


5    123





5*16 = 80

5    123-80=43




5*8 = 40

5    43-40=3

5<3, thus result = 16+8 = 24

(if dividend == 125, finally we have:

5==5, thus result = 16+8+1 = 25;)


    int divide(long long a, long long b) {
if(b==) return a>=?0x7fffffff:0x80000000;
if(a==) return ;
if(b==) return a;
int sgn = (a^b) & 0x80000000; //0 -> +, 0x80000000 -> -
if(a<) a=-a;
if(b<) b=-b;
if(a<b) return ;
int res = , _b = b, twon;
twon = ;
a -= b;
b = _b;
res += twon;
if(a==b) res++;
return -res;
else return res;


这里玩了一个小trick,用long long而不是int来存变量了,主要是防止被除数太大时除数移位会溢出变成负数。当然去掉long long也不难啦,加上溢出的判断就好了。只不过,这里的溢出判断和函数atoi是有所不同的,atoi中的result每次乘以10再加上0-9,而这边是乘以2。以上。

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