using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace datatable
public class ConsoleTable
/// <summary>
/// This will hold the header of the table.
/// </summary>
private string[] header; /// <summary>
/// This will hold the rows (lines) in the table, not including the
/// header. I'm using a List of lists because it's easier to deal with...
/// </summary>
private List<List<string>> rows; /// <summary>
/// This is the default element (character/string) that will be put
/// in the table when user adds invalid data, example:
/// ConsoleTable ct = new ConsoleTable();
/// ct.AddRow(new List<string> { null, "bla", "bla" });
/// That null will be replaced with "DefaultElement", also, empty
/// strings will be replaced with this value.
/// </summary>
private const string DefaultElement = "X"; public enum AlignText
} public ConsoleTable()
header = null;
rows = new List<List<string>>();
TextAlignment = AlignText.ALIGN_LEFT;
} /// <summary>
/// Set text alignment in table cells, either RIGHT or LEFT.
/// </summary>
public AlignText TextAlignment
} public void SetHeaders(string[] h)
header = h;
} public void AddRow(List<string> row)
} private void AppendLine(StringBuilder hsb, int length)
// " " length is 1
// "\r\n" length is 2
// +1 length because I want the output to be prettier
// Hence the length - 4 ...
hsb.Append(" ");
hsb.Append(new string('-', length - ));
} /// <summary>
/// This function returns the maximum possible length of an
/// individual row (line). Of course that if we use table header,
/// the maximum length of an individual row should equal the
/// length of the header.
/// </summary>
private int GetMaxRowLength()
if (header != null)
return header.Length;
int maxlen = rows[].Count;
for (int i = ; i < rows.Count; i++)
if (rows[i].Count > maxlen)
maxlen = rows[i].Count; return maxlen;
} private void PutDefaultElementAndRemoveExtra()
int maxlen = GetMaxRowLength(); for (int i = ; i < rows.Count; i++)
// If we find a line that is smaller than the biggest line,
// we'll add DefaultElement at the end of that line. In the end
// the line will be as big as the biggest line.
if (rows[i].Count < maxlen)
int loops = maxlen - rows[i].Count;
for (int k = ; k < loops; k++)
else if (rows[i].Count > maxlen)
// This will apply only when header != null, and we try to
// add a line bigger than the header line. Remove the elements
// of the line, from right to left, until the line is equal
// with the header line.
rows[i].RemoveRange(maxlen, rows[i].Count - maxlen);
} // Find bad data, loop through all table elements.
for (int j = ; j < rows[i].Count; j++)
if (rows[i][j] == null)
rows[i][j] = DefaultElement;
else if (rows[i][j] == "")
rows[i][j] = DefaultElement;
} /// <summary>
/// This function will return an array of integers, an element at
/// position 'i' will return the maximum length from column 'i'
/// of the table (if we look at the table as a matrix).
/// </summary>
private int[] GetWidths()
int[] widths = null;
if (header != null)
// Initially we assume that the maximum length from column 'i'
// is exactly the length of the header from column 'i'.
widths = new int[header.Length];
for (int i = ; i < header.Length; i++)
widths[i] = header[i].ToString().Length;
int count = GetMaxRowLength();
widths = new int[count];
for (int i = ; i < count; i++)
widths[i] = -;
} foreach (List<string> s in rows)
for (int i = ; i < s.Count; i++)
s[i] = s[i].Trim();
if (s[i].Length > widths[i])
widths[i] = s[i].Length;
} return widths;
} /// <summary>
/// Returns a valid format that is to be passed to AppendFormat
/// member function of StringBuilder.
/// General form: "|{i, +/-widths[i]}|", where 0 <= i <= widths.Length - 1
/// and widths[i] represents the maximum width from column 'i'.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="widths">The array of widths presented above.</param>
private string BuildRowFormat(int[] widths)
string rowFormat = String.Empty;
for (int i = ; i < widths.Length; i++)
if (TextAlignment == AlignText.ALIGN_LEFT)
rowFormat += "| {" + i.ToString() + ",-" + (widths[i]) + "} ";
rowFormat += "| {" + i.ToString() + "," + (widths[i]) + "} ";
} rowFormat = rowFormat.Insert(rowFormat.Length, "|\r\n");
return rowFormat;
} /// <summary>
/// Prints the table, main function.
/// </summary>
public void PrintTable()
if (rows.Count == )
Console.WriteLine("Can't create a table without any rows.");
PutDefaultElementAndRemoveExtra(); int[] widths = GetWidths();
string rowFormat = BuildRowFormat(widths); // I'm using a temporary string builder to find the total width
// of the table, and increase BufferWidth of Console if necessary.
StringBuilder toFindLen = new StringBuilder();
toFindLen.AppendFormat(rowFormat, (header == null ? rows[].ToArray() : header));
int length = toFindLen.Length;
if (Console.BufferWidth < length)
Console.BufferWidth = length; // Print the first row, or header (if it exist), you can see that AppendLine
// is called before/after every AppendFormat.
StringBuilder hsb = new StringBuilder();
AppendLine(hsb, length);
hsb.AppendFormat(rowFormat, (header == null ? rows[].ToArray() : header));
AppendLine(hsb, length); // If header does't exist, we start from 1 because the first row
// was already printed above.
int idx = ;
if (header == null)
idx = ;
for (int i = idx; i < rows.Count; i++)
hsb.AppendFormat(rowFormat, rows[i].ToArray());
AppendLine(hsb, length);
} Console.WriteLine(hsb.ToString());
} static void Main(string[] args)
// Some test table, with header, and 3 lines by 3 columns.
ConsoleTable ct = new ConsoleTable();
ct.TextAlignment = ConsoleTable.AlignText.ALIGN_RIGHT;
ct.SetHeaders(new string[] { "ID", "Name", "City" });
ct.AddRow(new List<string> { "", "John", "New York" });
ct.AddRow(new List<string> { "", "Mark", "Washington" });
ct.AddRow(new List<string> { "", "Alice", "Chicago" });

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