1. 如何获得zlib


2. 用VC++6.0打开

把 下载的源代码解压打开,VC6.0的工程已经建好了,在\projects\visualc6. 双击zlib.dsw, 可以在VC++6.0中看到里面有3个工程: zlib 是库文件(编译设置选中 win32 lib debug / release), 工程example 是如何使用 zlib.lib 的示例, 工程minigzip是如何用 zlib 提供的函数读写.gz文件的示例(*.gz的文件一般Linux下比较常用).

3. 如何加入到我的工程

编译好 zlib.lib 后, 你就得到了调用一个静态库所需要的所有文件了(zlib.lib, zlib.h, zconf.h). 如何调用静态库不用我说了吧.

4. 用zlib能干什么

先来看看 zlib 都提供了那些函数, 都在zlib.h中,看到一堆宏不要晕,其实都是为了兼容各种编译器和一些类型定义.死死抓住那些主要的函数的原型声明就不会受到这些东西的影响了.


(1)int compress (Bytef *dest,   uLongf *destLen, const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen);

把源缓冲压缩成目的缓冲, 就那么简单, 一个函数搞定

(2) int compress2 (Bytef *dest,   uLongf *destLen,const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen,int level);


(3) uLong compressBound (uLong sourceLen);

计算需要的缓冲区长度. 假设你在压缩之前就想知道你的产度为sourcelen 的数据压缩后有多大, 可调用这个函数计算一下,这个函数并不能得到精确的结果,但是它可以保证实际输出长度肯定小于它计算出来的长度

(4) int uncompress (Bytef *dest,   uLongf *destLen,const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen);


(5) deflateInit() + deflate() + deflateEnd()

3个函数结合使用完成压缩功能,具体用法看 example.c 的test_deflate()函数. 其实 compress() 函数内部就是用这3个函数实现的(工程 zlib 的 compress.c 文件)

(6) inflateInit() + inflate() + inflateEnd()


(7) gz开头的函数. 用来操作*.gz的文件,和文件stdio调用方式类似.想知道怎么用的话看example.c 的 test_gzio() 函数,很easy.

(8) 其他诸如获得版本等函数就不说了.

总结: 其实只要有了compress() 和uncompress() 两个函数,在大多数应用中就足够了.

题外话: 我最初看到zlib的源代码时被好多宏吓倒了,呵呵,后来仔细看下去才发现原来接口那么简单. 至于那些英文说明也没想象中的那么难懂.只要有尝试的勇气,总能有些收获.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "zlib.h"

using namespace std;

#define MaxBufferSize 1024*10

void main()
    int i;

FILE* File_src;
     FILE* File_tmp;
     FILE* File_dest;

unsigned long   len_src;
     unsigned long len_tmp;
     unsigned long len_dest;

unsigned char *buffer_src  = new unsignedchar[MaxBufferSize];
     unsigned char *buffer_tmp  = new unsignedchar[MaxBufferSize];
     unsigned char *buffer_dest = new unsignedchar[MaxBufferSize];

File_src = fopen("src.txt","r");
     len_src = fread(buffer_src,sizeof(char),MaxBufferSize-1,File_src);

for(i = 0 ; i < len_src ; ++i)

File_tmp = fopen("tmp.txt","w");

for(i = 0 ; i < len_tmp ; ++i)


File_tmp = fopen("tmp.txt","r");
     File_dest = fopen("dest.txt","w");

for(i = 0 ; i < len_dest ; ++i)


Write to file :

char * pchData = "xxx..." ;    
gzFile fData = gzopen(pchFile,"wb");    

read from file :

char pchData[1024];    
gzFile fData = gzopen(pchFile,"rb");    
int n = gzread(fData,pchData,1024);    



    包含头文件 zlib.h 和 zconf.h 和 zlib.lib
在stdafx.h 中加入:
#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment(lib,"zlibd.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"zlib.lib")
#include "zlib.h"
#include "zconf.h"

HANDLE hFile, hFileToWrite;
 CString strFilePath;
 hFile = CreateFile(strFilePath, // file name
  GENERIC_READ, // open for reading
  FILE_SHARE_READ, // share for reading
  NULL, // no security
  OPEN_EXISTING, // existing file only
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // normal file
  NULL); // no attr. template
  AfxMessageBox("Could not open file to read"); // process error
 HANDLE hMapFile, hMapFileToWrite;
 hMapFile = CreateFileMapping(hFile, // Current file handle.
  NULL, // Default security.
  PAGE_READONLY, // Read/write permission.
  0, // Max. object size.
  0, // Size of hFile.
  "ZipTestMappingObjectForRead"); // Name of mapping object.
 if (hMapFile == NULL)
  AfxMessageBox("Could not create file mapping object");
 LPVOID lpMapAddress, lpMapAddressToWrite;
 lpMapAddress = MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, // Handle to mapping object.
  FILE_MAP_READ, // Read/write permission
  0, // Max. object size.
  0, // Size of hFile.
  0); // Map entire file.
 if (lpMapAddress == NULL)
  AfxMessageBox("Could not map view of file");
 DWORD dwFileLength,dwFileLengthToWrite;
 dwFileLength = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
 m_dwSourceFileLength = dwFileLength;
 //因为压缩函数的输出缓冲必须比输入大0.1% + 12 然后一个DWORD用来保存压缩前的大小,
 // 解压缩的时候用,当然还可以保存更多的信息,这里用不到
 dwFileLengthToWrite = (double)dwFileLength*1.001 + 12 + sizeof(DWORD);
 hFileToWrite = CreateFile("demoFile.rar", // demoFile.rar
  GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, // open for writing
  0, // do not share
  NULL, // no security
  CREATE_ALWAYS, // overwrite existing
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL , // normal file
  NULL); // no attr. template
 if (hFileToWrite == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
  AfxMessageBox("Could not open file to write"); // process error
 hMapFileToWrite = CreateFileMapping(hFileToWrite, // Current file handle.
  NULL, // Default security.
  PAGE_READWRITE, // Read/write permission.
  0, // Max. object size.
  dwFileLengthToWrite, // Size of hFile.
  "ZipTestMappingObjectForWrite"); // Name of mapping object.
 if (hMapFileToWrite == NULL)
  AfxMessageBox("Could not create file mapping object for write");
 lpMapAddressToWrite = MapViewOfFile(hMapFileToWrite, // Handle to mapping object.
  FILE_MAP_WRITE, // Read/write permission
  0, // Max. object size.
  0, // Size of hFile.
  0); // Map entire file.
 if (lpMapAddressToWrite == NULL)
  AfxMessageBox("Could not map view of file");
 LPVOID pBuf = lpMapAddressToWrite;
 (*(DWORD*)pBuf) = dwFileLength;
 pBuf = (DWORD*)pBuf + 1;
 //int compress (Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen, const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen);
 compress((Bytef*)pBuf,&dwFileLengthToWrite, (Bytef*)lpMapAddress, dwFileLength);
 SetFilePointer(hFileToWrite,dwFileLengthToWrite + sizeof(DWORD) ,NULL,FILE_BEGIN);


int uncompress (Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen, const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen);

HANDLE hFile, hFileToWrite;
 CString strFilePath;
 hFile = CreateFile(strFilePath, // file name
  GENERIC_READ, // open for reading
  FILE_SHARE_READ, // share for reading
  NULL, // no security
  OPEN_EXISTING, // existing file only
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // normal file
  NULL); // no attr. template
  AfxMessageBox("Could not open file to read"); // process error
 HANDLE hMapFile, hMapFileToWrite;
 hMapFile = CreateFileMapping(hFile, // Current file handle.
  NULL, // Default security.
  PAGE_READONLY, // Read/write permission.
  0, // Max. object size.
  0, // Size of hFile.
  "ZipTestMappingObjectForRead"); // Name of mapping object.
 if (hMapFile == NULL)
  AfxMessageBox("Could not create file mapping object");
 LPVOID lpMapAddress, lpMapAddressToWrite;
 lpMapAddress = MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, // Handle to mapping object.
  FILE_MAP_READ, // Read/write permission
  0, // Max. object size.
  0, // Size of hFile.
  0); // Map entire file.
 if (lpMapAddress == NULL)
  AfxMessageBox("Could not map view of file");
 DWORD dwFileLength,dwFileLengthToWrite;
 dwFileLength = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL) - sizeof(DWORD);
 //因为压缩函数的输出缓冲必须比输入大0.1% + 12 然后一个DWORD用来保存压缩前的大小,
 // 解压缩的时候用,当然还可以保存更多的信息,这里用不到
// dwFileLengthToWrite = (double)dwFileLength*1.001 + 12 + sizeof(DWORD);
 dwFileLengthToWrite = (*(DWORD*)lpMapAddress);

LPVOID pSourceBuf = lpMapAddress;
 pSourceBuf = (DWORD*)pSourceBuf + 1;
 hFileToWrite = CreateFile("demoFile.pdf", // create demo.gz
  GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, // open for writing
  0, // do not share
  NULL, // no security
  CREATE_ALWAYS, // overwrite existing
  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL , // normal file
  NULL); // no attr. template
 if (hFileToWrite == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
  AfxMessageBox("Could not open file to write"); // process error
 hMapFileToWrite = CreateFileMapping(hFileToWrite, // Current file handle.
  NULL, // Default security.
  PAGE_READWRITE, // Read/write permission.
  0, // Max. object size.
  dwFileLengthToWrite, // Size of hFile.
  "ZipTestMappingObjectForWrite"); // Name of mapping object.
 if (hMapFileToWrite == NULL)
  AfxMessageBox("Could not create file mapping object for write");
 lpMapAddressToWrite = MapViewOfFile(hMapFileToWrite, // Handle to mapping object.
  FILE_MAP_WRITE, // Read/write permission
  0, // Max. object size.
  0, // Size of hFile.
  0); // Map entire file.
 if (lpMapAddressToWrite == NULL)
  AfxMessageBox("Could not map view of file");
 LPVOID pBuf = lpMapAddressToWrite;
 //int compress (Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen, const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen);
 uncompress((Bytef*)pBuf,&dwFileLengthToWrite, (Bytef*)pSourceBuf, dwFileLength);
 SetFilePointer(hFileToWrite,dwFileLengthToWrite ,NULL,FILE_BEGIN);


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