int binary_search(int* A, int value, int p, int r); int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int A[] = {, , , , , , , , , }; int index = binary_search(A, , , ); printf("%d\n", index); return ;
} int binary_search(int* A, int value, int p, int r){
if(A==NULL || p>r){
return -;
} int q;
q = p/ + r/;
if(A[q] == A[q-]){
r = q-;
return q;
else if(value > A[q]){
p = q+;
else if(value < A[q]){
r = q-;
} return -1;
1 while(p<r) error case:
查找value 5
q = (p+r)/2 = 4
p = q + 1 = 5
(p < r) != true
while 结束,没有找到5
2 q = p/2 + r/2 error case:
查找value 5
q = p/2 + r/2 = 4
q 超出了p和r的范围,陷入死循环之中
3 q = (p+r)/2 可能会越界
4 A[q] == A[q-1] 可能会越界
正确的方案(忽略 p+r 越界)
int binary_search(int* A, int value, int p, int r){
if(A==NULL || p>r){
return -;
} int q;
q = (p + r)/;
if(q> && A[q] == A[q-]){
r = q-;
return q;
else if(value > A[q]){
p = q+;
else if(value < A[q]){
r = q-;
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