class Solution:
def f(self, n, m):
if n < m:
n, m = m, n
if (n, m) in self.mem:
return self.mem[(n, m)]
if n == m:
ans =
ans = n*m
for i in range(, n):
ans = min(ans, self.f(i, m) + self.f(n-i, m))
for i in range(, m):
ans = min(ans, self.f(n, i) + self.f(n, m-i))
self.mem[(n, m)] = ans
return ans
def tilingRectangle(self, n: int, m: int) -> int:
if n < m:
n, m = m, n
if n == and m == :
self.mem = {}
return self.f(n, m)
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