New Lantern Version Available

Upgrade Lantern for improved blocking resistance!

The new version:
  • is harder for censors to identify.
  • restarts the trust network to reflect usersʼ real relationships. This means all users will start out with zero friends again.

We’re excited to share the latest Lantern release with you. The network experienced explosive growth in November and December expanding from 500 testers to over 18K users. In response to this growth, the GFW implemented sophisticated blocking techniques that ultimately blocked Lantern for almost all Chinese users.

Our developers worked tirelessly to experiment with a new version of Lantern to counter the censors, making Lantern network traffic less identifiable and, therefore, less blockable. In addition, this new version places a greater emphasis on only inviting people you truly trust to join Lantern, in part through limiting the number of people you can invite. The security of the network depends on the software and the users working together to keep censors out. The change means that when you install this version, your friends list will start at zero. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this causes. It was essential that we reboot the network by only inviting our closest contacts.

We’re asking everyone going forward to only invite people you know and trust to join Lantern. Inviting users you do not know will likely result in Lantern getting blocked and no longer working to provide you with open Internet access. With every user invitation, you are doing two things:

  1. Allowing them to invite more users
  2. Exposing yourself to peers up to four hops away and proxying through them if you’re in “get” mode or allowing them to proxy through you if you're in “give” mode.

We are counting on you to work with us to rebuild the network by adding only those you know and trust. We’re grateful to all of you for working with us to develop Lantern. We’ve learned so much in the last few months about making Lantern more and more resistant to blocking. The experience has helped us deal with vulnerabilities that will improve Lantern long into the future.

Thanks for being part of the Lantern network and helping to create an equal Internet for everyone.

New Lantern Version Available Upgrade Lantern for improved blocking resistance!的更多相关文章

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