


class Solution(object):
def nearestPalindromic(self, n):
:type n: str
:rtype: str
l = list(n)
low = 0
high = len(l) - 1
while low <= high:
if l[low] != l[high]:
l[high] = l[low]
low += 1
high -= 1 candidateList = ['' + ''*(len(n)-1) + '','' * (len(n) - 1),''.join(l)]
mid = len(l) / 2
if len(l) % 2 == 0:
if l[mid] == '':
candidateList.append(''.join(l[0:mid - 1] + [''] * 2 + l[mid + 1:]))
elif l[mid] == 9:
candidateList.append(''.join(l[0:mid - 1] + [''] * 2 + l[mid + 1:]))
candidateList.append(''.join(l[0:mid - 1] + [str(int(l[mid]) - 1)] * 2 + l[mid + 1:]))
candidateList.append(''.join(l[0:mid - 1] + [str(int(l[mid]) + 1)] * 2 + l[mid + 1:]))
if l[mid] == '':
candidateList.append(''.join(l[0:mid] + [''] * 1 + l[mid + 1:]))
elif l[mid] == 9:
candidateList.append(''.join(l[0:mid] + [''] * 1 + l[mid + 1:]))
candidateList.append(''.join(l[0:mid] + [str(int(l[mid]) - 1)] * 1 + l[mid + 1:]))
candidateList.append(''.join(l[0:mid] + [str(int(l[mid]) + 1)] * 1 + l[mid + 1:])) res = ''
mDiff = 0
for i in candidateList:
if i == n or i == '':
diff = abs(int(n) - int(i))
if mDiff == 0 or mDiff > diff:
res = i
mDiff = diff
elif mDiff == diff:
res = str(min(int(res), int(i))) return res

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