set of registers. Insert a multiplexer in front of the data input of every register to either load new data, or copy the output of the register.

Recommended Clock-Gating Methods

Use gated clocks only when your target application requires power reduction and when gated clocks are able to provide the required reduction in your device architecture.

If you must use clocks gated by logic, implement these clocks using the robust clock-gating technique and ensure that the gated clock signal uses dedicated global clock routing.

You can gate a clock signal at the source of the clock network, at each register, or somewhere in between. Because the clock network contributes to switching power consumption, gate the clock at the source whenever possible, so that you can shut down the entire clock network instead of gating it further along the clock network at the registers.

Figure 1. Recommended Clock-Gating Technique

A register generates the enable signal to ensure that the signal is free of glitches and spikes. The register that generates the enable signal is triggered on the inactive edge of the clock to be gated. Use the falling edge when gating a clock that is active on the rising edge. Using this technique, only one input of the gate that turns the clock on and off changes at a time. This prevents glitches or spikes on the output. Use an AND gate to gate a clock that is active on the rising edge. For a clock that is active on the falling edge, use an OR gate to gate the clock and register the enable command with a positive edge-triggered register.

When using this technique, pay close attention to the duty cycle of the clock and the delay through the logic that generates the enable signal because you must generate the enable command in one-half the clock cycle. This situation might cause problems if the logic that generates the enable command is particularly complex, or if the duty cycle of the clock is severely unbalanced. However, careful management of the duty cycle and logic delay may be an acceptable solution when compared with problems created by other methods of gating clocks.

Ensure that you apply a clock setting to the gated clock in the TimeQuest analyzer. Apply a clock setting to the output of the AND gate. Otherwise, the timing analyzer might analyze the circuit using the clock path through the register as the longest clock path and the path that skips the register as the shortest clock path, resulting in artificial clock skew.

In certain cases, converting the gated clocks to clock enables may help reduce glitch and clock skew, and eventually produce a more accurate timing analysis. You can set the Quartus® Prime software to automatically convert gated clocks to clock enables by turning on the Auto Gated Clock Conversion option. The conversion applies to two types of gated clocking schemes: single-gated clock and cascaded-gated clock.


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