regin: n. 统治; 任期

lap:n. 大腿部.

procession: n. 行列,游行

lessen: n. 减少

wade: v. 跋涉

patriotic: adj. 爱国的

Mediterranean: n. 地中海居民

poultry: n. 家禽

moan: v. 呻吟

at dawn: adv. 拂晓

take off: v. 起飞,脱下,突然成功

come of age: v, 成年,成熟

put on a lot weight: v. 增重

proposition: n. 主张

flaunt. v. 炫耀

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live. it is asking others to live as wishes to live.的更多相关文章

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