说来奇幻(对本菜来说, 经常遇到堪称奇幻的问题)

之前在docker里面各种安装都没问题, 也不知道什么引起的, 昨天晚上调试的时候卸载了一个包的版本,然后就安不上了.


网上找了许多方法, 最后在 /etc/resolv.conf 文件内添加如下的代码解决了:



上面的博客提到了这个方法,但是不明白什么原因, 所以就没试, 然后在


上又找到了同样的方案,这次这哥们给了点说明:  Docker没有使用正确的DNS服务器。将谷歌的DNS服务器地址 添加到那个配置文件

Your problem comes from the fact that Docker is not using the proper DNS server. You can fix it in three different ways :

1. Adding Google DNS to your local config

Modifying /etc/resolv.conf and adding the following lines at the end

# Google IPv4 nameservers nameserver nameserver

If you want to add other DNS servers, have a look here.

However this change won't be permanent (see this thread). To make it permanent : $ sudo nano /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf Uncomment and edit the line with prepend domain-name-server : prepend domain-name-servers,;

Restart dhclient : $ sudo dhclient.

2. Modifying Docker config

As explained in the docs :

Systems that run Ubuntu or an Ubuntu derivative on the desktop typically use as the default nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf file.

To specify a DNS server for use by Docker :

1. Log into Ubuntu as a user with sudo privileges.

2. Open the /etc/default/docker file for editing :

    $ sudo nano /etc/default/docker

3. Add the following setting for Docker.


4. Save and close the file.

5. Restart the Docker daemon :

    $ sudo systemctl restart docker

3. Using a parameter when you run Docker

When you run docker, simply add the following parameter : --dns

我是用的第一个方法, 虽然解决了, 但是为什么之前都没出现这个问题呢?

我服务器默认的是阿里云的DNS服务器地址, 查看了下我的电脑虚拟机的,用的是虚拟的局域网IP地址,


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